Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] him [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 Balcha now had no alternative but to surrender to Ras Tafari who , with characteristic magnanimity , spared his life ; as to whether he ordered Balcha to enter a monastery or banished him to his estates in the Gurage country , accounts differ .
2 Whitlock sprung to his feet and caught him on the side of the head with a stinging haymaker then followed up with two brutal body punches that dropped him to his knees .
3 He uses another shabby character , Tigg , to do his scrounging for him , he himself being ‘ of too haughty a stomach to work , to beg , to borrow , or steal ; yet mean enough to be worked or borrowed , begged or stolen for , by any catspaw that would serve his turn ; too insolent to lick the hand that fed him in his need , yet cur enough to bite and tear it in the dark ’ .
4 If there ever was a body , Henry Hippisley took the secret to his grave — oblivious of the rumour and revilement that surrounded him in his final years — and fortunately for him , died of natural causes .
5 Like many supposed puppets , Mr Castro learnt to tug on the strings that tied him to his masters ' hands .
6 Asked about the daring six that took him to his century , Lewis added : ‘ I had got to 90 by attacking the bowling so I was determined to keep playing that way .
7 The means by which he had got this cadetship proved the first strand in a complicated web that snared him at his trial for treason .
8 In keeping with this traditional matter went another , equally traditional : ‘ Spare the rod and spoil the child , ’ though in Leonard 's case it was not ‘ the rod ’ but the dog-lead that reminded him of his responsibilities , accurately wielded by his mother .
9 One hour later , after a breakfast that reminded him of his French experience in its meagreness , and made worse by the perpetual drone of Mr Multhrop 's stream of nervous apologies to each new arrival , he was ready to greet Auguste and his flock .
10 Thus Barbarossa came from a noble family , with a background that suited him to his eventual imperial career .
11 ‘ The simplest of jobs can be done with panache ’ , he would instruct whenever one of his staff fell short of his standards of perfection — the standards that endeared him to his ‘ Shiny Set ’ customers and staff alike .
12 His expectations of the bird life were high , and he revelled in the sense of anticipation that gripped him before his departure .
13 For it was the Spirit who called Philip from his successful mission in Samaria to reach the Ethiopian eunuch with the gospel ( 8:29 and probably 26 ) , and led him on his further preaching tour as far as the very Hellenised city of Caesarea .
14 A brave reporter thrust a microphone under his nose and asked him for his comments .
15 Eventually Ken was referred to a doctor who had an interest in dietary factors in disease , and asked him about his diet It emerged that Ken drank 20 cups of tea or coffee , both very strong , in the course of the average day .
16 I talked to him after a recent gig in Manchester ( which saw Robben playing with Roscoe Beck on bass and drummer Tom Brechtlien ) and asked him about his new album .
17 He then turned to the general strike and asked him about his role in it .
18 She went to the parson 's house after dark , and met him near his gate .
19 When he came round , they dragged him outside and flung him in his night-clothes , into a car and handcuffed him .
20 The effort he had put into creating another character , a Daniel Miller , would have turned in upon him and transformed him into his own words .
21 ( Jones , as everyone would have expected , welcomed his vanquished opponent on board with great courtesy , and invited him to his own wrecked cabin for a glass of wine . )
22 Bob Monkhouse , best known as a comedy writer and actor for television and radio , and playing his first straight acting role in the West End , as Buddy 's elder brother , Alan , spotted Crawford 's comedy potential and invited him to his home , where they spent an evening reading the play .
23 Martin glanced at Marjorie 's stricken face , seized the child 's thin wrist and jerked him to his feet .
24 Sub-Prior Richard , a kindly soul even to those for whom he had no particular liking , grew anxious , and went to look for the stray , and found him on his bed in the dortoir , pallid and shivering , pleading sickness and looking pinched , grey and cold .
25 But his personality — assertive and brash yet essentially both cheerful and tough — gradually communicated itself to the public and helped him to his greatest triumph : his victory in the 1948 election .
26 ‘ Then , when we realised and accepted the situation , I just got on and helped him with his fight . ’
27 Unable to accept again the superstitions he had discarded , nevertheless with time and misfortune he found himself turning back to the three deities who had guided his early life , and helped him through his harsh apprenticeship as a scribe : the reasonable Thoth , ibis-headed , god of the scribes ; Horus , son of Osiris ; and the protector of the hearth , Bes — the little god of his childhood .
28 But it was Wang Sau-leyan who rose and helped him from his chair ; who walked with him , his arm about his shoulder , to the steps .
29 Lewis had written to Uncle Hilbert and told him of his intention to name his son after him , inviting him to be the child 's godfather .
30 Yet he had since seen Aycliffe and told him of his unaltered intention to come into possession of them by wedding her .
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