Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [v-ing] in the " in BNC.

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1 In a couple of landscapes executed at Carrières Saint-Denis , where he had spent a week or so working in the company of Derain , late in the autumn of 1909 , Braque had already begun to transform the subtlety and observational quality of the Roche Guyon landscapes into tighter , more arbitrary compositions , reminiscent in the emphasis on the vertical and horizontal structure broken by forty-five degree diagonals ( and also in colour , which is once again darker and harsher ) of the Maisons à Estaque .
2 The girls in the office would say in surprise , ‘ You ought to be shopping ! ’ if I said I had been bird-watching or merely reading in the sunshine .
3 Or else try charging around rudderless in Wayfarers , wobbling on windsurfers , toppling off Toppers , or just tippling in the bar watching our safety boats tending the tipped .
4 On the contrary , as stated above , the ability to accommodate properly is often inadequate , imprecise or totally lacking in the visually impaired child .
5 There is nothing theoretically which hinders religion being an ingredient , or even predominating in the nationalist mix .
6 Hot and cold plunge baths were provided and it was the custom to move from one room to another , sometimes bathing , sometimes playing games or exercising , or simply relaxing in the warmth and enjoying oneself .
7 He made the players feel they belonged to a great club , where even playing in the reserves was all part of an important and worthwhile enterprise .
8 There was always schoolteaching , of course , but that would entail the tiresome business of acquiring a Postgraduate Certificate of Education , or else working in the independent sector , to which she had ideological objections .
9 Here that of the deputy was clearly defined , and entailed engagement with policy , management and development rather than merely covering in the event of the head 's absence .
10 No-one left the school unless the Headmaster was throwing them out and Endill could n't remember that ever happening in the time he had been there .
11 Turbulence has been observed to appear first of all in small spots restricted laterally as well as axially and presumably forming in the boundary layer .
12 In the same period , kin links were an important mechanism for recruiting labour , and so living in the parental household would have given young people increased chances of finding work , as well as providing them with accommodation which they might not have been able to afford on their own .
13 The 23-year-old Southampton player , ranked a lowly 176 in the world and only appearing in the tournament on the back of a wild card , rocked the world No 6 with 6–3 , 3–6 , 6–3 triumph .
14 The 23-year-old Southampton player , ranked a lowly 176 in the world and only appearing in the tournament on the back of a wild card , rocked the world No.6 with 6–3 3–6 6–3 triumph .
15 Built in the hybrid style which has been dubbed ‘ artisan mannerism ’ , the house is exuberantly detailed and entirely lacking in the Italianate sophistication of the court style of Inigo Jones [ q.v . ] .
16 They are able to form a good relationship with their foster parents and they have the advantages of remaining in a normal setting , going to school , making friends and generally participating in the life of the neighbourhood .
17 ‘ I do n't want you here , sifting through the paperwork , upsetting the system , and generally getting in the way . ’
18 Hermione Lee pinpoints what I feel about this novel — that although its subject is depression and waiting for death , it does not feel gloomy because of its own formal delight , its interest in language , including the contrasted languages of the sophisticated ‘ writer ’ , the Professor , a historian of the European exploration of America , and Tom Outland , the indigenous traveller , discovering the primeval inhabitants , but teaching himself to read Virgil , and thus exploring in the other direction .
19 For some years in the public sector and just beginning in the university sector , we see academics willing to have their teaching activities subjected to the face-to-face evaluation and commentaries of their peers .
20 Davis was admirable , too , in his interpretation of Walton 's wayward Sonata , eloquent in its romantic melancholy and perticularly compelling in the variations movement with its difficult changes of mood .
21 Afterwards we braved the blizzards and all met for tea and home baking in the parish hall .
22 I do not want to make too big an issue of the large sums of money that are spent on taking LTA committee members and officials around the world , travelling in premium class and always staying in the best hotels , although it would seem that it is considerably more than the amount of money actually spent on transporting the competitors themselves .
23 He owed his life to his men , he said , and he had been horrified to discover the conditions in which they lived at home , particularly in the towns — he being a gentleman , you see , and always living in the country in comfort .
24 He was elected to succeed Gaston Mullegg as President of FISA when he was 33 and still competing in the Swiss rowing team .
25 A note of the fact that they have started out equally separated from each other , are now marching in parallel straight lines , and we need to check later that they are still separated by equal distances and still going in the same direction .
26 This one is about three hours old and still lying in the foetal position in which it emerged from the egg .
27 British consul David Hook was in Waco liaising with the authorities and checking on the health of the three British children released earlier and now recovering in the care of the local child protection agency .
28 This remedy is similar to Aconite but lacks its febrile excitement and is slower in pace , its onset taking several days and often beginning in the evening .
29 Parallel to this education and close round the school , the life of the community goes on — the child plays and is expected to play a very full part in it ; fetching water and firewood , minding little brothers and sisters , running errands , buying and often selling in the market , performing religious duties at Koranic schools , catechist classes or in traditional preparation for circumcision and other initiation ceremonies , alongside all the watching , the imitation , the play , the chit-chat and the ‘ mucking about ’ which is part of growing up everywhere .
30 ‘ Forget all this romantic stuff about tossing it up , batsmen careering down the pitch to slog it up in the air , and even slipping in the occasional chinaman .
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