Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] back into the " in BNC.

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1 Every culture , however imperfectly and blindly , either turned towards the light or fell back into the darkness .
2 Each year straw equivalent to 3.6 million tonnes of coal is wasted , usually burnt in the field or ploughed back into the ground .
3 At the one-way door that led back into the station 's tiny foyer and reception area , she stepped aside for him and said , ‘ I hope you find her . ’
4 When she went through the door that led back into the kitchen , she found that Julius was still there .
5 It was only when she had closed the door behind her and was hurrying along the corridor that led back into the hall that she noticed the painting .
6 Through Morndun she saw writhing spirits and running ghosts that drifted back into the trees as her haunting gaze fell upon them and they became aware of being watched .
7 We hid them in the copper , closed the lid and crept back into the yard , shutting the door carefully behind us .
8 Luckily for us he was too overcome to offer us refreshment , so we said our farewells and got back into the jeep and drove off along the road leading to the village of Breville .
9 Philip ran back down to the bit of broken fencing , climbed through and got back into the kitchen as the local news ended .
10 She put on her coat and got back into the bed .
11 After what seemed an age , Jack appeared out of the gloom and got back into the car .
12 Alexei turned and shouted back into the house .
13 Barry was unseated at the fifth , but hung on to the reins , ran alongside Midnight Madness for a few strides and bounced back into the saddle to continue in pursuit .
14 She pulled on one of the towelling robes and wandered back into the bedroom , selecting clean clothes .
15 Foreman sighed , rose , and wandered back into the chamber .
16 She wrapped the gown close around her body and wandered back into the living-room , moving around aimlessly , pausing in front of the enormous bookcase that virtually filled one large section of the room from top to bottom .
17 ‘ A whole city partying — and transported back into the eighteenth century ! ’
18 The old woman said something and Simon turned and came back into the room and stood by the deerskin pallet on which Hugh was lying .
19 Garry answered it and came back into the kitchen with two policemen .
20 The other people heard the noise of the shot and came back into the room .
21 Marcus put the thing down without doing any speaking and came back into the room .
22 As David caught sight of her he left the other two and came back into the foyer .
23 At each crisis point Lynagh has always kicked the goal , invariably from a difficult range or awkward angle , and dropped back into the groove .
24 But within a few days , all her mother 's youth and vigour were gone and the energetic , independent woman whose health and dependability she had taken for granted for so long had turned into a helpless invalid , unable to hold down the thinnest gruel , unable to sleep more than a few minutes at a time , unable even to answer the calls of nature on her own , so that she had to be lifted like a child onto the pot and lifted back into the jumble of stinking bedclothes .
25 He let go and ducked back into the driving rain .
26 He smiled and tuned back into the shop , to greet the woman who stood there .
27 Spencer smiled and turned back into the room .
28 He looked at her bleakly and turned back into the kitchen .
29 The Chargé waved a hand and turned back into the group .
30 This ensures that the relevant lessons are distilled and fed back into the appraisal stage of subsequent projects .
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