Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] [verb] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Or remain to stare down the reflection of his own fear ?
2 If you decide to sell up , you know , or want to know where the money 's been put .
3 Very small windows are usually better just left , and given a plant , vase of flowers or object to cheer up the sill .
4 If the patient 's lips , tongue or face take on a purply-bluish tint .
5 Use a steel chisel or bolster to cut away the plaster and brick to a depth of about 35mm
6 It 's not a big deal in the scheme of things but you get an awful lot of hassle when all your mates are going to university , or start bringing home the bacon .
7 Do not be aggressive or start laying down the law about your rights .
8 History has seen many types of spirit ‘ answering machines ’ including table rapping or tipping ( each rap or tilt spelling out a letter or answer ) and pendulum swinging over an alphabet .
9 Four grades of histological injury were recorded : 0 , no damage or damage involving only the surface epithelial cells ; I , shallow damage involving up to 10% of the mucosal depth ; II , medium damage involving up to 25% of the mucosal depth ; and III , deep demage involving >25% of the mucosal depth .
10 Then allow your goal or Dream to take on a symbolic form , and appear on the grass in front of you .
11 Most newly-appointed Prime Ministers are embarrassed by a plethora of well-qualified supplicants ; MacDonald could scarcely find enough party stalwarts with the ability or experience to fill even the major posts .
12 This method is also ideal if you have to reknit a neckband or have sewn up the second shoulder in error .
13 I referred to Yorkshire six minutes ago — it has taken the hon. Gentleman that long to work up a head of steam .
14 The temptation to stay in town for a curry or a Schwarzenegger film , or both , can seriously disrupt that urge to carry on the journey up the 277 summits .
15 Nevertheless , it is possible to describe some of the typical components that go to make up a paradigm .
16 The assumption remains that most women will continue to be satisfied with conventional provision and that the others , the ‘ more liberated ’ perhaps , can choose women 's studies options which now exist amidst the many other courses that go to make up a centre programme .
17 Whatever the actual part you play in the business , or indeed , if you have to play all the parts that go to make up a funeral directing business , what is your attitude towards the job as a whole ?
18 Figure 11.4 shows the complicated web of paper transfers that go to make up a transaction .
19 They include current selection theory describing the mechanisms of biological change , accounts of animal studies that provide evidence concerning the psychobiological ‘ platform ’ from which human life ascended , inferences from infrahuman primates and other animals to man , and finally a treatment of the evolution of the component faculties that go to make up the human mind .
20 Latent inhibition training can be expected , therefore , to establish a network of associations among the component parts that go to make up the stimulus .
21 The novel proves that knowledge is possible , but also that it is in a sense artificial : it does not come from the past , historical knowledge in particular can not simply be uncovered , laid bare and put out to view ( or rather , the novelist can no longer create the illusion that the past is speaking for itself ) ; it is a construction of the past , and the reader is conscious of , and in compliance with , the careful disposition and organization of the disparate elements that go to make up the whole edifice .
22 The reason why is summarised in my own ‘ Principle of inverse irreversibility ’ , a sub-paradigm of my ‘ Law of innate tendencies ’ , itself one of the laws that go to make up the all-encompassing ‘ Law of irrelevant correlates ’ , as explained in my work-in-progress , ‘ Irrelevant correlates ( and others ) ’ , which promises to be hailed on publication as the definitive analysis of systematised muddleheadedness .
23 Of all the elements that go to make up the accident causation system , the one that has received the least attention in residential areas is the design of the road network itself .
24 The third weakness is a fundamental one : various institutional differences in the operation and segregation of the many sectors that go to make up the financial services industry .
25 They are doing work which every compositor is called upon to do at some time or another , that is plain composition , " but he added that the men do " the many operations that go to make up the comp 's calling " .
26 While this kind of breakdown does help one to comprehend the various strands and stages that go to make up the current system , it is rather crude .
27 Only one event pulls together all the strands that go to make up the complete electronic publishing market , Electronic Publishing&print 1988 .
28 The Bullock Report offered clear support for language in teacher education : ‘ Among the modules that go to make up the professional training element there should be a compulsory one on language in education ’ ( DES , 1975 : 337–8 ) .
29 The nation-state , therefore , is the spatial reference point for most of the crucial transnational practices that go to make up the structures of the global system , in the sense that most transnational practices intersect in particular countries and come under the jurisdiction of particular nation-states .
30 Which system we would have to decide , who draws up the list er would the list be a U K one , a regional one or would it be one in the separate countries that go to make up the U K. A huge amount of discussion there , not a chance missed at all , er he wanted a separate seat for for Cornwall .
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