Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] not [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 My Lord erm just to sweep up one or two of the other , very briefly the points my learned friend has just raised , erm I , I think it follows that our provisional position at the moment is that we think that reference is probably more satisfactory than simply going to the commission , what went , if your Lordship went to the commission and then found that they were unsatisfactory or did n't really take matters further , for one of the reasons it might very well not , is because the original complaint put to the commission was not framed in the same way as the defence and counterclaim are now framed , er there 's been a very considerable amount of refinement , both parties would no doubt wish to put submissions into the commission as to how the answer should be put or to provide information so the commission can answer them and so on and so forth and it may not be any quicker doing it that way
2 In general the causes could be : — the teacher was inadequately aware of the point — he concentrated on some other equally important point — the documentation was either misleading or did not adequately stress the point — the program presentation did not adequately support it .
3 The problem arises where a debtor is required by a creditor to provide security for his indebtedness ; the debtor and creditor agree that the security will be provided by some third party ; the relationship between the debtor and the third party , typically husband and wife , makes it likely that the third party 's assistance will be forthcoming ; the debtor procures the third party 's consent by some material misrepresentation or by exerting undue pressure or influence of some kind ; the third party signs the necessary security documents without any independent advice and without any explanation from the creditor of the true effect of the documents ; the third party subsequently , as a defence to the creditor 's attempt to enforce the security documents , contends that he or she was induced to sign by the debtor 's material misrepresentation , or did not properly understand the import of the documents , or that his or her consent was not a true consent having regard to influence or pressure exerted by the debtor .
4 Misunderstandings about the nature of the recordings contributed to some confusion in the early 1960s about whether the eye movements of dreaming sleep did or did not actually follow the action of the dream .
5 The halls were hardly respectable and they allowed ‘ young bucks ’ to escape for a while to an alternative world that offered not only contact with the masses , humour , and song but also drink , conviviality , and sexual opportunity .
6 Certainly the only reasonable explanation for some of these occurrences ( such as those of Peregrinella ) seems to be that the organisms concerned lived in very restricted environments that did not normally get preserved , though this hardly explains their sudden appearance without obvious ancestors , with a wide but discontinuous distribution .
7 The case against ITV had initially to be made against something that did not yet exist .
8 Vidor was to confess that he had started ‘ with the definite idea ’ that he wanted ‘ to make a film that did not simply come to town to play three days or a week and then was forgotten ’ and it was always his conviction that the proper subjects for such a film would be the beauty of rural America and the fundamental decency of ordinary Americans .
9 I could see that did not particularly please her , so I added , ‘ But your fame ranks with Shelley 's .
10 Some respondents knew from the beginning that she was Catholic , and those that did not soon learnt about it .
11 While the procedure was to some extent artificial and led to conclusions that did not always stand up to later study , it did at least mean that the different forms of early Christian teaching could now be admitted for discussion , and the possibility of real conflict between opposing views recognised as a natural and proper element in the development .
12 From these conflicting interests emerged representation that did not always reflect the majority interest .
13 They were in neither half of the house , but in a space that did not really exist for Maggie , who never asked herself which half the house was whose , since the whole house was , for her , theirs .
14 During his session with the unfortunate staff at Caterer and Hotel Keeper he was always wheezing with laughter at something that did not really seem to warrant it .
15 Henry had absolutely no consistent views about anything that did not directly concern him ; in his opinion , such views were a rather revolting luxury .
16 Bukharin went on , however , to make a leap that did not necessarily follow from his previous line of thought .
17 He had hesitated , then glanced at me with a gravity that did not quite hide the smile behind it .
18 Tug stared into a big kitchen/living-room full of old , heavy furniture that did not quite match .
19 An old man , flab hoisted by plastiskin into the semblance of youthful buttocks and belly , strolled past in a scanty g-string but the game was given away by the static pads of fake muscle that did n't even twitch as he walked .
20 He was in the middle of more grief than he could deal with , yet he was piling onto it the commonplace misery of subterfuge , as if he had to protect some clandestine happiness that did n't even exist .
21 Not one of the big places , but one of the little shop-sized Chinese cafes that did n't even display an English menu .
22 Transitory , a panacea to stop the wail of the poor muddled infant : one that did n't even work for long .
23 Suppressed maternalism it may be , but her passion shines through and she can recall in detail some animals , particularly dogs , that have been dead for half a century and some that did n't even belong to her .
24 The stink told me that the heaps were also depositories for organic matter that did n't even have the excuse of being fertilizer .
25 Many feminists have become uncomfortable with this idea , but we have n't been able to find any other argument that did n't immediately pose a threat to our basic position that women must control their own bodies .
26 These planets are big enough to be regarded as , in essence , stars that did n't quite make it .
27 They put out the ‘ Flag Day ’ EP , which garnered good reviews , ‘ Sheep ’ , a single that did n't quite make the Top 50 , and then broke through with ‘ Happy Hour ’ , which got to Number Three .
28 Seeing the smile that did n't quite reach the tired brown eyes , Lindsey shook her head .
29 Made some more bets that did n't quite work out , but I could still see the pattern — a good one , too .
30 It was just on opening time , and I stood myself a drink in a City pub that did n't really want me — a woman was still vacuuming the bar .
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