Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] [prep] the first " in BNC.

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1 The image of hope which had thus arisen in Williamson 's mind was soured by the reality of his second obsession : the sheer horror of his experience on 1 July 1916 , when 60,000 British soldiers were killed or wounded on the first day of the Battle of the Somme .
2 By a respondent 's notice dated 20 February 1991 the plaintiffs gave notice of their intention to contend that the judgment should be affirmed on the additional grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) leave to appeal from the order of 4 November 1988 should have been refused ; ( 2 ) there was no ground for interfering with the judge 's finding that the first defendant was not the agent of the plaintiffs ; ( 3 ) there was no evidence that the second defendant was at any material time under the influence of or dominated by the first defendant so as to be prevented from exercising independent judgment ; ( 4 ) in so far as the first defendant repeated his over-optimistic expectations to the second defendant it was not a misrepresentation , fraudulent or otherwise ; and ( 5 ) as to whether there was manifest disadvantage , the charge was required as a condition of further increased overdraft facility to Heathrow Fabrications Ltd. , without which that company , whose success would have been of benefit to the second defendant , would have been in financial difficulties .
3 Clearly these perspectives are not restricted to teacher responses to innovations proposed by others , but can also be used to explain why particular changes are promoted or envisaged in the first place .
4 Obviously , if a company makes a new type of computer program which proves to be very successful , other companies will want to bring out their own versions of that type of program in order to gain a share in the market created or stimulated by the first program .
5 ( 4 ) An applicant shall not be treated as having failed to comply with subsection ( 2 ) ( b ) above if the notice is , without any fault or intention of his , removed , obscured or defaced before the first day of the meeting of the board at which the application is to be considered , so long as he has taken reasonable steps for its protection and , if need be , replacement .
6 … ’ Schedule 3 specifies all documents , correspondence and memoranda relating to any accounts or assets , owned or controlled by the first 16 defendants , and to their dealings with the assets of the defendants or the sums described in Schedule 1 .
7 ‘ The Poetry of Perestroika ’ is an anthology of poems that were written , or published for the first time , during the period when the bureaucratic grip was gradually loosened .
8 Even before 1905 , a solidly-based mass press had come into being , and in the last decade of the Empire there was an explosion in the publication of newspapers , while the number of books appearing more than trebled in the first decade and a half of the century .
9 Just past the Ha'penny Bridge , the driver turned to the left into Lower Fownes 's Street and stopped before the first building on the right hand side .
10 They were aged 75 years and were seen and treated within the first 4 hours of the onset of symptoms .
11 Grades 2 and 3 indicate patency of the infarct related vessel and were found mostly in these 50 patients seen and treated within the first 4 hours after the onset of symptoms who received the 100 mg rt-PA .
12 And realised for the first time that my lot as a walker was far safer than that of a cyclist .
13 One postcard from Shanghai to Scotland , illustrating the railway station and posted before the First World War , bears the message ‘ is not the station like that at Fort Matilda ? ’
14 Vodafone Group Plc claims that a survey by the Office of Telecommunications shows that it provides the best quality of service available to mobile phone users : Vodafone has more than 820,000 of the 1.4m UK subscribers and in its first quality survey Oftel monitored 120 routes across the UK , finding that Vodafone had an overall success rate for call connection of 93% against 88.7% for Cellnet Mobile Communications Ltd ; some 95.8% of calls on Vodafone 's network from mobile to fixed line phones were set up and completed at the first attempt , said Oftel , compared with 92.5% on Cellnet 's network ; fixed to mobile on the same basis were 92.4% for Vodafone and 89.8% for Cellnet ; Cellnet reckons it comes out tops in trials of hand portables in the Greater London area .
15 In place of vague ideological statements and piecemeal policies the primary sector now needs a substantial programme of professional development and support aimed at enhancing the curriculum expertise of all its primary staff , and targeted in the first instance on those aspects of the curriculum where studies like this have identified the greatest problems .
16 In the meantime , the railway 's in-service stock is being repainted in a new dark red and ivory livery , mainly by one locally based volunteer and adorned for the first time with the railway 's insignia .
17 Using a rate of discount of 10% per annum ( 0.027% per day ) implies that the expected duration of a job is about 1.3 years if accepted in the first three months of the unemployment spell and three years if accepted later ( see footnote 3 ) .
18 Partly this is a matter of time and related to the first problem discussed above .
19 Second , and related to the first point , the model of man as a violent animal — and hence self-seeking and violent in the pursuit of attaining his goals — is useful as a justification for authority and institutions of authority .
20 What I did get away with was arguably worse than murder , and revealed for the first time something of what I was letting myself in for by getting involved with Karen Parsons .
21 In Paris ! ) , then took a growler and made for the first address I had .
22 Arising from the resolute opposition by the District to the Board 's proposals , a sub-committee was also established by the Cambridge Board to consider its relations with the WEA and met for the first time in May 1938 .
23 ‘ So boo to you , ’ I said to the murderer as I went through the gate — and noticed for the first time that there were no bushes there , just a little hedge of lavender .
24 So she went on watching and noticed for the first time that Mrs Files had lovely hands , long-fingered , fine-textured , graceful in their mundane task .
25 While the aide translated these remarks Joseph Sherman took the opportunity to glance around the room and noticed for the first time that groups of diminutive Annamese were standing quietly with their wives among the taller European men and women .
26 He followed her into the sitting room , and noticed for the first time his packed bag .
27 Bartlemas and O'Rourke came in and talked about the first night of Gielgud 's Prospero ( ‘ Doing it again , dear ’ at the National .
28 I just went as I was and got on the first train I could find .
29 In September Lafayette took pride of place on the Stoddard Templeton stand at the Harrogate exhibition , the main retail carpet exhibition of the year , where it was officially launched and shown for the first time .
30 Alice returned to the second coat and her work of balancing on the trestles , and thought for the first time : I 'm silly .
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