Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [pers pn] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The only thing he seems to be good at is denigrating Labour , the party that brought him political prominence .
2 It was the Royal College for the Blind at Hereford that gave him new inspiration by teaching him how to sculpt .
3 Though the business was thriving , there was one aspect that gave him great concern and over which he was powerless to exercise any sort of control .
4 Recently , TCS entered into an agreement with Lotus Development Corporation that gave them exclusive distribution rights for the whole range of Recently there was uproar in India following ‘ body shopping ’ by American software firms .
5 Before entering battle , the warriors stripped to breech-cloth and moccasins , some donning war-bonnets , then prepared their medicine bundles and applied sacred body paint to invoke the Wyakin medicine powers that gave them supernatural protection .
6 Nonetheless , it was British fears that began the process of creating a political group ( rather than a religious one ) , and British political tactics to safeguard their continued power that gave it national significance .
7 Moments of panic in the national efficiency debate often orchestrated by the new popular press — enabled medics to dramatically represent their new scientific concepts in ways that gained them intellectual hegemony and popular credibility .
8 Lord Justice McCowan said he found it quite impossible to hold that Mr Hurd 's political judgment — that the appearance of terrorists on programmes increased their standing and lent them political legitimacy — was one that no reasonable home secretary could make .
9 He called Whittaker to his office the following Monday morning and made him chief trainer , waving aside protests of inexperience and of indignation at Hardy 's sacking .
10 To secure the services of Reeves-Smith , he purchased the Berkeley Hotel in 1900 and appointed him managing director of the Savoy Company .
11 Nor could he get the Scots and their French allies to the negotiating table ; the French publicly declared for the Scots , and promised them military help if they needed it .
12 They said we 'd receive eighty cents a day for six hours work and promised us good food , good houses to live in .
13 Since the Kaszubes lacked any political organisation or ambition and had no recognition for their language , hardly any literature of their own and barely any sense of a common Kaszubian identity , the Poles thought of the Kaszubians as a joke and paid them little heed .
14 Still holding the old man 's shirtfront , Ellwood yanked him back to the couch and threw him full length .
15 She stood up , smiling acidly , and bade him good day .
16 It appeared in WW for July 28 and August 4 , 1926 and owed it considerable success and subsequent fame to the new technique of neutralising the RF stage triode and to the use of an RF coil design by Cocking .
17 He told us to sit down and served us vinegar-tasting wine .
18 You laughed at Doctor Jekyll 's ideas and called them unscientific rubbish now see for yourself ! ’
19 And his two escorts had shrugged and sympathised , and called it bad luck .
20 Meanwhile , Oracle has plucked top product designer Karl Hageman from ASK and named him chief design architect of Oracle Manufacturing .
21 So we had a plant built to dilute our own acid , supplied customers with tanks and sent them dilute acid .
22 Peach retired in 1905 after 43 years service in a career which had taken him into nearly every part of Scotland and brought him world-wide recognition as an outstanding field geologist .
23 The engines whined softly as beautiful Oriental stewardesses showed them to their seats in First Class and offered them complimentary champagne , which they both refused .
24 During his tour the French government , on Oct. 30 , officially reiterated its recognition of him as Haiti 's President and offered him political asylum .
25 I recently had some bad news and everyone helped me through it and gave me great support .
26 ‘ At the hospital , the registrar said , ‘ No , it 's a sebaceous cyst , and we would n't normally operate , but since you are worried we 'll cut it out , ’ and gave me local anaesthetic .
27 Altogether , the tour gave the Indians maximum exposure to me and gave me maximum exposure to the ELT situation in India .
28 Even in Britain in the last years of the nineteenth century a high foreign office official had fairly frequent interviews , on the instructions of Lord Salisbury , the prime minister and foreign secretary , with Reuter 's agent in London and gave him selected information considered helpful to British policy .
29 The first gave him a degree of control over appointment to benefices in the Church ; the second referred certain cases to his court and gave him certain prerogative powers .
30 He did n't go to Mass , but it was said that the priests came down to him once a month and heard his confession and gave him Holy Communion .
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