Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [v-ing] [pron] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The parent who shows strong disapproval , smacking the child or forcibly removing its hand from the offending area is sowing the first seeds of inhibition or sexual disorder .
2 Symptoms of anxiety may be controlled with practice using only a mild sensation of pain such as that created by digging your fingernails lightly into the palm of your hands , or pinching your earlobe , or gently biting your tongue or cheek .
3 You can learn so much from simply watching their actions and reactions that it is always worth sacrificing fishing time to spend an hour or so studying their behaviour .
4 Some detainees have died in detention or shortly following their release as a direct consequence of ill-treatment in prison and lack of adequate medical care .
5 Some teas are now available with the caffeine removed and these appeal to people who find ordinary tea too much of a stimulant , perhaps disturbing their sleep at night or generally upsetting their metabolism .
6 British Coal have put Calverton Colliery into review , but the pit 's six hundred and forty miners must wait another twenty four hours to hear whether they intend closing the pit or just reducing its workforce .
7 Or still using your mail list until everyone is on ?
8 " Or still keeping our relationship to a " strictly neutral business acquaintance " ?
9 Allegations were subsequently made against Ibrahim Böhme , the SPD leader , who denied ever working for the Stasi or knowingly passing them information .
10 10.1 Where an employee has been absent from work as a result of an act of violence the Director of Social Work will give due consideration to referring the employee to the medical adviser either prior to or immediately following their return to work .
11 Their common lot was fierce parental discipline , even a man of a warm and kindly nature such as Samuel Pepys thought nothing of beating his 15-year-old maid with a broomstick , and locking her up for the night in his cellar , or whipping his boy-servant , or even boxing his clerk 's ears .
12 If you rent your TV and video you can save money by suspending or even cancelling your contract for the period you are away .
13 If you 've tried the F-Plan diet , the Cambridge diet , hypnosis , liposuction or even having your jaw wired , all without success , then how about the computer diet ?
14 Perhaps in a deliberate attempt to reassert his authority by disconcerting all the interested parties , or simply following his instinct to play for time , Franco resorted to his old tactic of duplicity .
15 Again , apart from alerting you to the likely development of a problem here , such inspections will help to ensure that even with a painful condition , the dog will have sufficient confidence to allow you to treat it without attempting to snap or simply pulling its head away repeatedly .
16 I 'd caught him once or twice patting her bottom which the silly girl probably took as evidence of her superior attractions , whereas I knew he did it to every woman under forty .
17 If energy saving is applied rigorously in homes and industry and the power stations clean up their act by switching from coal to other fuels or otherwise cutting their carbon emissions , transport seems set to take over as the biggest emitter of carbon dioxide in Western industrialized countries .
18 Many permissive parents who would never dream of beating or otherwise hurting their child may frequently utter a harsh word or send the child from the room for misbehaving .
19 Of this poem and its cultural milieu , Patrick Wormald has written : ‘ Christianity had been successfully assimilated by a warrior nobility , a nobility which had no intention of abandoning its culture or seriously changing its way of life , but which was willing to throw its traditions , customs , tastes and loyalties into the articulation of the new faith . ’
20 Their study , although greatly increasing our understanding of tumorigenesis , has provided little information about normal haemopoietic mechanisms .
21 Unfortunately , the major changes in work practices , although greatly improving our efficiency , have meant a reduction in the number of jobs .
22 ‘ Last night you appeared to have no qualms about my doing far more intimate things than merely touching your arm . ’
23 This is entirely understandable since repeating familiar , and previously sufficiently successful , behaviour patterns is far easier than constantly modifying your behaviour to suit differing circumstances .
24 I tried to leave certain areas vague so they could use their own creativity rather than just copying my cartoon .
25 This remaining wing was built in about 1640 , a time when local builders were more than ever turning their craft into a conscious art .
26 After a few weeks of agitation in the press , Mr Pozderac resigned from his high government office , although still declaring his innocence .
27 Much to their relief , the remixes merely enhanced the song rather than completely altering its character .
28 The Council accepted the report , amending one sentence to-read : ‘ For reasons which are apparent from the rest of this report the Visiting Party could not feel assured that the Director was fully and properly exercising his responsibility for the ‘ internal organisation and management and discipline of the Polytechnic ’ , in accordance with the Articles of Government' .
29 Since the MOD housing stock is being sold off and other houses are being renovated and improved slowly , does the hon. Gentleman accept that the situation will not get better in the foreseeable future unless far greater urgency is given to the problem of properly housing and properly treating our service personnel and those whom we consider are no longer needed in our forces ?
30 The man , who can not be named for legal reasons , admitted the charges falsely imprisoning and indecently assaulting his superior on August 9 last year .
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