Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] as a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The answer , I imagine , is no , and the explanation is less to do with Adam Thorpe 's abilities as a novelist , or rather as a mimic , than with the particular fictional alleyway he is bent on investigating : one which , after several promising detours and badly disguised exits , shows every sign of turning into a cul-de-sac .
2 They had regarded it rightly or wrongly as a wangle and as an attempt to ally capitalist forces against the worker . "
3 When he arrived back in England after five years abroad , he found his family seriously involved in the problems of the Virginia Company ; although he could have returned to Cambridge as a Fellow , or perhaps as a physician , he felt it his duty to replace his aging father on the Court of the Company during its five last unfortunate years , and lived in his parents ' house in London .
4 Alexander Macdonald had clearly abandoned much of that hospitable tradition , perhaps owing to his embrace of southern education , or perhaps as a reaction to the affection in which his late brother had been held .
5 because of the way it tends to bind many poorer consumers into using just one type of credit ( considerably more costly than non-collection types ) more or less as a matter of course .
6 He had never married , but his will shows that he regarded Elsynge , his successor in the clerkship , more or less as a son .
7 The object is to look at the growth experience of the United Kingdom over the last 80 years or so as a whole — which strangely enough has not yet been examined .
8 Mr Motion should be pleased enough by the compliments paid to his work , but most of these appear in the last paragraph or so as a sort of afterthought when the reviewer has finished giving his own version of the poet .
9 After a decade or so as a librarian , and a spell as editor of Books and Bookman in the 1960s , Smith travelled around America with a suitcase full of samples of remaindered copies , which he sold to bargain book shops .
10 Employee trusts have increased in popularity over the past decade or so as a method of providing incentives for employees .
11 12 ) he will in making his claim have to bring into account any money already received — whether as a deposit or merely as a part payment .
12 In our collective folk memory — or possibly as a result of seeing too many old Hollywood movies — we think of gold in the form of coins as eminently portable in times of national emergency .
13 In our collective folk memory — or possibly as a result of seeing too many old Hollywood movies — we think of gold in the form of coins as eminently portable in times of national emergency .
14 In our collective folk memory — or possibly as a result of seeing too many old Hollywood movies — we think of gold in the form of coins as eminently portable in times of national emergency .
15 There is little point in reaching conclusions unless you do something better or differently as a result .
16 Any mortgage increase undertaken for personal reasons ( for example , to obtain capital , maximise tax allowances ) or purely as a result of purchasing a larger or more desirable property will not qualify for assistance .
17 He would of course require a pastoral call even if he did not — and his car did not bode well — look like the kind of man Peter might hope for , as a breath of fresh air on the PCC ; as a possible churchwarden in place of old Sir Francis Mayhew who said he 'd done fifteen years which was more than enough ; or even as a parishioner willing to raise the £25,000 that the diocesan architect had said would have to be spent on Loxford church roof within the next three years .
18 Similarly , cosmetic surgery is seen in the professional literature as an option ( some parents choose it , some do n't ) , or even as a kind of cure , especially by the surgeons contracted to perform it , whose understanding of the issues extends as far as the principle that if people see a physically normal child they will react to it ‘ normally ’ and will elicit normal behaviour .
19 Preferably swathed in a scarf which can double as a belt , a bikini top — or even as a scarf .
20 It is , however , not on his career at Court or as a bishop or even as a controversialist that Andrewes ' place in the history of the Church of England depends , but on his sermons and private prayers , which were published after his death .
21 Yet Elizabeth had been a widow for over ten years , and her children were very nearly off her hands ; it is quite possible that her brief sojourn in the workhouse was part of an attempt to give her life a new direction and meaning — perhaps she was there as a helper , a visitor , a counsellor to those in need , or even as a missionary spreading the gospel of Christianity in general or that of the Lady Huntingdon 's Connexion in particular .
22 In Bavaria I have been served the paler , lighter type of wheat beer as a refreshingly tart , acidic , Champagne-like summer refresher , or even as a dessert beer , with elderberry fritters ( how about apple pie with cinnamon and cloves ? ) , but there are also darker and stronger versions more suited to autumn and winter .
23 Colours can be used as a complement to fonts or even as a substitute ( e.g. a user might choose to display the Emphasized context in a brighter colour rather than in a different font ) .
24 Citizenship should , it is suggested , be regarded not only as a burden , or even as a set of rights or entitlements , but also as an opportunity for self-fulfilment and a reciprocal relationship between citizens and the state .
25 I always start new ribber knitters off with a very simple band that can be used as a neckband for round or V-necks , or even as a welt , where the welt is knitted separately to the garment .
26 One is a problem of content : it is appropriate for feminists to celebrate their diverse sexual choices ( lesbianism or spinsterhood , for instance ) but not , perhaps , to reduce ourselves to body parts ( I would have problems referring to myself approvingly as a cunt , or even as a slut , since I would rather challenge the necessity for a linguistic category of ‘ unchaste ’ women than embrace it with joy ) .
27 Initially , an economic rationale is presented for intervention in private industry , whether this is seen , primarily , as a policy to promote competition , or alternatively as a corrective towards monopoly abuse .
28 Our Equity Release service allows you to borrow up to 80% of the value of your home , less any outstanding mortgage or other loan secured on it , either as a lump sum or simply as a credit facility to be used as and when you like .
29 yet such reasoning , whether poverty , self-expression , financial regard , national pride , political statement or simply as a means to shift the black man 's burden , exists to no less a degree in England to day .
30 Served as part of a main meal or simply as a snack , they 're a great new taste for all the family .
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