Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 They reached Cannes , where Ken got into the spirit of things again much to Paddick 's embarrassment .
2 Eventually the H.H. & B.R. passed into the hands of the Midland Railway though Eardisley station also served a branch northwards which was G.W.R. territory .
3 William Connors had briefed him many times in the past , yet Delaney even now , was unsure of just where Connors fitted into the scheme of things .
4 The victor , presumably Ken Clarke , would be like a Goth or Vandal marching into the smoking ruins of Rome .
5 It was as Ana approached the door that Maggie came into the line of Felipe 's vision and the smile died on his face very speedily .
6 Anyway , as most of the kids were from poor families , such a toy was a great attraction , so Sam went into the ‘ hiring ’ business .
7 And on the very morning that I learned of Elise 's death you 'll remember that Rob walked into the office , back from his holiday .
8 The other girls agreed , so Anne got into the boat and hid under some coats .
9 Scales arrived back and it was only then that Wycliffe want into the office .
10 Moments later , the midwife appeared and suggested that Mark get into the delivery room or he 'd miss the birth .
11 Once Laura went into the Paris shop and discovered a simple dress with drop waist and wide pleats , which she hated .
12 and of course both Oxford and Swindon go into the cup draw at the weekend for round three … while we 're going into our action round up
13 Flagellation and other exotic practices formed part of its creed and Rasputin entered into the spirit of these with enthusiasm .
14 Min and Neith survived into the Dynastic Period but the fate of the other Predynastic local animal and inanimate gods is much less easily traced .
15 As Patrick and Senga strolled into the house a few moments later , Katherine suddenly heard her son sneeze explosively .
16 As usual after Anne and Sarah went into the parlour to play records , and soon they were joined by Mick and John , but the conversation was still general .
17 and Roger spat into the fire ,
18 She came in front beside Patrick and Jim crept into the back , where he promptly fell asleep .
19 Keith Miller , prosecuting , said the burglary at Selbourne Terrace occurred on the night of October 20 last year when Khan and Mansha broke into the house .
20 So the Bangles disbanded and Hoffs walked into the sunset , a thousand corporate cheque books glinting behind her in the sun 's twilight glow .
21 She had no idea she was no longer alone in the house until Eleanor walked into the hall , high heels clicking on the stone floor .
22 While Drago and Apanage went into the small kitchen next to Drago 's workroom to prepare a meal , Cleo and Dauntless sat in a cosy parlour where a log fire warmed the stones of an enormous chimney breast .
23 When he and Eleanor got into the hall , he called up the stairs to Gina but she would n't come .
24 And Neva waded into the ice-cold stream , opened the sluice , started cup the mill-wheel , and ground the old woman 's bag of corn .
25 Me and Andy drove into the car park at the Cambridge Exchange on Friday
26 At 10.20am , Yeadon and Crossley disappeared into the King Pot sump pool .
27 The shit went into a waste bin , and Lucy went into the Wardrobe room to wait .
28 Kee and Karen went into the house and began to talk .
29 Flustered , they kissed each other and Karen blundered into the noisy stomach of the ship .
30 Now she did not look like a young girl , she looked like the sister of a count , and Maggie stepped into the breach swiftly .
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