Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [pers pn] [adv] at " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 're a terrible man — ’ she managed to croak as he touched her in a way that transported her back at once to the heaven of the previous night .
2 It was n't an amused smile , but it was one that sent her away at a brisk and confident walk towards the house , and with a gratifying sense of being respected and appreciated .
3 The two whippets that accompanied him even at the front and the outsize shako of the Death 's Head Hussars he usually wore rounded out the picture .
4 Something that struck me personally at this period was that he had a most strange and cultivated sense of humour .
5 They went for him then , Alexander and Donald McLaggan , the Duke 's two sons , dragged him from his father 's side so that his head bounced on the steps , lifted him bleeding , like foresters keeping a dying deer clear of the hounds , and started to carry him down to the river ‘ just to cool him off ’ but Cameron ran and gripped Donald 's shoulder and shouted , ‘ If you injure an officer it is treason on top of sedition , ’ so they carried him back and laid him carefully at his father 's feet .
6 One was the passage from the fifteenth chapter of Genesis in which Abraham cut up a heifer , a goat and a ram and laid them out at the Lord 's command , driving the vultures away , falling at last into a deep sleep with ‘ a horror of great darkness ’ .
7 When they reached the prison , at Riom , and an official tried to argue that they had no authority to remove the canisters , Jacques Allier took out a pistol and levelled it wordlessly at the bureaucratic face .
8 Léonie smiled at Thérèse in the mirror and zipped her up at the back .
9 First time I went to Norwich alone , he come up to school and got me out at half past nine in the morning .
10 In one lightning movement the two fishermen picked up two pails of stinking fish heads and flung them lovingly at the Lionisers ' feet .
11 The Campbell yanked a Mills bomb from a camouflaged pocket and flung it up at Cornelius .
12 In 1912 Walter Long accepted the phrase " the new style " and flung it back at the government : " The New Style consists in the cynical violation of the honourable traditions of public life .
13 She raised her arm and flung it hard at him , not caring where it hit him , wanting only to hurt him as the whole world had hurt her ; wanting to see his cold , impassive face break with ordinary human emotion .
14 He apologized and helped her down at the end of the road .
15 Richard was also pleased with the visit , and drove us home at high speed ( Bob said he touched 100 mph — ca n't say I noticed .
16 We happened to pass a woman pushing a pram , who for some reason produced a torch , no doubt in order to locate something , and directed it straight at the baby 's face .
17 At first Emma had taken Ruth to the school twice a day , and fetched her home at midday and at night .
18 And opened them sharply at an insistent , warning buzz from her duty station .
19 He picked up the book he was reading , and threw it violently at the rat .
20 Corbett crumpled the parchment into a ball and threw it angrily at the wall .
21 He lifted the heavy book and threw it hard at me .
22 Ronni caught it and threw it back at him , impatient of his criticism .
23 He had written something on a scrap of paper and folded it over at the bottom .
24 In the early hours of 9th January , 1969 , Vigilant sighted the suspect vessel entering the River Swale near the Isle of Sheppey and followed her in at a safe distance .
25 The Repo Men armed their holy water-pistols and angled them down at the devil-made-flesh .
26 He wished he had been kinder to her and kissed her once at least .
27 Disturbed , Isa proposed Wilson and Pilade should come with her up to Bellosguardo for the afternoon and , since no protest was made , she hustled the two of them into her waiting carriage and whisked them off at once , leaving Maria with instructions to be there upon their return .
28 They bombarded him with letters and rang him up at least once a week .
29 She slid her arms into her silk robe and tied it loosely at the waist .
30 Like a small child being told by stern parent she picked up the drink and tossed it back at a gulp .
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