Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] take [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Thus , it may be that the only undertaking being made is that the sample was honestly and properly taken from the bulk , as was the case in Gardiner v Gray ( 1815 ) 4 Camp 144 .
2 Now , he picked up Faye 's chart and quickly took in the plotted lines on a graph that were her blood-pressure and blood glucose measurements .
3 By May 1968 this resilient Black was on the gate at Yeovilton and later taken into the FAAM 's fold .
4 It is from Zakarpatská Ukrajina , the Czech Ukraine or sub-Carpathian Ruthenia , first annexed by Hungary and later taken by the Soviet Union and never given back at the end of the war in 1945 .
5 If the reader has more knowledge than the writer has supposed , then he will tend to disregard the discourse that has been plotted in the act of writing and simply take from the text whatever best suits his purpose .
6 DAY 2 — Walk for 20 minutes at a moderate pace and simply take in the joy of walking .
7 The official condemnation of the Copernican system did put constraints on what could be taught , though the option of presenting it as merely a mathematical hypothesis was still open , and increasingly taken during the course of the seventeenth century .
8 She found her own register in its usual place and then took from the ‘ Tuesday ’ pigeonhole the one marked ‘ Line Drawing and Water-colour ’ .
9 ‘ I was given a chauffeur-driven tour of Beverly Hills and then taken to the famous Sunset Marquee Hotel . ’
10 During the arrest the four men were reportedly beaten with rubber truncheons and then taken to the local police station in Péc , where they were again beaten and held overnight .
11 BLUEBOY and BRIGHTER take to the road for a series of Sarah Records extravaganzas at Nottingham Narrow Boat .
12 Nkrumah was an omnivorous reader and certainly took in the meaning of this paternalistic pronouncement .
13 Earlier , he had visited the museum of San Martino , not to see any of the exhibits but just to take in the view , the huge curve of the Bay .
14 It remains an orientation that Britons not only find congenial but also take as the source of a certain pride .
15 Our peers included our recent colleagues of yesterday in uniform and in the CID , but also took in the professor of psychiatry , the Home Office Drugs Branch official , the NHS executive , the sociologist , and the media hack .
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