Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 In the normal form we are forced to accept only one of these representations ; we choose the left hand one by insisting that pairs of expressions unc output on the same channel or assigned to the same variable be ordered .
2 The reasons for demanding that expressions output on one channel , or assigned to the same variable , be uniformly ordered have already been explained .
3 AIthough the number of workers in the transport industries may have declined , it does not follow that the number of transport workers in the wider economy has also fallen or fallen to the same extent .
4 Most of the detailed factual material learned in the sixth form is forgotten or superseded within a few years .
5 Over the weekend of 21/22 September 1985 , for example , 60 protesters were arrested for wire-cutting at Molesworth and a further 55 were arrested or reported for the same action at RAF Sculthorpe .
6 If a message can be compressed one hundred times , it can be transmitted in one hundredth of the time , or transmitted at the same speed through a channel with one hundredth of the band width , and it can be stored in one hundredth of the volume of the original .
7 Another idea that uses a mirror image is to make a pair of pictures , either in separate frames or housed in the same mount , in which the colours of the flowers and foliage are transposed .
8 After his death many were given away or sold for a few pounds , and he was largely ignored as a painter until in 1987 six examples of his work were loaned to an exhibition entitled ‘ A Paradise Lost ’ at the Barbican Art Gallery , devoted to the neo-Romantic movement .
9 The navel , as the central feature of the body , is usually enlarged and emphasized and sometimes the entire stomach is thrust forward in a protruding shield-like form ; the limbs are shortened and seen as simple tubular forms , or reduced to a few incisive , sharply differentiated planes .
10 A nation owing money to other nations … is impoverished or burdened in the same way as a man who owes money to other men .
11 On at least a morning a week at ‘ family specialist ’ hotels , children are collected , given breakfast and taken on a trip or entertained for a few hours so their parents can enjoy a morning on their own .
12 I believe that the stricter interpretation above has to be preferred to the common-sense interpretation , because I believe the ASB was trying to follow the exemption in the Companies Act , so that cash flow statements would be included or excluded on the same criteria as group accounts .
13 In the British test-tube baby programme , viable embryos are either implanted or destroyed after a few days .
14 But particularly intriguing is the phenomenon of syncretisation itself , as an artistic process , and its relationship to meaning : the process whereby something new is created that can not simply be reduced to either side of two antagonistic forces , or returned to a former ‘ purity ’ .
15 Willis ( 1983 ) found that black males aged between 16 and 24 were stopped ten times more than average ( although prosecuted in the same proportion as white juveniles ) .
16 Detailed geochemical profiling of the lava sequences has revealed a complex history of eruption from magma chambers which , although linked in the same geotectonic setting , had individual development paths within the crust .
17 Concentrations of two other heavy metal pollutants , cadmium and zinc , were more than halved during the same period .
18 Although numbered in the same series as the original cars , this batch in fact belonged to the B.E.T .
19 The emphasis is on Europe and in July their bookings were more than doubled on the same month last year .
20 The beginnings were slow and limited to a few sectors where differences in labour costs were important .
21 And fourth quarter earnings , if calculated on the same basis , would have increased 11.4% .
22 The laboratory method appeals to those who believe that , in the last analysis , human behaviour can be studied and explained in the same way as can events in the world of nature .
23 Again in Capital Marx set out to demonstrate that the workings of an entire economic system could be logically derived from and explained by a few materialist premises and the theory of class struggle .
24 It may be noted that in Criminal Law anyone who aids , counsels , or procures the commission of an offence is liable to be tried and punished in the same way as if he were a principal offender .
25 ’ The section defines an ‘ existing company ’ as meaning a company formed and registered under the former Companies Acts .
26 Mary Jane Wilson founded a religious order in the island , whose members worked in the hospitals and taught in the many parish schools .
27 Dragging with them seventeen unwieldy brass cannon from Edinburgh castle , they took Norham castle on the south bank of the Tweed , and pressed on a few miles to Flodden in Northumberland .
28 We are both exalted and fallen at the same time : sinful and yet given unique status in the universe of things .
29 These writings appealed essentially to a generation of students bored with academic life and attracted by the street credibility of the Situationists , and often provided students with the dubious pleasure of being flattered and insulted at the same time .
30 and referred to the same phenomenon in his introduction to Pascal 's Pens , in which he declared that certain kinds of ill health may favour not only " religious illumination " but also " artistic and literary composition " .
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