Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [verb] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 If the patient 's lips , tongue or face take on a purply-bluish tint .
2 History has seen many types of spirit ‘ answering machines ’ including table rapping or tipping ( each rap or tilt spelling out a letter or answer ) and pendulum swinging over an alphabet .
3 Then allow your goal or Dream to take on a symbolic form , and appear on the grass in front of you .
4 I referred to Yorkshire six minutes ago — it has taken the hon. Gentleman that long to work up a head of steam .
5 Nevertheless , it is possible to describe some of the typical components that go to make up a paradigm .
6 The assumption remains that most women will continue to be satisfied with conventional provision and that the others , the ‘ more liberated ’ perhaps , can choose women 's studies options which now exist amidst the many other courses that go to make up a centre programme .
7 Whatever the actual part you play in the business , or indeed , if you have to play all the parts that go to make up a funeral directing business , what is your attitude towards the job as a whole ?
8 Figure 11.4 shows the complicated web of paper transfers that go to make up a transaction .
9 They are some parents that do bringing out a book .
10 Turning to the third category , of strokes that serve to separate clearly a single note from a group of slurred notes that either precede or follow , we could call them ‘ separation strokes ’ We find strokes in such patterns as shown in ex.3a so overwhelmingly , that we can identify sporadic dots as shrunken strokes .
11 Every experience of childbirth is different , so the accounts by teenage mothers that follow illustrate just a few of these .
12 Doing ones that have got maybe a mixture , of percentages .
13 The efforts made by Sussex police — and the three other UK forces that have set up a specialist antiques squad — are hampered by the fact that knocking in itself is not illegal .
14 ‘ I am going round London in 80 days , ’ I say , ‘ and intend to pick up a local bus at Heathrow ’ .
15 And I think you 've got ta address my doubts because if I have doubts how am I going to stand in front of members and say hang on a minute , I can give you all of these answers , I can tell you what unison 's going to be like and this is what 's been decided , now come back to me and give me your fears , give me your doubts and I 'll go and take them on to represent you .
16 On receiving a petition it is the function of the Commission to ascertain the facts and seek to bring about a friendly settlement of the matter on the basis of respect for the human rights set out in the Convention ( Art.28 ) .
17 In Chapter 12 I give additional clarifications about my use of the word " structure " and try to explain why a structural approach is incompatible with a description of the world in terms of objects and attributes .
18 Or go back to HQ , and try to think up a few lines of enquiry for the staff there to pursue — men and women looking progressively more unwashed and unkempt and incompetent as the small hours of the morning gradually wore on .
19 Landowners ca n't do exactly what they want for a start , and if they intend to do anything which might damage the site they have to inform the Nature Conservancy Council in writing and try to work out a compromise .
20 The only fair way was to read the transcripts of those who had been there and try to piece together a sequence of events .
21 Mushroom Bookshop and Airlift go back a long way , to the days when both of us attracted unwelcome police attention for some of our more esoteric wares .
22 Another reason is that , without such a freewheel , the tail rotor will continue to rotate at a normal speed and attempt to cancel out a torque effect which is no longer present .
23 So you pick up the pieces and start turning up a little here and a little — but you get the idea .
24 Hi , I do a bit of player poster collection and have missed quite a number of Leeds players from the early 80s to late 80s .
25 During this period I have learnt a great deal about what children like [ and dislike ] at parties and have gathered together a selection of games , songs and magic tricks which I can guarantee will make any party a day to remember , for both children and adults .
26 ‘ I 've had six years experience in this market and have built up a high personal profile among clients , ’ he explains .
27 ‘ The Millar ’ are to be seen regularly at numerous parades and have built up a reputation of excellent musical ability , together with superb marching talent .
28 Although they have worked as a duo since 1987 and have built up a great following throughout these islands and abroad , their respective musical experiences go back much further .
29 I have therefore taken my discussions with senior staff one step further and have drawn up a discussion document on Council Tax Structure and Staffing which addresses the various issues currently being examined .
30 Manufacturers and packagers have arranged to pick up transport wrappings from retailers and have set up a parallel waste-collection scheme , called the ‘ Duales System Deutscheland ’ , ( DSD ) which picks up recyclable packaging from households and returns it to the manufacturers .
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