Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] as it come " in BNC.

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1 He sat on the cutting machine and and then as it come on to the Ah but what do you call the long thing ?
2 He screamed again and again as it came closer , certain that it had been sent to judge him .
3 I know I should n't have said it but soon as it come out me mouth
4 After rehearsals , Sir calls us together And each group performs their play , But just as it comes to our turn The bell goes for the end of the day .
5 Even though it was the only route for Polish-German transit between the towns of Graudenz and Dirschau — a distance of 120 kilometres — the Poles closed the bridge as soon as it came under their control .
6 The catch was usually gutted as soon as it came on board , and the gulls would go in a flock from boat to boat , cleaning up the discards .
7 Walesa , who attended this session , said afterwards that in order to prove that the new constitution had not been tailor-made for him he would resign as soon as it came into force .
8 Gifford Tate started to use it as soon as it came out , he reckoned it brought him luck .
9 The Thatcher government as soon as it came into office met considerable opposition in Parliament , from public opinion , from local authorities and from various pressure groups , to ‘ cuts ’ .
10 ‘ It 'll be brought to me as soon as it comes through .
11 You must show me the book as soon as it comes — and you too , Anne . ’
12 These damned black marketeers are everywhere ; they siphon the stuff off as soon as it comes into the country , at the various stores and again at the local distribution points .
13 'Cos you 're on the dole , as soon as your money comes — I mean you 're prayin' for your money to come — as soon as it comes it goes .
14 If you are acting for a builder-seller selling a new dwelling and the builder is on the National House-Building Council 's register ( Chapter 13 ) , you may not , unless the property is completed some time before completion of the sale , have received the standard notice of insurance cover to hand over , in which case you will give an undertaking to do so as soon as it comes to hand .
15 and as soon as it comes out you just fire a ball of string , yeah , and that way it ca n't fall down cos you 've got
16 That helps them then deal with a call as soon as it comes into the switchboard .
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