Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [pron] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I had a number of telephone conversations with him , and an interim letter dated 7 January in which he suggested , or asked me to suggest several possible dates .
2 While the car is being repaired or serviced we ignore any limitations as to driving or use as shown in the policy schedule .
3 While the car is being repaired or serviced we ignore any limitations as to driving or use as shown in the policy schedule .
4 While the car is being repaired or serviced we ignore any limitations as to driving or use as shown in the policy schedule .
5 While the car is being repaired or serviced we ignore any limitations as to driving or use as shown in the policy schedule .
6 my Lord , er , er , in , in my submission the , the , the highest really could put their case is that if the matter were referred your Lordship simply did n't stay proceedings or permitted them for example to apply for interim payment or permitted them to take some procedural steps to pursue their action so that they were n't unduly delayed should they succeed at the end of the day and that would be a major concession because it would run against a normal rule cos on a reference the entire proceedings are stayed , that 's not a case just saying even if that is done , er that anybody is saying that particular measure is or is good is not good or may not be forced in the interim
7 Or did they do that too ?
8 No not really , no Could you of chosen erm where to have the house or did they have some , that had been left for that purpose ?
9 Or did she have some other ‘ Thing ’ to invoke ?
10 Or did he have another woman with him ?
11 Was he merely an opportunist who , having conquered these states during the war decided to exploit the situation to Russia 's advantage , or did he have some more grandiose scheme in mind ?
12 Did he enjoy being a temporarily anonymous spectacle , or did he believe these seamstresses and pipe fitters knew who he was ?
13 Or did it make any difference either way ?
14 Or did it comment that out ?
15 Did this modernism , in Jürgen Habermas 's terms , deepen and extend the rationalist Enlightenment project , or did it undermine that project ?
16 Or did I get that wrong , too ? ’
17 Did John Dyson really have a fight with a man called Cox , or did you make all that up ?
18 Did you still put stilton cheese in that roll or did you want that ?
19 What is is this come to light after the event as it were or did you know that was there when we were redoing the machine ?
20 Were they completely off the cuff or did you have some idea of what you were going to do ?
21 So you did you just have cows or did you have any other animals ?
22 Or had she bought this , and all the surplus food , when there had been money in the joint account ?
23 This entire business is an emergency , Jack , or had you forgotten that ?
24 Every time they came forward , you expected something to happen ( perhaps It was sitting in the north bank with the Cockney scum that made me think this ! ! ) .
25 That was the obsession that made me write this . ’
26 ‘ No reason , ’ she said , ‘ just the same polite curiosity that made you ask all those questions about Simone and André .
27 She had a unique gift for restoring them to health , and an intuition that led her to free each into the wild just when its confidence was regained , its body mended , and its animal fulfilment clearly dependent upon the wider world .
28 Recently , Sir John Thomas 's group from the Royal Institution , London , has used an instrumental arrangement at Daresbury that allowed them to capture both types of information on the same sample while it was actually undergoing a chemical change .
29 It was only her ability to view ball gowns as an aspect of theatrical dressing up , not real , everyday life , that allowed her to accept these highly frivolous and glamorous garments now becoming a staple product of the company .
30 In the years that followed I made many flights with those ‘ intrepid bush pilots ’ and watched the development of aviation in Canada .
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