Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [verb] on a " in BNC.

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1 Even though the task — one that involved pedalling on a stationary bicycle — was equally demanding at all times , it was felt by the volunteers to be most difficult to achieve in the middle of the night .
2 And wreckage has been found of two American helicopters that went missing on a routine mission from the U S S Okinowa .
3 The katun , comprising twenty years of 360 days , was the most important unit of time in the Maya view , because the events in one katun were expected to approximate to those in a previous katun that had ended on a day with the same number .
4 A tall , prematurely white-haired man in a navy blue suit , with eyes that could focus on you as if you were a fly that had settled on a distant door-knob , he could dominate a large room while seated behind a desk at one end of it and without raising his voice above a conversational level .
5 Hefting a large , heavy pair of cable-cutters that had lain on a shelf , she let the first two go by .
6 There are frequent occasions in a drama session when children are divided into groups and asked to work on a task .
7 When they got out they were taken inside a building and made to sit on a stone floor that was gritty and unswept .
8 Whistling to himself , Henry laid the table , while , in the corner of the kitchen , Maisie finished her last chocolate bar and got to work on a packet of crisps , a tube of Rollos , half a pound of jellybabies and a jumbo bar of Turkish delight .
9 His eyes moved along the branch and came to rest on a brilliant blue bird sitting there .
10 The script was commissioned quickly to replace Coburn 's dropped ‘ The Robots ’ story and thereby maintain the balance between historical and futuristic adventures , and production was scheduled and slotted to follow on a week later from ‘ The Tribe of Gum ’ .
11 Hilary lingered , and managed to seize on a moment when Bill Clough was talking to Greg to exchange his low words with Rose .
12 The clerk lowered his head and commenced scribbling on a piece of paper , muttering loudly to himself , or anyone else within listening distance .
13 He seemed almost normal again ; he had been staring out of the window and had commented on a street name he remembered from his London period .
14 I took a turn on a rope slide and had to sit on a tractor tyre on the way down .
15 The President had seen the polls forecasting heavy defeat and had decided on a high-profile last-ditch effort to free the Iranian hostages .
16 ‘ Michael was on a dock , fully dressed in tweed jacket , tie , trousers and hush-puppies , and had to put on a pair of water skis , be pulled off the dock into the water , by a rope attached to a motorboat that roared past , and ski away .
17 The gasman had told us it would blow up and had stuck on a waning sign to remind us .
18 Earlier reports on Sept. 7 and 10 had claimed that opposition groups had called for a popular revolt against Saddam Hussein , and had agreed on a plan for joint action , with plans for a government-in-exile composed of " various wings of the Iraqi opposition " .
19 A communiqué issued after the meeting said that delegates had declared Iraq to be a " democratic federal country " , and had agreed on a federal structure based on wilayats or provinces , reportedly as a gesture to Islamic parties which had insisted on Arab-Islamic nomenclature .
20 He had been feeling a bit better for the last few days : He had repaired the fence between the Britches and Ron Paget 's yard , filled two black plastic sacks with rubbish and had embarked on a vigorous assault upon dead and decaying trees .
21 Perhaps Marcus had read her previous reticence to give herself completely to him as boredom with the scenario of casual individual relationships which were par for the course for their contemporaries , and had laid on a partner-swapping party to titillate her interest .
22 Like Eliot , Dawson emphasized the ‘ two Englands ’ created in the nineteenth century — ‘ the England of the fields and the England of the factories ’ — and wished to build on a common ‘ English tradition ’ which with some sort of religious sanction would take people Beyond Politics .
23 They had wanted to begin with a bushplane tailor-made to the unique requirements of their own rugged country , but advised to start on a simpler trainer , their first design was the DHC–1 Chipmunk .
24 Indeed , the penalty would be in sacrificing the potential benefits by selecting something that almost did the job but happened to run on a PC .
25 William , 10 , and eight-year-old Harry were given airline packs of colouring books and puzzles but chose to concentrate on a new computer game .
26 He was appointed in 1946 and officially retired in 1979 , but continued to teach on a part-time voluntary basis right up until his death on 8 October 1991 .
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