Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [v-ing] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed production for the market , as a purpose taking priority over any other , is widely evident in each phase , though there are many examples of producers struggling against or effectively ignoring market trends .
2 Pupils will also enjoy performing simple period music ( playing medieval music on recorders and percussion instruments , for instance , or perhaps performing negro spirituals in a lesson about slavery ) .
3 The ropes took the first opportunity of falling into the waterfall and freezing solid , bending at unpredictable angles , more or less imitating wire hawser .
4 Steadily , then , over the two years or so following Herr Bremann 's death , his lordship , together with Sir David Cardinal , who became his closest ally during that time , succeeded in gathering together a broad alliance of figures who shared the conviction that the situation in Germany should not be allowed to persist .
5 Australia The states of Victoria and Western Australia and the Capital Territory have passed laws eliminating or severely restricting tobacco advertising since 1987 .
6 Let me repeat yet again the words of Ernest Renan in his famous lecture ‘ What is a Nation ’ in 1882 : ‘ Forgetting history , or even getting history wrong ( l'erreur historique ) are an essential factor in the formation of a nation , which is why the progress of historical studies is often dangerous to a nationality . ’
7 When the target atom in an XPS experiment is in a gas-phase molecule , the ejected photoelectron can escape freely , though even here it may lose some energy as it departs , exciting or even ionizing valence electrons in the process .
8 For the purposes of this discussion it is best to avoid the term working class literature , in favour of terms which are less polemically charged , such as labouring poets , or even labouring class poets .
9 They may be dazed and talk as if delirious , incoherent , stupid , forgetful ; worse ( < ) for mental exertions and is averse to speaking or even having company present ; too tired to communicate and not wanting to make the effort .
10 With a gang of laddish stooges grooving alongside to encourage him , Barry continued to lord it over the stage , munching an apple whilst reclining against the drum riser or simply feigning sleep flat on his back .
11 Sometimes when Rachaela shopped in the Saturday lunch-hour , Ruth went with her , and into Woolworth 's too , never showing a symptom of interest in the toys , sweets or loudly drumming music section .
12 It goes on to specify a duty to take action ‘ necessary or expedient … for the purpose of conserving , redistributing or otherwise augmenting water resources ’ and ‘ securing proper use of water resources ’ ( s.10 ) .
13 This seems unlikely , however , as earlier studies have shown that neither increasing , inhibiting , or completely suppressing H pylori urease activity in vivo changes the serum gastrin .
14 furthermore , patients who were obese , or actively having weight reduction at the time when the primary gall stones developed might , on achieving ideal body weight , no longer suffer this risk factor .
15 And if any words could be found in the Statute which provided that besides paying Income Tax on income people should pay for advantages or emoluments in its wider sense ( such as I think the word " emoluments " here , has not , for reasons to be presently given ) , there is no doubt of Mr Tennant 's possession of a material advantage , which made his salary of higher value to him than if he did not possess it , and upon the hypothesis which I have just indicated , would be taxable accordingly .
16 Differentiation theory , by contrast , asserts that merely observing target stimuli will be enough to produce some effect .
17 There are also dangers in suggesting that writers such as John Locke influenced attitudes , rather than merely reflecting changing attitudes , away from a punitive to a more liberal approach to children .
18 Now , some of the more radical theorists on child abuse would say that generally speaking people people under remember people under report people under attribute .
19 But most important the councils should listen to and take notice of those who have a track record of work on racial harassment , rather than just implementing paper policies .
20 We can do better than just robbing Mr Sowerberry .
21 ‘ Rather than just having e-mail messages , people often want to send files around , spreadsheet files for instance .
22 Civilization , that is , human societies , goes further than just linking family groups together through a set of work tasks that they have in common .
23 I think they 're trying to set up er nought , their own things rather than just joining petrol stations .
24 One round of voting on June 27 was annulled as fraudulent after a number of deputies attempted to vote more than once using voting cards entrusted to them by absent colleagues .
25 He appealed to the Chancellor to ‘ start fighting inflation with more flexible , more imaginative measures than ever rising interest rates ’ .
26 In the traditional all-yellow civilian Cub scheme , both were being re-assembled during August and were expected to remain based in East Anglia although probably retaining US marks .
27 In this market context , competitive advantage hinges on achieving an optimal balance between the efficiency and responsiveness of work organization , rather than simply maximizing scale economies .
28 The plan that produces the least CO 2 costs less than simply letting market forces prevail , because its high level of energy efficiency saves enough money to pay for the investment needed to switch to biomass production .
29 What is more enjoyable than silently consuming chicken sandwiches surrounded by scenery that immobilises any other emotion but wonder ?
30 However , we have previously found that neither increasing , inhibiting , nor completely abolishing H pylori urease activity in man alters serum gastrin .
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