Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] on [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Sunderland will have to wait a little longer before knowing whether to turn left or right on to the M25 .
2 There is no way out of the Upper Kirk other than scrambling to the left or right on to the higher ground .
3 What I think is happening , I find this interesting , people are rejecting the idea of the aesthetic , and I 'm not quite sure why ; I do n't know whether they think it 's elitist or whether they 've got no taste of their own , or what , I do n't know , but people read poems not as poems which convey aesthetic emotion , which is the way I tend to think about poems ultimately , but simply as ideological statements and political texts , or at least , things that give you some understanding of the way people thought or so on at the time … .
4 Its specially designed mechanism can be attached either to the back of the bed or directly on to the wall .
5 Pipe on to paper , if you need to allow the design to dry before being transferred to the cake , or directly on to the cake if this is applicable , for instance if the run-out is to lie flat .
6 Can I make a suggestion about , probably not relevant to B T but might be relevant to the other continuous jobs , if like health care it nearly follows the procedure that you 've got at the moment and that is that in that procedure you have somewhere a line that says that your continuous jobs at the beginning of the job , or early on in the job , in the master job file there is put a note of which parts of the procedure apply and which parts do n't , or how filing is done , or whatever bit is different , which allows you the flexibility for each job to have it 's own , to have it 's own small procedure that forms part of the master job file , that says this is how this one is done , if those differences are very small .
7 If , if you look in your books page one seven seven , you 'll see a beautifully illustrated instruction on how to do it , which you can refer to yourself this evening or later on in the course if you forget but I 'm now gon na show you how to do one as well , you , if you want to know it 's there for you to look up you take the bandage and fold it into your narrow fold band and put it round your leg , you 've got something to tie a reef knot round , okay ? if you know how to do a reef knot already fine , just do it , if you do n't , follow instructions .
8 Many pupils may object that they find this kind of culture to be alien and puzzling at first since this is a non-exam course there is opportunity for pupils to mark time without any serious results but to achieve personal development gradually or late on in the course at an individual pace .
9 The colours were very subdued , very , very sombre , erm dove greys , muted blues , nothing bright at all , now this was n't because of dyes , although later on in the eighteen-sixties when chemical dyes really took off , the colours were correspondingly garish and bright .
10 The exhibition continues into twentieth-century painting with works of Futurism , the Cubist-Futurist Russians , American Cubism , Precisionism represented by Charles Demuth and Charles Sheeler and thence on through the various transformations that the art of this century has seen .
11 Only the sun goes silently and endlessly on with the lark 's song .
12 We had a phone call erm a year or two ago Mrs did a lot of work on this with petition 's and so on about the costs of pensioner 's for animal treatment , because the P D S A no longer operates in Harlow and the nearest one I think is Edmonton , which makes it impossible .
13 So he and his rider galloped up a long hill and then down a longer hill and then up another hill and so on without a break for eight exhausting miles , and the more his rider puffed and gasped for breath , the more he enjoyed himself and the faster he went !
14 A lady I knew many years ago designed knitted suits and so on at the drop of a hat .
15 And so on for the whole island .
16 And so on for the whole island .
17 This table indicates that graduates who entered their degree courses with an HNC , on average , performed as well as those who entered on the basis of 10 A-level points , and so on for the other qualifications listed .
18 So now you can relate positions one to three to how much they cost and so on on the way down .
19 Personality A was shown a list containing words such as ‘ arm ’ , ‘ finger ’ and ‘ toe ’ ; personality B learned a list containing words such as ‘ leg ’ , ‘ toenail ’ and ‘ thumb ’ , and so on with the other lists and personalities .
20 I had lost four points for having only one hand on the wheel ‘ when initiating braking ’ , three for ‘ incorrect hand positions when cornering ’ , three for ‘ exceeding the permitted rev limit ’ and so on to a total of 27 errors .
21 All lighting circuits are radial ones — that is one cable goes from the fuseway in the consumer unit to the first light position , and then on to the second , and so on to the last on the circuit .
22 If you are fitting several lights ( downlighters or eyeball spots , say ) , run this cable to the nearest fitting , and then run cable from this to the next nearest , and so on to the last .
23 And so on to the shop — ‘ hey … they 're selling stuff here ! ’ — and the cafe , the Casablanca Club , where a second voice murmurs , as it may well have done in arts centre days but certainly wo n't when the family visitor attraction becomes reality , ‘ a cup of coffee ? … pastry ? … hashish ? ’
24 Below the attics was a back bedroom looking out over the flower garden , and so on to the main road beyond .
25 And the dying welfare state brought its own newspeak as well : governments ' failure to link child benefit , unemployment pay and so on to the cost of living was the fight against inflation ; putting children on half-time schooling was referred to as giving parents a free hand ; closing hospitals and dumping dying patients on the doorsteps of unwarned and distant relatives was community care ; and a new political movement that saw remedies to the whole predicament , if only the nation 's women would buckle down to traditional role and biological destiny , was known quite simply as FAMILY .
26 Would you really , and think carefully about this , trust all your personal information ; diary , telephone list and so on to the memory of that recalcitrant computer on your office desk ?
27 As well as procedures , structural grammar developed the technique of immediate constituent analysis , a technique for cutting a sentence into its immediate constituents , which in turn were broken down into their immediate constituents and so on to the ultimate constituent .
28 Working on three floors at once we decided to we needed to continue work on the seventh floor before moving up to the eighth and so on to the ninth by the information given us in the er we calculated that the men that were to get onto the programme by the end of the week calculated the production rate for various gangs to see how fast so that 's how it was looking .
29 How and where were the raw materials obtained and transformed into useful items for hunting , food production , woodland clearance and so on during the Neolithic and Early Bronze Age ( roughly 4000–1500 BC ) ?
30 The next two rows are accessed from a portside door , the next two from starboard , and so on along the aeroplane , except that the last row has a door to itself .
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