Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 Either he could wait until the pod splashed down at which point it would start to sink , and if the water was deep enough and he had difficulty in escaping from the safety envelope , or became entangled with the chute , he might drown before he was able to struggle to the surface — or else he could blow the hatch prior to landing , risking being either injured or knocked unconscious during an unprotected impact .
2 Marshal Piłsudski ordered the Polish destroyer Wicher to greet , salute and escort the British as if the Accord were still in effect , and Tadeusz Morgenstern , the commander of the destroyer , was instructed that if the Danzig authorities insulted the Polish flag or tried to interfere with the visit in any way , he was to bombard designated targets in the city centre .
3 Because Miguel , in the same incident , has been bitten but not seriously injured , Sarah tries to save him by cutting off his infected arm with a machete — an effect that failed to work with the first model , until an assistant of Savini 's used a spare rubber arm with the cut prefilled with wax .
4 They had some beliefs and practices that seemed to link with the early days of the Old Testament , possibly due to some earlier Christian influence , believed by some missionaries to trace back to Nestorian missionaries moving through parts of Burma into China .
5 It was not the Faculty that offered to cooperate with the IoT over examinations , but the IoT which made the offer to the Faculty .
6 A day that had begun with the parade affirmation had to terminate in the same style .
7 Meantime the wonderful enchanted season that had begun with the opening of the show in April went on .
8 Its interest lies in its function as the creed of a reforming élite , confronted with the difficulties of a state-sponsored economic revival in an under-developed economy , a revival that had to contend with the resistances of the traditional structure and the misrepresentations of a peculiarly narrow Catholic conservatism .
9 She talked loudly about ‘ last night ’ and the millionaire that had slept with the group under the bridge .
10 It was the end of the day that had started with the interview in the dark-panelled room with the clocks .
11 It was only when you looked at their faces that you saw the difference in both age and expression : Harry 's face was round , his eyes merry , while Joe 's features inclined to length and his grey eyes , which at times seemed colourless , had in their depths a touch of melancholy that had deepened with the years .
12 The last of the boxes were being transferred from the back of the truck now , carried by men who sweated under the effort despite the chill wind that had come with the onset of the night .
13 Like an animal sliding away from an unwelcome confrontation , he took refuge in a displacement activity , taking the last of the little pastries hot with spice that had come with the drinks and waving the empty plate at a passing waiter .
14 They let us off after our three Santa Clausesses mobbed them and asked to play with the red furry pandas they had clipped to the aerials of their radios , on condition we played ‘ Saints ’ until out of sight .
15 He read widely in all spheres of learning and became inspired with the idea that he had a mission to introduce the learning of western Europe to his countrymen in Serbia .
16 But then , early in 1168 , a new revolt broke out and became entangled with the question of the family settlement .
17 The Doctor leapt forward and became entangled with the archaeologist .
18 The defendant did not appeal and failed to comply with the notices .
19 He was used to sailing with the best and got exasperated with the Soviet crew .
20 The second tactic employed by the authorities related specifically to the Snowball campaign and involved dealing with the symbolic fence-cutting as the offence of criminal damage .
21 He covered his mouth with his hand , and seemed to swell with the oxygen he drew in .
22 Limited waivers may particularly be required and granted to deal with the hiatus caused by unforeseen death or illness .
23 The males used should be light-treated in the same way , and allowed to run with the females between April and June , as the signs of oestrus , though obvious to the goats , may not be noticeable to their owners .
24 When she emerged , she responded with a grunt to Melissa 's , ‘ Good morning , ’ and began wrestling with the bar that controlled the window shutters .
25 He looked away and began twiddling with the curtain cord .
26 Rachel paused by her desk and began toying with the telephone cord .
27 Steve pulled the duvet over the two of them and began fiddling with the remote control .
28 He transferred his attention to his gold wristwatch and began fiddling with the bracelet .
29 She closed her eyes to hide her revulsion as he pressed his open mouth against hers and began fumbling with the buttons of her bush shirt .
30 When he saw Duclos striding back across the compound dragging a young Annamese boy behind him , he smiled quietly to himself , stepped back into his bedroom and began fumbling with the buttons of his silk shirt .
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