Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [v-ing] [adv prt] the " in BNC.

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1 Danish schools whose heads do not see themselves as curriculum leaders are not necessarily sunk in apathy or mechanically carrying out the dictates of a central programme .
2 Hitherto it was thought that natural selection is standing still , or merely weeding out the more harmful defects .
4 ‘ Are youse ordering , or just blocking up the bar ? ’ said a smiling , thirsty man .
5 The thirty pupils or more making up the group move around together in the school during the school breaks .
6 Instead of spending $7 million on back-up equipment to catch the particles that its existing scrubbing plant could not cope with , it spent $1.7 million by periodically spraying its outdoor piles of iron ore and coal , by paving or periodically wetting down the company roads , by planting trees and grass to trap wind-blown particulates , and arranging shuttle buses so that employees reduced the use of their own vehicles around the site .
7 But the European Commission has so far shown no signs of stopping or even slowing down the HDMAC development programme .
8 Talking can often get us out of sticky situations : talking sense to somebody , calming an explosive situation , giving the person a chance to back off without losing pride , or even pointing out the consequences or pointlessness of the whole exercise .
9 As we know , the organisation of business er is n't their strong point at the moment , whether its been run ragged by their own rebels or clumsily breaking down the usual channels , seems our non-cooperation policy is merely an extension of the one that 's been working so effectively inside the Conservative party under the present Prime Minister .
10 Otherwise you will end up sacrificing expensive sewn slings or else chopping up the climbing rope itself .
11 It is all happening too fast for us to take anything quite for granted , neither becoming blase about the sight of ossified regimes crumbling at the knees , nor entirely ruling out the thought of some treacherous counter-current .
12 It is all happening too fast for us to take anything quite for granted , neither becoming blase about the sight of ossified regimes crumbling at the knees , nor entirely ruling out the thought of some treacherous counter-current .
13 It was worse than ever getting up the companion , much worse than last time .
14 He told the details to an incredulous audience , although tactfully leaving out the part about Steinmark 's base habits , merely suggesting that he had probably been taking a short cut across the line .
15 The completed installation requires no maintenance other than occasionally wiping down the soffit vent to ensure that the large insect screened grille remains clear of obstructions
16 That in turn means concentrating our limited resources on fewer and carefully selected targets where we can , over the years , bring about change and effect medium and long-term and far-reaching improvements , as opposed to merely and inadequately propping up the status quo .
17 The curtains were not drawn half across the window and so closing out the light as most curtains were wont to do , but were wide apart showing , of all things , a piece of grassland parched by the sun but , nevertheless , still giving evidence that it was grass by the strip in the shadow of the house .
18 But he decided they probably had enough on their minds for the moment ; and swiftly tossing back the Glenlivet , he left them , making his way thoughtfully to the front entrance , and wondering something else : wondering whether any announcement of Kemp 's death — Kemp 's murder — would have come as too much of a surprise to one of the four people who still sat round their table in the Chapters Bar .
19 This was in view of the company 's established reputation in providing environmental services safely and responsibly in pest control , clinical waste disposal , property conservation , timber pre-treatment , air cleaning equipment , water and air conditioning servicing , and generally carrying out the types of work that other companies are reluctant to undertake .
20 Processing the data and analysing the results Having collected all the completed questionnaires or interview schedules , it is time to process the data , putting answers into categories , adding up totals , and generally finding out the pattern of the responses and expressing them in statistical terms .
21 I ai n't got no money , but I do n't reckon they 'll mind me sitting there and just looking out the window .
22 ( Grimmitt 1973 ) , which advocated the dimensional alongside the existential approach to RE , advised intermingling the experiential , mythological and ritual dimensions and focusing on them in the primary school , adding the social and ethical together for lower Secondary , and finally bringing in the doctrinal with the upper forms of Secondary schools , as this dimension is the most difficult to cope with ( pp. 50 , 92f ) .
23 And if just blowing up the tyres means you have a tiny bit more thre er tread on the road and it is a tiny bit .
24 Without actually giving her the details — and still keeping back the crucial fact of Christine 's death , which would have changed the tone of their conversations completely — Lucy had been able to give Josie some idea of her home situation and of the problems that she 'd caused with actions that she 'd felt to be right .
25 These products , claim the manufacturers , prevent crust formation and solids settlement without the need for agitation , thus permitting easy and total emptying of the slurry store , digesting the solid material and biochemically breaking down the odorous chemical molecules .
26 Choppy 's comments about schools in urban areas is quite interesting , because the first one was actually in Lincolnshire , which in no terms could be regarded as an urban area , and quickly looking down the list — and there are actually about sixty throughout the country — an awful lot of them have been in rural heartlands like Oxfordshire .
27 Then , as the players came thundering down the boards , she joined the stampede , trying to steal the ball and nearly bringing down the pony of a fat child with pigtails , whose mother promptly started yelling at Daisy .
28 If you are waiting for post-feminists to hasten to your rescue , girding their loins and hairy-leggedly taking on the Viz comics and Dennis Potters of this world on your behalf , I would suggest that you do n't hold your breath .
29 If the function is seen as the delivery of a service to carers and hence taking on the role of respite care rather than that of aiming for functional improvement then this could have import for the type of staff , ie specifically trained , ratio of staff and the drawing of expertise from other fields , ie occupational therapists .
30 This is brave talk after the event , but in 1981 the speaker certainly acted as if the president had a mandate , meekly conceding control over the timetable and repeatedly running up the white flag before crucial votes .
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