Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [noun sg] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Later on , when we distributed publicity or went door to door visiting , we never failed to draw at least one family to come and see this new thing which had come to pass .
2 We have used physiological recordings in hospital and at home to identify mechanisms for these events and report our findings in a subgroup that received mouth to mouth resuscitation .
3 He then went on-to become a valuable back-up member of the squad that took Palace to promotion in 1989 and , after a useful spell on loan with Hull City in midwinter , returned to claim the left-back position for the remainder of the season , gaining himself the Barclays Young Eagle of the Month award in March 1990 , sharing in some excellent 1st Division results , the FA Cup semi-final victory over Liverpool and two Wembley appearances against Manchester United .
4 Intestinal obstruction that necessitated admission to hospital occurred in 31 ( 18% ) patients .
5 Hallowell ( 1950 , 1956 ) went on to argue that the emergence of culture was due to a novel psychological structure rooted in the social behaviour of the gregarious primate that gave rise to Man .
6 In both countries , the class relations that gave rise to nationalization have been reflected in the continuing ethos of ‘ progressive ’ public sector industrial relations and the notion of the ‘ good employer ’ , manifested in relatively good sick pay and pensions , ‘ humane ’ handling of redundancy , and so on .
7 If not , obtain an office copy of the application that gave rise to entry , which will supply not only information as to what is the protected interest but also as to who is the individual claiming protection and his or her conveyancer .
8 Aloof and separate from her ugly dress , Nicandra 's beauty had an air-blown helpless quality divided from her proper self — the self that carried whisky to cloakroom maids and , in the act , lost her man .
9 His contemporary , Bert Fudge , had knees that pointed precisely east to west , and toes that pointed north to south .
10 A break of 80 helped O'Neill to recover to 3-3 but a 50 sparked a two frame roll that swept Rowing to victory .
11 Amidst the usual panic that surrounds such occasions , I tried to keep calm and asked Mother to hand me the landing net .
12 As so many times before , Vologsky carne to the end of the mental games he played with himself , dismissed the last hopeful excuse for his rejection and came face to face with the lonely bitterness of reality .
13 Then she turned away and came face to face with Emelda Linley .
14 Returning the chisel to the bench , she turned to leave and came face to face with Leo 's sister .
15 Then he blundered into the turning he wanted , limped down it and came face to face with the blank grey door leading into the four Turkey Pens .
16 And came nose to nose with the tortoiseshell .
17 Over 44 months 157 patients ( 96 boys ) who had suffered one or more events out of hospital and received mouth to mouth resuscitation were referred for clinical management to our department at the Royal Brompton Hospital .
18 Another Lassus pupil at Munich , Leonhard Lechner ( c. 1553–1606 ) , later a convert to Protestantism , began his career with Latin church music in his master 's style , composed a great tri-choral , 24-part epithalamium , ‘ Quid chaos ’ ( 1582 ) in the Venetian manner , and bade farewell to life in an extraordinary set of fifteen Spruche von Leben und Tod — the dramatic power and profound emotion of which , however , he had already anticipated in ‘ O Tod , du bist ein bittre Gallen ’ , one of his Newe teutsche Lieder ( Nuremberg , 1582 ) .
19 Downward pressure on fees , together with a decline in the property market and escalating overheads , had driven some firms to the edge of bankruptcy and tempted solicitor to theft .
20 The green men in their cloaks of leaves and branches then discovered them , and came down to the beach and circled Dulé and his companions where they lay prone , and shook their fronds and squatted on their haunches and kicked their legs and tossed their heads and slapped palm to thigh , in order to rally them and send them off again ; pouring spirits and water into their faces to invigorate them , beating out a rhythm with their feet .
21 As the struggle progressed he came to see the inadequacies of the term and realized that it was too constricted in its meaning and gave rise to confusion and misunderstanding .
22 As the sound of their giggling chatter reached him on the wind , his amusement faded and gave way to loathing .
23 The tension in her slackened and gave way to curiosity as she pulled out instead a gold-embossed card .
24 Until the present century water transport was of great importance in the fens and the lock at Jesus Green was the highest on the River Cam and gave access to Quayside .
25 The Bank team had a successful season under Paul Anderson 's captaincy and gained promotion to Division 5 of the Lothian League after several seasons in Division 6 .
26 Dennis Hopper went to the meeting with Manson and sat face to face with him for two hours in a room on the eighth floor of the Hall of Justice .
27 I see the whole chapter as a subtle but misconceived footnote to Crime and Punishment ; in these pages , instead of brushing past Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov in his return upon the underground man , Dostoevsky has allowed himself to be obstructed by them , and the result is a Stavrogin who compounds Raskolnikov 's bracing himself to enter the police station ‘ as a man ’ and confess with Svidrigailov 's reaching out in all directions , including the far extremes of moral and physical debauchery , in the hope that something , it does n't matter what , will make him unbored .
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