Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , they should not be over-used or applied anywhere near the face .
2 Acyclovir given intravenously , orally or applied directly at the site of infection can accelerate healing and restrict the spread and recurrence of many herpes infections ( British Medical Journal , 1982 , vol 285 , p 1223 . ) .
3 The most important finding is that bFGF given parenterally or applied directly to the mucosa enhanced the healing of acetic acid induced gastric ulcerations and augmented the healing activity of sucralfate .
4 Land that is cultivated or grazed intensively near the croft is often referred to as inbye to distinguish it from common grazings and more distant fields .
5 Helpers approaching have sometimes been bitten or attacked wildly in the delirium that follows and which may last as long as twelve tormented hours .
6 Hormone replacement therapy consists of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone taken daily to help replace those lost or produced erratically at the menopause .
7 Almost all locomotive firemen were slaves , either hired from slave masters or owned directly by the railroad companies .
8 He could of course have taken the easy option and given himself up , or laid up along the coast somewhere until the advancing Eighth Army caught up with him .
9 On the other hand , if debt and warrants are issued simultaneously and the warrants can be cancelled or redeemed independently of the debt , the two components should be accounted for separately .
10 It also tells us whether the unknown letter is a single segment letter , or made up from a combination of two segments .
11 If you are using brick slips to cover a large arch in the same room , the soffit can be nailed below the arch , but set back about 25mm higher , or made flush with the arch , so that brick slips can be stuck around the face , or both face and soffit , to match the main arch .
12 For this was not the anger of the cripple , who can never be sure if he has been shaped by some vengeful god or made accidentally by a purposeless universe .
13 The plaintiffs gathered information as to the results of horse races from various courses and transmitted that information to subscribers on terms that it should be used only in the newspaper or posted only in the club , newsroom , office or other place to which it was delivered .
14 Was it properly refereed or passed through at the urgings of the editor ?
15 It is often so insignificant that it is either ignored by the patient or passed off as a ‘ pimple ’ .
16 Events seen on the television the might before , or read about in the day 's newspaper , or relayed as they happen to police stations throughout the province over the MSX machine , naturally facilitate talk on sensitive topics or cam be used as contextually related props to achieve the same end .
17 6.2.1 submit to a statement in such forms as shall require in respect of the preceding accounting period giving details of all Licensed Products leased or sold by during the preceding accounting period including details of the net selling price of the Licensed products and the amount or amounts due to , and
18 The Scotsman ICM poll on moral values found 75 per cent either disagreed or disagreed strongly with the government line that there is no link .
19 Second , everything you draw is an object that can be selected , moved , reshaped or deleted independently of the rest .
20 As well as Dobags , Anatolia produces a wide range of village-standard items , which may be either traditional in appearance or designed specifically for the Western market , and some notable workshop items , particularly from hereke and , to a lesser degree , Kayseria .
21 Whether this charm was involuntary , or used deliberately as a mask to hide his real feelings , she could only guess .
22 remove or tamper with the Trade Marks or other means of attribution or identification used on or in relation to the Licensed Products use the Trade Marks in any way which might prejudice their distinctiveness or validity or the goodwill of therein use in relation to the Products any Trade Marks other than the Trade Marks and the trade marks of and MacEnglish as set out in Schedule 2 B or used by in the Territory any Trade Marks or Trade Names so resembling the Trade Marks or Trade Names of as to be likely to cause confusion or deception .
23 Once again , this situation is not initiated or maintained only by the child .
24 Homoeopathy can be very satisfying if you do not get worried or weighed down by the ‘ burden ’ of finding a remedy .
25 Thrown on or crumpled up in a bucket of it .
26 Table 4.7 compares the action and control samples between first and second assessments , omitting all those who died or moved away before the second interview , and any who refused to take part in the tests on either occasion .
27 The remainder either stayed at home or moved voluntarily to a relative , neighbour , or friend .
28 Each table excludes not only any clients who died or moved out of the area before the periods ended ( for whom there was no difference between action and control samples ) , but also all those who at referral went straight into ( or remained in ) institutional care .
29 Football was never an entirely respectable sport and from the outset crowds swore and shouted , occasionally threw things or charged on to the pitch .
30 In the circumstances , the article was moderate in tone and presented both sides of the case ; it would not have impaired judicial authority or added much to the growing moral pressure on the manufacturers to settle the claim .
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