Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] at [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She is available with a three or four double cabin layout with the option of two or three heads and is built with a 5 year hull guarantee , using the latest moulding and construction techniques incorporating bi-directional materials , isothalic gelcoats and resins with carbon fibre or Kevlar at high stress areas .
2 SunSoft Inc is planning on giving away free Solaris Developer Packs for Solaris-on-Intel or Solaris-on-Sparc at next month 's Solaris 80x86 rollout-cum-Developers ' Conference in California ( UX No 421 ) .
3 Having compared notes with some others , I have the impression that this was a rather typical letter to receive from Faber & Faber at that time .
4 Recently the company was able to supply Ernst & Young at short notice with a Slovak speaker who had an understanding of insurance and actuarial terminology .
5 Although Keynes at one stage suggested that some part of the sterling balances should be cancelled , the idea was never taken up .
6 Fisher thought that Ramsey at this interview was ‘ gloriously analytical and dispassionate ’ and that his point about weight in the North had force .
7 Edgar 's male chauvinism ( though this was a phrase not yet current ) and his expectation that his work was always , would always be of greater importance , than her own — these were aspects of their mutual dissatisfaction , no doubt , although both were , decades later , to concede that Edgar at this time was paying a high psychological price for having renounced his theatrical ambitions ( old Cambridge friends of his already had their names in lights in the West End , while he was a mere house officer ) and that Liz was still suffering from the trauma of confronting her mother with her total , final defection .
8 That Emilia makes the speech suggests that Leapor at this point in her career is uncertain of how far she can press the argument .
9 It would be difficult to find more suitable candidates for postmodern metafictionality than the novels of Simon and Robbe-Grillet at this time .
10 Moreover , in none of these surviving volumes is there any sign of interest or skill in the rapidly developing scholastic disciplines of northern France and Lorraine at this time .
11 According to a report in NIN ( 9 November 1986 ) , the memorandum claimed that the prewar Comintern was hostile to Serbia , that the Serbian delegates to the second session of the Anti-fascist Council of National Liberation of Yugoslavia in 1943 ( at which major decisions were taken about the postwar composition of Yugoslavia ) were elected not by organizations within Serbia but by Serbian personnel who were in the partisan armies in Bosnia and Herzegovina at that time , and that postwar Yugoslavia was largely under the control of Tito , a Croat , and Kardelj , a Slovene .
12 The affinity between France and England at this time could be illustrated by the fact that the diplomatic representatives of both kingdoms studied at Paris .
13 Just as we fell in love at first sight with our new home , so we fell in love with you and Nigel at first meeting .
14 It was Berenson 's custom to entertain brilliant undergraduates from Oxford and Cambridge at I Tatti , and Scott 's companion from Cambridge was John Maynard ( later Baron ) Keynes [ q.v . ] .
15 The same DJs also play Wednesday at The Ritz , Manchester and Monday at High Society , chester .
16 If it is true that kings only legislated when faced with an urgent need to enhance their standing with their subjects by prestigious acts of law-making , the appearance of royal codes of law in Kent and Wessex at this time may reflect something of the very considerable crisis through which these regions had recently passed .
17 So I went down and Mr at that time was Mayor of Willenhall , a very influential man , and he was er over and er his son had to became in charge , but anyway I went to see him it was Mr and er about it and he says er well we got er a order for four locks here , he says er I wonder if er you could quote me for them ?
18 ‘ We 're lucky in Christopher and Alastair at any rate , ’ she said .
19 The first grapes are harvested from Porto Santo in mid-August , then ( on Madeira ) Malvasia , Tinta and Verdelho at altitudes up to 200m , then Boal and Tinta at high level , and finally Sercial at around 700m and Muscatel at sea-level in October and early November .
20 Today it is a delightful corner , a tranquil meeting of the waters below a modern bridge with a road sign for England and Cumbria at one end .
21 MEL at Crawley and Racal at New Malden are amongst the companies competing for the order .
22 Since there was normally free passage between England and France at this time , ‘ there was an intermingling of styles that often make it difficult to determine the place of origin of a manuscript and its artists ’ .
23 This is of the form A-BC ( which would be meaningless at levels of more general affinity , and is excluded by the homogeneity of style at the unitary level ) , where some of the mosaicists responsible for mosaic A worked on B , and some of the mosaicists responsible for B worked on 6 , but where few mosaicists worked on both A and C. At each step in such a " distributed relationship " some craftsmen are " lost " .
24 Kahnweiler , who was in continual contact with both Picasso and Braque at this time , realized at once that with the type of painting created by these artists in 1910 ( and of which the Cadaquès paintings are the most extreme examples ) Cubism was entering a new phase .
25 This is because The top line in figure 6.10 is the total pressure curve for an ideal solution consisting of two components A and B. At all vapour pressures and compositions above the line , the mixture is a liquid .
26 He embarked in the Janet Izatt , and died at sea or in a port somewhere between Sydney and London at some time between February and June 1843 ( the ship 's log has been destroyed ) .
27 It is almost impossible to judge the attitudes of the non-noble Poles of Danzig and Pomerania at this time — and even less so the attitudes of the Kaszubians .
28 Manager : We sat with the clinicians and said , look we 've got to identify the capital to do this properly and we drew up a clinic scheme and then we had to compromise on what they wanted and John at one stage said , " I 'm sorry , that is what you 're getting .
29 She wished she was anywhere but Grantley at this moment .
30 After the Nazi occupation of France in 1940 he escaped to the United States where Enrico Fermi and Leo Szilard tried to recruit him to their team at Columbia but were prevented because Washington at that time did not recognise the Free French forces .
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