Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The assumption was that later information would allow some of these paths to be eliminated ; the graph would ‘ narrow ’ because hypotheses at some point were acoustically clearer and/or limited by top-down information .
2 There is no record of John having been apprehended and/or fined at that time , but it is almost certain that he would be dealt with in some way .
3 This collection is arranged by family , sub-filed by genus and species , but it is not indexed or listed in any way .
4 The APLA is believed also to have carried out Friday 's attack in Johannesburg in which white motorists where riddled with automatic weapons fire by black gunmen .
5 In September several senior officials were dismissed or reprimanded for poor work in the consumer goods sector .
6 Legitimate : ( a ) etymologically , the word expresses a status , which has been conferred or ratified by some authority ; ( b ) conformable to law or rule .
7 On farms where severe outbreaks have occurred pigs should be houses , dosed , and the infected pasture cultivated or grazed with other stock .
8 By this approach invasive fetal sampling techniques may be avoided entirely or limited to those cases where confirmation of a positive diagnosis is desirable .
9 Such rules of change may be very simple or very complex : the powers conferred may be unrestricted or limited in various ways : and the rules may , besides specifying the persons who are to legislate , define in more or less rigid terms the procedure to be followed in legislation .
10 This joy is not questioned or limited in any way .
11 To complete this discussion of exclusion clauses it should be noted that , by section 7 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 , liability for defective products under Part I of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 can not be excluded or limited by any contract term .
12 By virtue of s41 of CPA 1987 , breach of a safety regulation , as distinct from the general safety requirement , is also grounds for a civil action by any person affected which can not be excluded or limited by any contract term or notice .
13 Moreover , the inside of walls and ceilings must either be washed or painted at regular intervals .
14 All types of bradyarrhythmia and tachyarrhythmia , whether supraventricular or ventricular , can be worsened or provoked by antiarrhythmic drugs .
15 Where formed by divergent plate movement they are described as rifted margins , but where the motion between two adjacent continental blocks has been transform they are called sheared margins ( but note that the term rifted margin is often applied rather loosely to passive margins of any type ) .
16 Essential oils can be used alone or blended with other essences to make delightful perfumes .
17 However , it was reported on May 7 that 35 leading officials in the newly established intelligence service department of the Interior Ministry had been removed following leaks of secret information , and the screening of various sections of the security services was reported to be well advanced or completed by early May .
18 Often they are recruited or assigned at short notice to an unfamiliar school and are expected to instantly mould themselves to its systems of operating and style .
19 Illness is identified or diagnosed by medical practitioners .
20 Separate beads can be sewn on individually or gathered into little chains to be attached .
21 Others were baffled , not able to believe that free people , famous and rich too , could say what they saw printed or heard on Romanian television or radio .
22 That any of our pubs can , at a stroke , be shut down or altered by uncaring owners , without any proper consultation with users or the community , is little short of a continuing national disgrace .
23 Inevitably , few Georgian beerhouses or coaching inns survive in anything like their original form , having been comprehensively extended or altered in subsequent decades .
24 Text can be scaled from 4 points to 108 points without loss of quality and can be rotated , bolded , kerned or filled with any pattern .
25 The Children 's Act emphasises we have to do what is best for the child , and that has tended to mean more children are taken into care or placed in foster care , ’ he added .
26 Eventually , after considerable friction , an uneasy agreement is concluded between James and Paul , but Paul , soon after , is arrested — or placed in protective custody .
27 They must also take steps to reduce the need for children to be brought before a court ( whether in care , wardship , or criminal proceedings ) or placed in secure accommodation ( Sched 2 , para 7 ) .
28 In the stock room there is usually a system of storing goods so that new deliveries are stacked or placed behind older stock .
29 His car has been stolen or broken into 7 times , his home in Swindon has seen numerous burglaries .
30 It has a soft texture but is firm enough in lump form to be sawn or broken into smaller pieces as required .
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