Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] as an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps the most technically outstanding examples of this are Milhaud 's string quartets Nos. 8 and 9 , which can be played separately or together as an octet , with each instrument in a different key .
2 So Moore 's method can hardly allow us to attach any intrinsic value to education at all ; its value must be that of a means to other things or perhaps as an element in some larger whole of value .
3 Irwin , or any Viceroy , had by the end of the twenties only two possibilities before him : either to follow , for as long as British willpower and resources lasted , an unending road of remorseless repression , or to parley , more or less as an equal with Gandhi and his adjutants with a view to guiding the country , maybe fairly slowly but nonetheless unrelentingly , towards self-government .
4 What we are suggesting is that such an education does not add up to learning to be independent , to participating in and contributing to one 's own community , either as a child or later as an adult , as the aims of education purport .
5 I was raised , you know , as an atheist , or really as an agnostic
6 Dickens 's social origins were lowlier than those of anyone in the Movement , by a mile : not one of them ever worked in a factory as a child , as he did , or even as an adult .
7 For ‘ real polises ’ there is a rarely articulated awareness that this ambiguity can always turn in on itself and be used for good or evil , or even as an instrument of oppression or release .
8 So whether your group consists of friends or colleagues travelling for pleasure or maybe as an incentive prize or any other reason you can think of we are here to smooth your path and speed you on your way .
9 This may be either by a bequest or else as an agnate on intestate succession .
10 She and Carolan had no children , but that was neither here nor there as an indication of matrimonial harmony nowadays .
11 The immediate reason for not using Labov 's concept is that the vernacular must be an idealization — on a par with other idealizations such as dialect or speech community — and so as an idealization it must be inaccessible in practice ( recall that you do not observe the language : you observe people talking ) .
12 Second , the trade-union movement continued to grow while the Labour Party established itself ( if only as an adjunct of Liberalism ) , and as both institutions were significant expressions of sectional interests , they created apprehension among the political authorities .
13 Even though she almost wholly accepted who Tammuz was , if only as an abstract , she still found it very difficult to look upon him as her father in flesh and blood .
14 In the theatre , stage lighting varies in brightness , but it is often sufficient for video recording purposes , even if only as an aid to rehearsals .
15 The advantages of exemption can be easily seen , if only as an illustration of the de minimis principle .
16 The pattern must suggest a capacity to continue after the violation , if only as an echo .
17 ‘ I have a lot to thank Nigel Mansell for and obviously as an Englishman I know what sort of pressures there will be on me .
18 And that goes back to what I said earlier , in that we just do n't see ourselves working internally , in meetings , in negotiations and report binding , with erm , with other officer 's , we see ourselves as a vocal point to get in information out , to , to people , erm and working with people , erm , and that 's erm again a major part of the work we do and just as an example of something that we provide , this is erm , this is the hidden divide , the bulletin of Harlow 's Anti Poverty Strategy Group , this is the latest edition , and it 's just an update on erm impact of eh living in Britain in nineteen ninety one today , the people who are on low income , but we , we 've produced that quarterly , erm , but there , we produce loads of leaflets , were always producing leaflets , and basically if there 's a major piece of legislation there be , there be something worth getting use on it .
19 She was seated in her chair like a cold stone statue , her face turned upward and away as an indication of her contempt .
20 The increasing affluence of the rural population wrought by the urban middle-class exodus has tended to mask the continuing and severe pockets of poverty which exist in the countryside and has led the ‘ problem ’ of rural housing to be regarded less as a problem of social welfare and more as an issue concerning land use planning and countryside preservation .
21 The first is that of the relationship between theory and practice , about which much has been heard since the Second World War as higher education has been used more and more as an entry route by professions seeking higher status .
22 According to Bulpitt , ‘ in so far as monetarism was associated … with ‘ arms ' length ’ , anti-corporatist government , then … the statecraft ( of monetarism ) must be viewed as less a radical break with the past and more as an attempt to reconstruct it' .
23 But the petty snobbery and priggishness of which it is sometimes accused are in my view much less serious ( and in any case demonstrably declining ) than are two tendencies : the first , to make the curriculum and the public examination system a closed circuit ; the second , to be increasingly concerned with training — in other words , to think of its pupil-product more and more as an instrument rather than as an end .
24 He was behaving more and more as an autocrat , The State of emergency inherited form Mossadeq had been lifted only on 1956 .
25 He despised homosexuals , and although there were plenty of other sexually depraved aristocrats around at the time , he was unfortunate enough to have married into a family ( the Montreuils ) who had strong court connections , and it was they who made sure that he was jailed , partly to get him off their backs ( so to Speak ) and partly as an example to others .
26 Althusser 's influence declined in France after 1968 , partly as a result of the role played by the PCF , of which Althusser was a member , in the events of May 1968 , and partly as an effect of a number of critiques of his work , some of them by Althusser himself .
27 Denys Darlow said : ‘ Having been a church musician since the age of eight as a chorister and later as an organist and choirmaster , the words of the Te Deum became a constant recurrence in my life and grew in significance as I grew older . ’
28 The project is registered with UK2000 Scotland and also as an Operation Brightwater project .
29 The ceasefire was seen as an attempt to reassure the communists of the government 's sincerity in the US bases negotiations , and also as an opportunity for the government to deal with the Army rebels .
30 Motion pictures were to develop into the great mass entertainment of the twentieth century but they had first been shown in the cities of the late nineteenth century and both as an industry and as a social activity they were never to lose characteristics that had been determined at their birth .
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