Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Departmental submissions developed in liaison with committee members and/or communicated to the committee by departmental representatives provided a picture of the " nitty-gritty needs " which the committee then processed into a coordinated final plan .
2 The authority conferred by the resolution may be general for that purpose or limited to the purchase of shares of any particular class or description , and may be unconditional or subject to conditions ( s166(2) ) .
3 It must have been either forged or welded to the cap or fitted hot and allowed to cool into position .
4 That section is in the following terms : ( 1 ) Every one who by words spoken or written or by conduct represents himself , or who knowingly suffers himself to be represented , as a partner in a particular firm , is liable as a partner to any one who has on the faith of any such representation given credit to the firm , whether the representation has or has not been made or communicated to the person so giving credit by or with the knowledge of the apparent partner making the representation or suffering it to be made .
5 Something laid up in a place , or committed to the charge of a person , for safe keeping .
6 For example , any technique aimed at the throat , or applied to the joints , groin , or instep , will merit a penalty .
7 11.2 In relation to commercial exploitation the Non-academic Parties and the Academic Parties agree that the terms and conditions for exploitation of and licenses granted under intellectual property rights in results deriving from the Academic Parties shall have regard to the extent to which such results are incorporated in or applied to the manufacture of commercially exploited products ( particularly where there had been substantial product development outside the project ) and to the SERC guidelines which are set out in a letter from SERC dated 13 August 1984 , together with its attachments .
8 Philips sees the parts being used wherever digital video is recorded or transmitted to the home and there is a requirement to play the video on a standard television .
9 ( b ) Where in addition there is a second charge If the former matrimonial home to be conveyed or transferred to the wife is subject to both a first and second charge it may be that whilst the first mortgagee is prepared to release the husband , upon having a direct covenant by the wife , the second mortgagee is not so agreeable .
10 Although it may be agreed , or the court may order , that the matrimonial home be conveyed or transferred to the wife alone subject to the existing mortgage , the mortgagee may not be willing to release the husband therefrom .
11 This chapter deals principally with the situation where the husband and the wife hold the matrimonial home in their joint names ( whether as beneficial joint tenants or as tenants in common ) and , as a result of property adjustments , the husband 's interest in the home is conveyed or transferred to the wife 's new husband or friend .
12 With the court having ordered the husband 's interest to be conveyed or transferred to the wife , or agreement to that effect having been reached , it may be that the wife requests or desires that the house be conveyed or transferred to herself and her new husband .
13 An order for payment of money or for the transfer of assets can not be an order intended to restore parties to transactions to their former positions unless it is known in relation to each transaction in question ( a ) who were the parties ( b ) what the nature of the transaction was and ( c ) what assets or money each party to the transaction had paid or transferred to the others .
14 Thus , if the house has to be conveyed or transferred to the husband and the wife as trustees , the building society will probably require the wife to covenant with the society in respect of the mortgage and the wife will require an indemnity from the husband in respect thereof .
15 The court may annul a bankruptcy order if at any time it appears to the court that the order ought not to have been made ( on any grounds existing at the time the order was made ) or the debts and expenses of the bankruptcy have all been either paid or secured to the satisfaction of the court since the making of the order ( s 282(1) ) .
16 You have to offer customised make-up , which is mixed or matched to the client 's personal needs .
17 ( 1 ) A licensing board may grant an occasional permission to a person representing a voluntary organisation or a branch of a voluntary organisation authorising him to sell alcoholic liquor during such hours and on such day as the board may determine , in the course of catering for an event , arising from or related to the activities of the organisation , taking place outwith licensed premises .
18 9.13.3 the Tenant shall indemnify the Landlord against any damage occasioned to the Premises and any actions claims proceedings cost expenses and demands made against the Landlord caused by or related to the presence of the property in or on the Premises This provision has become rather popular of late and it is difficult to argue against its inclusion .
19 4 Scaffolding The right to erect scaffolding for [ any purpose connected with or related to the Centre or the purpose of repairing or cleaning the Centre ] notwithstanding that such scaffolding may temporarily restrict the access to or use and enjoyment of the Premises This right is included in order to overcome the problem resulting from Owen v Gadd where the Court of Appeal held that the construction of scaffolding poles in front of a shop , where there was no reservation of such a right , infringed the landlord 's covenant for quiet enjoyment .
20 Information of current interest or related to the ward learning programme can be presented in a display form .
21 ( d ) The surveyor makes stage payments based on approximate quantities or related to the number of men employed , and accurately measures and values the work either on completion of relevant sections of the work or at regular monthly intervals .
22 Ingredients for the lobster salads were being assembled , the kidneys being sliced for Rognons à la Didier , herbs were being chopped or minced to the accompaniment of the words of wisdom of Emily 's grandmama .
23 They can be left free or sewn to the back of the sail .
24 Thus in Mercantile Credit v. Hamblin ( paragraph 5–07 above ) , if Mrs. Hamblin had authorised or agreed to the trader filling in the proposal form , the result of the case would have been different .
25 When in 1320 the pope summoned Bruce and the Scottish bishops to answer in Rome for their obduracy , Bruce sued for peace , having selected or agreed to the king of France as mediator .
26 The rest will be given or sold to the public , while those works for which a home can not be found or which have been damaged beyond repair by the years of neglect and the atrocious conditions in which they were kept , will be destroyed in a bonfire .
27 Bobby Hunt is certain that some of Minton 's erotic drawings were either given or sold to the Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum , Carl Winter , who occasionally invited Minton to stay with him and his Burmese boyfriend in Cambridge .
28 This has been highlighted in two lines of decisions in road traffic cases where the plaintiffs ' damages have been reduced , even though they in no way caused or contributed to the accidents in which they were injured .
29 The victim was either nailed or tied to the cross beam by his wrists , before it was hoisted up and fixed into the permanent upright stake of the cross .
30 Disclose the treatment for taxation purposes of amounts debited or credited to the revaluation reserve .
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