Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] [prep] the [num] " in BNC.

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1 The teachers ' industrial action has limited this particular development , and the evaluators know of seven events which were either postponed or cancelled during the two years of the evaluation ; it is also probably the case that attendance at those events that did run was less than it would have been in happier times .
2 The Crown accepted that the income of the settlement arose or accrued to the three trustees jointly and not jointly and severally so that none of them was entitled , in law , separately to any particular share or fraction of the income .
3 It is likely that a turnover tax will be levied on the proceeds , but a tax on winnings , or split between the two is not ruled out .
4 Next is the graphic equaliser , also switchable in or out , with a powerful 15 dB of boost or cut at the 7 well-chosen frequency centres of 50Hz , 100Hz , 230Hz , 500Hz , 1kHz , 2kHz and 5kHz .
5 Using official biographical data , a study will be made of the geographical origins , age distribution , religions , education , occupations , and foreign experience of the members elected or appointed to the two bodies mentioned in 1982 and 1987 .
6 Will the success that has been developed in these areas be supported or impeded by the 1988 Education Reform Act ?
7 Mrs Teresa Jane Strachan , a Newcastle town-planner , said that although the new private hospital building would take away 69 car-parking places , this loss would be more than compensated by the two new Bioplan car parks .
8 Even after visits made in the extra two hours are excluded there has still been an increase of nearly 39% in night visits from 1989 to 1992 , and the number of night visits has more than doubled in the 10 years since 1982 .
9 Prosecutions of water polluters in the UK more than doubled in the 12 months ending 30 March , compared with the previous year .
10 Like the earlier pact which was due to due to expire in 1991 [ see pp. 36636 ; 34522-23 ] , the new agreement did not provide for a price support structure common to other commodity arrangements and favoured by the two largest jute producers , Bangladesh and India .
11 Work has been overseen and undertaken by the three Florentine Soprintendenze , the Opificio delle Pietre Dure and the Pegasus consortium .
12 According to this neo-populist view , which was outlined before the revolution and developed in the 1920s but has been vigorously reasserted in the last two decades , the spread of the market was not having the expected impact on peasant society .
13 Nokia Data , acquired last year and included in the 1991 figures from October 1 , ‘ made a small contribution to profits ’ .
14 The finest is a boulle centre-table by Thomas Parker , which was placed in the Gilt Column Room at Carlton House and included in the 1822 portrait of George IV by Lawrence .
15 THE town of Albert was reduced to rubble in the First World War and rebuilt in the 1920s .
16 Aston Hall , which sadly was demolished in 1970 , was built and occupied in the 1740s by William Wilberforce — grandfather of the William Wilberforce famous for his anti-Slavery Bill in Parliament .
17 ( The election rules required soundings to be taken among constituency associations and reported to the 1922 Committee .
18 We have discussed , reflected and considered on the one hand , the impact of the lack of democracy and respect for human rights in our countries , and on the other , the restrictions of the free flow of information and access to media whereby the majority of African peoples are deprived of opportunities for self expression and full participation in the development process and nation building .
19 In mid-tune , the organist stopped , grabbed his jacket , and surrounded by the two policemen , began to leave .
20 Their statement was interpreted as an attempt to distance themselves from the so-called ‘ Central Belt activists ’ who withdrew their strongly worded motion at the executive and voted with the six on the statement drawn up by Councillor Rob Gibson which regretted the MPs ' actions .
21 He had almost bawled at her ; in fact , so loud was his voice that he turned instinctively , feeling he must have been overheard , and looked towards the two gates which had ‘ The Grange ’ easily discernible as part of the wrought iron .
22 In sum , one could list certain properties of housework tasks , their context , or the housewife 's approach to them , which make recurrent appearances in answers given to the section of the interview dealing with what is liked and disliked about the six core housework tasks .
23 Additionally , Library staff can access Altos files of catalogue information for about 6,000 records , and this data will be transferred and merged with the 1,000 records available on the new Soutron Library System .
24 The shop bell had tinkled frequently for the past hour , most of the customers having been the ha'penny and penny ones , some of whom were now standing outside at the shop window oohing and aahing at the Christmas goodies displayed there , all entwined with coloured streamers and illuminated by the two gas lamps attached to the side wall of the shop and plopping inside their pretty pink glass globes , while casting a rosy light overall , even over the small faces pressed against the window .
25 The environmental movement was too short-lived to ensure the rigid implementation of the 1970 Clean Air Act and this is one reason why the Clean Air Act was subsequently relaxed and weakened during the 1970s .
26 Well can I say can I say definitely Rod I will I will go on if accepted on the twenty eighth of February .
27 Calthrop ’ … one of the two loco 's which were the Light Railway 's sole traction up to its premature demise and named after the nine mile long line 's Chief Engineer .
28 Based in Switzerland and named after the three transmitters that they used .
29 The RBG film ‘ The Capital Garden ’ , sponsored by the Bank of Scotland and made in the 1970's , is in an unusable format ( 16mm ) , and badly in need of replacement .
30 But we can at least aim at a code that is capable of being understood by a person of average intelligence and of being understood and applied from the four corners of the document that he is directed to consult .
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