Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The main hills were in the south , where Saxony included the outriders of the Hartz mountains .
2 The boot-and-brushing room , where Twomey did the hunting clothes and Dada 's clothes and boots and shoes ; a lesser room for lamps and other people 's boots and shoes .
3 But he shoved them aside like inconsiderate pushers-in at a concert , and went on listening to Izzie playing her pipe or Lucie speaking the verses .
4 Did Strach & Macca score the goals in the 2–1 home win over Sheff Utd ?
5 Meanwhile , the nearby Galerie Jahnhorst & Preuss presents the work of Japanese artist Yoshihisa Sankawa who studied in Japan and in Germany under Gerhard Hoehme .
6 They walked back to the forest track where Corbett dismissed the porter .
7 The case went to the House of Lords , where Hill won the £1 damages for which he had asked , with costs .
8 Moreover , it should not be forgotten that in 1823 Moët & Chandon purchased the Abbey of Hautvillers , along with its vineyards , and they certainly ( to their credit ) can not be accused of allowing the legend of Dom Pérignon to die .
9 It hardly matters whether either of these stories is true , we know that cork was available , although not in France , and that Dom Pérignon did eventually use cork-stoppers for his wines , as corked bottles were dug up at Hautvillers when Moët & Chandon renovated the abbey in the late 1970s during its operations to turn it into a museum .
10 Where Morley offends the gangbusters is in saying that crack does n't invariably kill or addict , and that , if what you need is a change of mind , it can be fun while it lasts .
11 Nigel Popham at CIBC Grenfell & Colegrave says the shares are undervalued .
12 Tim Gardener from Ashton , Gardener & Dyke runs the Cat & Fiddle — he 's been over there for years .
13 When it modifies a diplomat 's limousine , O'Gara-Hess & Eisenhardt fills the petrol tank with fire-resistant foam , and adds about 1,800lbs of high-strength steel and glass that is 1.5 inches thick .
14 ( It is presumed that either Galt or Gilkison named the River Irvine ) William had a mill and a general store built , sold off plots of land to settlers , and established a community which he named Elora after a sailing ship which his youngest brother , Captain John Gilkison of Irvine , had just had built for the trade with India .
15 He further averred that the fact that he had not instructed Macfie & Alexander to send the offer to sell was known to the pursuer 's agents , Ferguson & Forster , since Mr Rae and Mr Alex D. Forster , the partners of Macfie & Alexander , were also the whole partners of Ferguson & Forster .
16 When these five worked together , they soon opened a 30-second gap and , despite all the efforts of the field , they stayed together to the finish where Graham won the sprint from Martin with all five times equal .
17 First Welsh & Cunha joined forces with Henriques & Câmara to form the Madeira Wine Association Lda .
18 Thus Irvine & Martin advise the use of converging partial indicators , which they list as :
19 The second , and less obvious , was Lindsay Anderson 's film This Sporting Life where Hartnell took the role of an ageing rugby talent scout ; a somewhat sad and reflective character who looked back with fondness on his years in the game .
20 He was put through with just the keeper to beat who saved well & Shaprt hit the bar from the rebound .
21 Where ITV met the needs of regions viewed as ‘ minorities , within the nation , the fourth channel should be a national service , but serving social and cultural minorities : blacks , feminists , philosophers , gays , American football fanatics , and
22 The hair was black , cropped short , the mouth looked like a casket holding mighty documents , and the eyes — the eyes were blue like electric shock-waves and held Lee as the eyes of an O'Toole or Cooper hold the audience when in close-up , like magnets , obliterating backdrops , Chinese plains , crazy broads , plots , accompanying scores , Orson Welles , everything .
23 ‘ He discovered the chemistry and Tate & Lyle discovered the sweetness , ’ Vlitos says .
24 It 'll be a long , long time before anyone in Orkney or Scotia has the time or the heart for shipbuilding , and if the King 's stupid enough to force it on them , they 'll defy him , or starve .
25 Or he could have flown it around in the wastes of ice where Shackleton lost the Endurance .
26 Ararat is mostly fact ; Swallow , where Victor interviews the President , is mostly fiction .
27 At a mass rally in the Guildhall , where McAteer shared the platform with Major Gerald Glover of the Unionist Party , Hume roused the crowd with a speech which made no reference to partition or traditional nationalist grievances , but emphasised the common heritage and common interests of all the citizens of Derry .
28 Where Jesus led the way in his acceptance of the Old Testament as the word of God , the New Testament was content to follow .
29 Beshari said later that he was willing to send Libyan judges to Washington , London or Paris to discuss the case .
30 The first two say that if each component process of an IF or ALT declares the variable x , and that variable does not clash with the booleans or guards , then the declaration may be moved outside the constructor .
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