Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Or got eased out by me , to put it bluntly .
2 In this case , people met at work or in the pub will not be asked home or invited to go out to a dance .
3 Only occasionally did the bubble burst , and he flashed anger at someone who argued back or tried to speak out of turn .
4 A number of respondents had either never heard of the ATB or had found out about it by accident .
5 Part of our reaction to that situation has been negative , especially the behaviourist interlude that sought to define out of existence many of the issues that confront us , but for the most part the approach has been a steady accumulation of experimental data in anticipation of the day when meaningful theories could be developed .
6 Erm and it became too much for them because people were working more efficient , and therefore there was a an increase in the productivity level , and so they had to increase the number of foremen and chargehands , which was n't a bad thing because it was always our members that got made up to these respective er positions .
7 ‘ Or maybe I 'm a fruitarian bat , ’ said Marina , laughing , ‘ the one that got turned down for every Drac film because she would n't suck blood .
8 In Chapters 5 and 6 we counted only those paths which spanned the entire utterance , anchoring the beginning of the search at the left-hand end and ignoring all paths that failed to match through to the right-hand end .
9 Britain prefers absolute standards , which would exclude all products that failed to come up to the minimum acceptable level .
10 Many of the changes that helped to bring about in the 1970s a new , more fragmented and more intractable congress would have happened irrespective of the misdemeanours of the Nixon administration .
11 Mrs Reynolds was in the doorway , almost ready herself to go to the wedding — she never missed a wedding or a funeral — but seeing the procession that approached withdrew back into the shadows of the room to observe better the old cockerel go by followed by his dismayed pullets .
12 He pointed back down the road to where his travelling companion was still approaching , having adopted a method of riding that involved falling out of the saddle every few seconds .
13 He was standing well apart from them as he gave Joe and his mother the details , and as the tears rolled down his cheeks Joe sensed a great loneliness in his cousin that seemed to link up with a similar feeling within himself , and he was drawn to Martin to put his arms about him , and when their faces touched both were wet .
14 But it was the coming night that seemed to press down on Ruth ; there was a strange fear in her that the sun , if it sank this evening , might never rise again .
15 The country was smaller than Wales , only one fortieth the size of California ; the ridge-line of mountain peaks provided Lebanon 's epic dimensions , plateaus of snow that seemed to reach up to the moon on winter nights .
16 the train had made its imperceptible departure and was rolling along again past the uninhabited infinity of rocks and lakes and conifers that seemed to march on to the end of the world .
17 No one who went to foreign language movies in the late Sixties will easily forget the extraordinary films that seemed to pour out of the state-owned studios of Czechoslavakia .
18 At first it was like leaning into a thick , inert sponge , and that seemed to go on for an age .
19 As he walked out into the silent white world Michael was glad of the freezing cold that seemed to cut down into his lungs .
20 It was as if she was all alone — a tiny speck on the ocean , surrounded by a galaxy that seemed to stretch out into infinity .
21 Happiness , I knew , was not something she thought much of as an end : it was as if she had said , I 'm glad you do n't mind being poor , and , although when I replied to her , it was only to tell her about the baby , Thomas , and how he had put on five pounds and had cut his first tooth , I brooded over what I might have said while I stood at the sink or pushed the pram , making great , windy speeches in my mind , venting on my absent aunt the curious , unreasonable anger that seemed to rise up before me like a dark pit , bottomless and frightening .
22 Led by the bank manager , the two women descended to a corridor and more antiseptically white walls that seemed to crowd in on them like banks of snow .
23 The face was long and pale , with a shaggy beard and eyes that seemed to look out from deep hollows .
24 ‘ I just hope that United come out of it and score bags of goals .
25 The organ could not approach this strangled cry that came welling up from the bowels , from the primitive consciousness of life , of pain , of joy ; the long , tortured note that slowly unwound your intestines to be twanged by the electric guitarist .
26 Finally she dived through the alley by the Revuebar and into the market on Berwick Street , a drab thoroughfare enlivened by a sudden riot of colour in the narrow sunlight that came slanting down between the buildings — the yellow awnings over the stalls , the bright shades of new fruit , the brilliant white of new cardboard .
27 Suddenly there was a flash of lightning and a roll of thunder and the heavens burst sending us scuttling into the woods for shelter , but it was n't long before the rain got through and drenched us with miniature Niagaras that came cascading down from the broad leaves .
28 It was his goal that knocked United out of the Coca-Cola Cup , and Atkinson added : ‘ Saunders is the best natural striker I 've ever worked with .
29 Disconnected , their instrument of memory fails to record anything of those common night-time moments that preceded lying down in the marital bed .
30 Perkin would n't have risked any way to kill me that meant creeping up on me , not after what he 'd seen .
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