Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] from the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 * The message Enter Y to confirm or R to remove page break appears when the cursor is moved to each page break which had previously been forced or moved from the default setting .
2 The London banker either charged a commission or profited from the use of his clients ' cash deposits .
3 The remainder of the bureau questioned , around 20% , either had no traditional typesetting or printing background at all or came from the computer services sector .
4 Much of the initial cost of setting up the campaign was covered either by various committee members somehow doing things for free or came from the remainder of the money raised at the Comedy Store .
5 In front of the building people sell junk either stolen or scavenged from the garbage .
6 It was quite a sight to see the poor ladies who accompanied her , some of them quite stout , being pushed from behind or dragged from the front over these obstacles while the Empress laughed like a child to see their stricken faces and the piteous condition of their coiffures .
7 What really concerns him , however , is the lack of progress on the national strategy for waste disposal that arose from the Gradouge incident .
8 It follows , then , that an evolutionary argument must attempt to establish exactly what the continuity may have been that led from the level of the higher animals to that of Man .
9 After services many people strolled the adjacent footpath through fields that led from the church to Low Harrogate .
10 He walked , slowly and stiffly , towards the ramp that led from the garden to the street .
11 She sighed , then twisted on her stool to gaze in astonishment because a car was thumping and crashing its way along the dirt road that led from the island 's one village to Bonefish 's sprawl of shacks .
12 The corridor that led from the transmat booth had a tiled floor , and plastered walls covered with a mural that Bernice felt she might be able to understand after three or four big glasses of strong rum .
13 General Etienne not only had to duck , but also had to hunch his shoulders in , just to fit in the narrow tunnel that led from the palace cellars .
14 When I was myself again , I locked the door that led from the street to my laboratory .
15 The Tree of Life that sprouted from the seed of Adam 's mouth ( according to one version ) ?
16 It was the controlled , economical force that emanated from the man that was impressive , and the speed with which he absorbed information .
17 For all the surface change that accompanied the industrialisation of Prussian and German society the social and political pressures that emanated from the Junkers on these issues remained uniform and constant .
18 The general feeling that emanated from the City Planning Office ( from directorate level downwards ) was that the organisation on the North Side was both enthusiastic and sophisticated , as well as demanding .
19 All that emanated from the depths were some huffy clicking noises , which is apparently the sound of a whale not being turned on .
20 In the uncertain light , they could see the dull glow that emanated from the Workshops and they could hear the steady thrumming of the Looms .
21 I was an innocent let loose in an exotic , heraldic kingdom of mythical beasts and grotesque hermaphroditic figures that rose from the copulations of the kings and their sister-queens .
22 ICM — the newcomer that rose from the ashes of Marplan — is owned by its management .
23 She watched them disappear into one of the corridors that radiated from the chamber .
24 The Luggage came ambling down one of the other passages that radiated from the room .
25 She watched the ruins take Tallis , the walls and the stones becoming trees again , responding to a glow of green that radiated from the woman as she sat within her nest of rags .
26 It was afternoon — the morning had gone on Crabb Robinson — which meant that all the ample , high , soft-blue leather desks along the spokes of the great wheel that radiated from the Superintendent 's desk , ensphered by the Catalogue , were taken , and he had to be content with one of the minimal flat triangular ends of the late-come segments inserted between these spokes .
27 The aroma that exuded from the chemist shop in those days like er Depends what they 'd been using you see ?
28 The columns of men that splintered from the Kitchen to their huts were first frozen still , then drawn in concert to where the lights were brilliant , where the knees hung between the blackness and the snow .
29 To understand how this view developed we have to recall the effect of the insights into oral language acquisition that came from the work of Chomsky .
30 Everyone in the place heard the gasp that came from the Trunchbull 's throat .
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