Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [conj] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 Parliament decided that this was not what the parties to arbitration agreements either expected or wanted and abolished the case stated procedure by s1(1) of the Arbitration Act 1979 : see further 15.8.3 .
2 His stress on Marxism as a historical method that presupposed and required the idea of totality initiated a course that determined the history of Western Marxism to our own day .
3 Thus two developments could threaten this society of thrifty peasants , most of whom could read and write : the division of holdings — a process that custom prevented in the Basque Provinces — and an assault on the commons that created and sustained the municipal community and the egalitarian society .
4 Thus the dark matter would be spread around in a way that mimicked but exaggerated the initial fluctuations .
5 Once evolutionary stability of co-operative behaviour under some conditions had been reached , features that maintained and enhanced the coherence of the behaviour then evolved .
6 I wish to report a serious explosion that occurred when attempting the literature synthesis of bis(2-aminoethyl)ether ( Acta Chem .
7 It was , therefore , open to misrepresentation and special pleading , to accepting what it was told by the party that secured or took the initiative .
8 it 's erm , you shut up , no I went in , I 've never been in Weeks , to go in and have a look and everything , it was Hamish that was in that time and you can have a right laugh with him , he 's the one that came and sorted the hall and stairs
9 Unless there was some incident that diverted and concentrated the general attention , but I noticed nothing .
10 In the Cleggan every disappeared hillock and mound had a name that told and contained the kernel of its history and the people who knew the names , and why they were so called , were removed to another district as anonymous to them as the place they left behind had become anonymous ’ .
11 I will draw a veil over the cheerless , fly-infested days that followed and shift the scene to Paris , where we arrived by train with no car and no money .
12 No snow in the air that morning , only the wind that gusted and trapped the men on the perimeter path .
13 Part of the process was interwoven with the Counter-Reformation : Philip 's Catholicism , his court and his Spanish armies and administrators became a further instrument of oppression that unified and heightened the Protestantism of the rebels ( the Inquisition was thus a means of imposing a homogeneity upon Philip 's subjects , the better to subordinate them to a uniform governance ) .
14 It was a scurrilous attack on Khomeini that the Shah allowed to be published in an Iranian paper early in 1978 the led to the beginning of the apparently endless cycle of protest and suppression that undermined and destroyed the Shah .
15 Yours is one case I will always remember not for the large number of witnesses , but for the meeting of a man who right from the first impressed his lawyers with his innocence a conviction that grew and grew the more that one went into the case and met the many people who knew Andy Beattie so well . ’
16 Much of this small industry was stagnant or declining , especially after the disruption and contraction that accompanied and followed the War of Independence .
17 During the campaign he suggested appointing a peace envoy to the troubled province an idea that angered and appalled the government .
18 The comparative performance of the French economy may be judged more or less favourably , depending on the criteria and the time-frame used , but over the decade of the 1960s as a whole it grew at an annual rate that matched or surpassed the record of most of France 's main trading partners .
19 Making all decisions and directing all developments through his estate and colliery stewards , Lowther vigorously expanded his collieries , selling their produce to ships freighting to Dublin , and planned and developed the port town of Whitehaven , the first planned town built in England after the middle ages .
20 Into the uneasy silence , while brother looked most earnestly at brother , and wondered , and sought or evaded the eyes of his neighbours , Brother Cadfael said : ‘ Brother Abbot , I have thoughts to share that never visited me until this morning , but are become very relevant now .
21 ‘ For , ’ she put down , ‘ I want to go there as humble McAllister who keeps the house clean , dressed the doll and made and embroidered the baby clothes , not as the American Princess doing the gracious , ladling our Papa 's money , not one penny of which I have earned , smiling and patronising those not so fortunate as myself , and then leaving them to go home to the embassy — to forget them ! ’
22 The Robes shimmered and gleamed and reflected the dim light .
23 Leaving aside personal choice , compatibility and so on , can I introduce fish into the aquarium when it is ready and matured and add the invertebrates at a later date , or will it be necessary to completely re-stock the aquarium , thus getting rid of the fish which are already in-situ ?
24 They watched Rachaela off the premises and slammed and locked the door .
25 After about eight issues he picked up a copy and noticed that Bowart-using the same technique he had used to appoint Miles London correspondent — had appointed him , and William Randolph Hearst as editors .
26 Jesus left heaven behind him and came and offended the traditions of the church .
27 On Kristallnacht when we all romped and played and helped the Jews , and the fizzy shards swirled like stars or souls , and when Herta bent to wipe her lips with a pink handkerchief-before spitting my tongue out of her mouth .
28 He twisted and squirmed and kicked the air and went on yelling like a stuck pig , and Miss Trunchbull bellowed , ‘ Two sevens are fourteen !
29 The Pakistan Airlines Airbus slammed into a mountain and exploded while making the nerve-racking approach to notorious Katmandu airport .
30 They had to look on while he laid waste their estates together with those of their supporters and captured and dismantled the great castle of Lusignan itself .
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