Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] them [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If he had kissed her with passion or some brutal demand to impose his will on her then she could have found the strength to fight him , but there was no way she could resist this aching tenderness , this joining that made them one whole .
2 As for the next ten years of Brookside , Eithne and the elusive Chrissie Rogers offer their best regards to the series that made them both household names .
3 Recently , TCS entered into an agreement with Lotus Development Corporation that gave them exclusive distribution rights for the whole range of Recently there was uproar in India following ‘ body shopping ’ by American software firms .
4 Before entering battle , the warriors stripped to breech-cloth and moccasins , some donning war-bonnets , then prepared their medicine bundles and applied sacred body paint to invoke the Wyakin medicine powers that gave them supernatural protection .
5 Moments of panic in the national efficiency debate often orchestrated by the new popular press — enabled medics to dramatically represent their new scientific concepts in ways that gained them intellectual hegemony and popular credibility .
6 Lord Justice McCowan said he found it quite impossible to hold that Mr Hurd 's political judgment — that the appearance of terrorists on programmes increased their standing and lent them political legitimacy — was one that no reasonable home secretary could make .
7 Nor could he get the Scots and their French allies to the negotiating table ; the French publicly declared for the Scots , and promised them military help if they needed it .
8 I took each upon my knee and told them that Mamma is gone to Heaven to God Almighty , and asked them both to promise me that they would try to be good children and follow their mother to that happy place … ‘
9 A little after 3 o'clock this morning he rapped at several doors in Marlborough Street ( adjoining one of the piers ) and informed them that fire had been set to one of the ships in the harbour [ and ] matches were laid in several others ; the whole world would soon be in a blaze , and the town also destroyed …
10 if management took an interest in the workforce and allowed them some control over their environment then the workforce would feel less alienated from the workplace ;
11 Since the Kaszubes lacked any political organisation or ambition and had no recognition for their language , hardly any literature of their own and barely any sense of a common Kaszubian identity , the Poles thought of the Kaszubians as a joke and paid them little heed .
12 I remember one instance , after we had been making love , when he took my hands very tenderly and turned them this way and that , pressing them gently , kissing the palms and the wrists .
13 You laughed at Doctor Jekyll 's ideas and called them unscientific rubbish now see for yourself ! ’
14 If you stood and watched them all day , you 'd be certain to keep spotting the odd fish you had n't noticed before .
15 So we had a plant built to dilute our own acid , supplied customers with tanks and sent them dilute acid .
16 The engines whined softly as beautiful Oriental stewardesses showed them to their seats in First Class and offered them complimentary champagne , which they both refused .
17 So Father Kleinsorge got a large piece of grass and drew out the stem so as to make a straw , and gave them all water to drink that way .
18 It was considered a treat to perform in Nehushtah 's chambers , despite her peculiar foreign ways , because she always showered the Ixmaritians with gifts and gave them delicious food and wine for refreshment .
19 I feel sure that the German Luftwaffe must have looked at it especially the leaders , and saw where the Eighth Airforce hit and seeing what we did and gave them some thought and consideration , actually with our Bomb Group going in we had no fighter attacks on the way in over the target , we had flack but we did not have air opposition , then on the way back we crossed the Danish peninsula and I think of course by this time the Luftwaffe knew we were coming back that way , and they had the fighters up there and this was our first time being on this mission that we saw air to air combat with the fighters against the flying fortress and in our ammunition , in our guns there , every fifth bullet was a tracer and it was amazing to me that as the German fighters came in it looked like just a hail of tracers going out but they were able to get in there knock down a B Seventeen and leave , it seemed , unscathed untouched it almost seemed impossible to me that a fighter could go through that many bullets and escape unharmed .
20 When they returned to the centre Rachel and Nina applied light dressings to the scalds , then took the two ladies into the rest-room and gave them sweet tea to help them recover from shock .
21 In those days many Europeans , especially in Kenya , relied on Somalis as their headmen ; in turn , these Somalis identified themselves with their masters and gave them devoted service .
22 They inquired the price of medieval patterned paper diaries and portfolios for the girls , and bought them small address books as a concession to their shrill demands .
23 When her husband began to sing a little , snapping his fingers in rhythm , she smiled and for a moment looked like a young girl again ; but the barman came immediately and reminded them that singing was not permitted .
24 There had been others lacking in imagination , who stuck to the basic facts but lent them theatrical weight .
25 At one time , the Club went as far as refusing to allow juveniles a reduced entrance price for the London Road terrace but allowed them half price for other areas .
26 The Working Party did consider the possibility of using other measures of health ( or morbidity ) , but gave them short shrift .
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