Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It is this area , especially in its safety aspects , that is the most important responsibility of the physical effects supervisor , whose work often ends where that of the optical effects supervisor is just really beginning .
2 Its structures , moreover , are irregular , supposedly answering to the needs of those within , not dictated from without by the demands of symmetry ; their emphasis is vertical , aspiring heavenwards ( as the Victorians frequently remarked ) , where that of the classical house is horizontal , connecting with the values of this earth .
3 Moving towards the right-hand end of the spectrum , another landmark point is the probability of a perfect deal in bridge , where each of the four players receives a complete suit of cards .
4 Elections also took place for 40 seats in the 76-seat Senate , where each of the six states was represented by 12 members , and the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory by two members each .
5 The same applies to the upholstering of the outer flat-lidded shaped-shouldered velvet-covered cases of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries , though some coffin-makers and funeral furnishers did have their own patterns when it came to the application of the round-headed upholstery pins — as noticed in the east Gostling vault beneath St John 's Church , Egham , Surrey , used from 1817–41 , where each of the five coffins had a similar cross motif between the three side panels — whilst others introduced variety through the use of two complementary colours of velvet .
6 Alongside the power socket are a pair of sockets from which to remotely switch the effect bypass and to take the ME-6 from ‘ program ’ into ‘ manual ’ mode , where each of the 6 pedals activates individual effects , making the ME-6 work just like a series of ordinary pedals .
7 Housewives definition she must be confined to her home , or that of a recognised medical institution .
8 Whether one interpreted this from the perspective of a 16th century Milton or that of a 20th century anarchist , the outcome was still the same in its condemnation of restrictions on the free expression and dissemination of opinions .
9 Or that of the poor themselves , for daring to bend their heads and stare ?
10 Pursuing this laissez-faire policy may have been in the national interest , but it did n't seem to be in John 's or that of the other hostages .
11 The stick-and-carrot approach to ‘ race relations ’ has done little to shift the moral economy of the street gang , or that of the rank-and-file police .
12 There is nothing fishy about simply admitting the reality of the difference , or that of the physical causes which — alongside cultural ones — help to produce it .
13 I think it is much healthier for a young artist to be treated like that , rather than told play this or that in a particular way .
14 Is his J a middle initial or half of a first initial ? ) and K.J. Shine , as well as A.J. Wright , R.J. Scott , P.J. Prichard and N.J. Lenham , so we could have two J sides with no trouble .
15 Tower opens The Duke of Edinburgh will today officially open the seven-storey Northern and Shell Tower in London 's Docklands , where some of the raunchiest top-shelf magazines in the country are published .
16 And we are moving into an age , I think it must be recognised , where some of the traditional jobs for girls , for example , secretaries , shops , things of this sort , are actually being decreased because of the technological revolution , so bearing in mind that something like seventy per cent of women are actually in employment , it 's very important that a girl , at the age of thirteen or fourteen , does not decide to cut herself off from the possibility of employment in these technological , engineering fields .
17 The statuary is continued on the sides , where some of the better examples form a sub-section of the 96 giant gargoyles .
18 The district of Copeland includes the rural districts of Ennerdale and Millom where some of the greatest fall-out occurred .
19 It is possible Minton also knew that the house was built on the site of former warehouses where some of the first slaves brought to Britain were unloaded and where many died .
20 The data show that the largest deforested area is in Central and South America where some of the highest rates of loss are occurring .
21 Salim 's outlook incorporates a version of that of his friend Indar , who teaches in the polytechnic for a while , and lends himself to the philanthropic white-liberal cultivation of the African experience , where some of the best comedy in the book is located .
22 The sun was up , and they were a mile or more downriver , in wider and less turgid reaches , where some of the best fishing pools deepened under the right bank .
23 The Jewson chain , where some of the faulty machines were found , were promoting Baromix mixers as a special offer for a hundred and seventy five pounds .
24 Highlights include the Nocturnes , which carry introspection to remote regions of intensity and the Ballades , where some of the old abandon is rekindled to powerful effect .
25 A little way on we came to another village , where some of the evicted had been taken in and given shelter .
26 Care has been taken to ensure that wherever costs were classified as inputs , they were external , particularly where some of the same functions were also carried out internally .
27 From prehistoric times there have been fortifications of one sort or another on the great Rock which dominates the surrounding countryside , but the first records go back to the seventh century .
28 John Nicholson wafted in and out of their lives and Jack 's recollections of the man he imagined was his father are tinged with a certain sorrow that he had become an alcoholic , with memories of scenes on the home front , and of the young Jack cooling his heels outside one bar or another with a fizzy drink while his ‘ father ’ stood inside drinking neat brandies .
29 Zavalishin was well travelled in both Siberia and Russian America ; and , as James Gibson notes in his own chapter , several of the Decembrists ( including the poet , Ryleev , who was hanged alongside Pestel ) had connections of one sort or another with the Russian American Company .
30 If I 'd been a religious and I would have thanked one god or another for the large number of kilocreds I was soon to collect , which would keep me from any kind of poverty for a long time .
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