Example sentences of "[conj] [det] a [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Or half a can of paraffin , if you 're anything like most of the scouts I 've met .
2 For instance , the use of cannabis by the young is far more likely to be branded as ‘ drug-taking'/'drug addiction ’ and hence a ‘ social problem ’ than is the consumption of thirty cigarettes a day by adults or half a bottle of brandy by middle-class businessmen .
3 The doctor said : ‘ A specimen of blood showed he had drunk the equivalent of nine or ten pints of lager or half a bottle of spirits . ’
4 Protractors , compasses , rulers , and any other impressive props we could think of — even a film-footage chart , and the monocular ( or half a pair of binoculars ) inherited from our stepfather .
5 One drink means a single measure of spirit , a glass of wine , a small glass of sherry or half a pint of beer or lager .
6 One unit is equivalent to one pub measure or glass of wine , sherry , or whisky , or half a pint of beer or cider .
7 alcohol 3 units per day ( 1 unit = 1 glass of wine , 1 measure spirit or half a pint of beer or lager )
8 One unit is a glass of wine , a measure of spirits or half a pint of beer .
9 Effects vary according to individual health , weight and sex but , as a rough measure , three single whiskies drunk in one hour might result in 0.05% alcohol content in the blood — this would lift spirits and lessen inhibitions ( a single whisky is equivalent to one glass of wine or half a pint of beer ) .
10 One unit is equal to a small glass of wine , or half a pint of ordinary strength beer or lager , one measure of spirit or a small sherry .
11 I desire you will send by y bearer 2 quarts of Sugar Hotspur peas to set the first crop , & half a peck of Windsor Beans , & pray bring y Hammer with you w .
12 It follows an editorial policy that believes foreign news should lead the first three pages , that matters of national interest should be philosophically debated in the newspaper 's columns , and that half a page of sport either side of the weekend is enough .
13 They had crossed more than half a mile of open pasture without a trace of cover , expecting every moment some attack that did not come .
14 Carson 's place was only a couple of miles away , in a vastly overpriced and overcrowded strip along less than half a mile of the river east from Kew Bridge .
15 A CITY-IMPOSED curfew is forcing the Hollywood Palladium to shut down after more than half a century of entertainment ranging from Lawrence Welk to the Rolling Stones , officials said yesterday .
16 We investigates and discovered that I was carrying more than half a litre of cyst .
17 The first English gold coin was struck only in 1255 and it was not until 1344 that the country was able to begin to sustain what proved to be no more than half a millennium of minting a gold denomination in its regular coinage .
18 It supported the new Labour government but many Liberals felt that such a course of action was unwise .
19 He was hoping that such a system of signs , reflecting English usage and grammar , might be acceptable as a tool for teaching to oralist teachers .
20 The effects of this shift in expenditure were analysed in detail by the government 's own auditors in an influential report in 1986 ( Audit Commission , 1986 ) , which identified the perverse incentives that such a system of funding created and criticized the organizational fragmentation and failure to match resources to need in community care .
21 This vacillation arises , in part , from the fact that such a variety of phenomena are classed as événements .
22 When news of the wonderful changes brought about in Kidderminster at this time spread , it won the approval of Anabaptists and Independents who hardly believed it possible that such a work of God could take place through the ministry of a parish church .
23 Both the Bible and history demonstrate that such a measure of blessing is almost invariably related to the means employed .
24 Murray was removed from the school council , demoted and warned sternly by the headmaster that such a betrayal of the community 's trust was also a betrayal of one 's best self , a suggestion whose subtlety he could not penetrate .
25 Reference to Hugh Andrew 's tables will show that such a size of ‘ chute will give a fast descent when carrying 350g or 12.3oz , yet John Barker regularly operates with 450g ( 15.8oz ) fauna , arriving at his parachute size by good old eyeball engineering .
26 Of natural selection Butler later wrote : ‘ To state this doctrine is to arouse instinctive loathing ; it is my fortunate task to maintain that such a nightmare of waste and death is as baseless as it is repulsive . ’
27 Many authorities would say that such a reordering of the series does not accord with serial principles ; yet on the other hand one can point out that serialism is only a method established for the facilitation of composition quality .
28 And , if it is thought that such a state of affairs is , for whatever reason , undesirable , then it behoves those who argue for another approach to learn the lesson of political realities .
29 A full ‘ test ’ ( assuming that such a notion of ‘ testing ’ is meaningful in this context ) of Freudian theory would have to bring in the hypothesis about the causal links between the nuclear family , the Oedipus complex , the methods of handling infant sexuality in middle-class , Western culture , and the personality types which are needed in advanced industrial society .
30 Today 's Charterists argue that such a level of sophistication may now be achievable .
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