Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb past] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 By chance the introduction of better rigging more or less coincided with the gold discoveries in California .
2 They had more or less drifted into a relationship , meeting at lectures , having the occasional meal together .
3 ‘ We come to what we more or less knew in the first place .
4 Nor did he see another consequence , as his nephew Mauss confessed , shortly before going mad : ‘ how large modern societies which have more or less emerged from the Middle Ages in other respects , could be hypnotized as aborigines are by their dances and set in motion like a child 's carousel .
5 Tones can be easily built up and blended , rubbed hard with a plastic rubber or gently stroked onto a grained paper to produce sfumato effects .
6 Another time his father might have laughed or mildly remonstrated about the cruelty of the imitation .
7 For many that was Buncrana or Fahan in County Donegal where they surfed , skiied , took boat trips or just lay in the sun .
8 I thought you were here at first , or just nipped to the pub or something . ’
9 Indeed , the specification of grades of untitled gentlemen of £40 or more amounted to an admission that the qualification was obsolete , that this level of income was totally inadequate to support the ‘ port and charge ’ of the dignity of knighthood .
10 In 1966/67 and 1973/74 six or more birds wintered in the county , but the autumn and winter of 1974/75 were quite remarkable , with a total of 45–50 birds altogether , of which at least 20 wintered ; 15 or more arrived from the south at Beachy Head on 22 October 1974 .
11 At many moments of weakness , or love , Thomas had spent far more money than he could afford or even wished for the sake of Simon 's joy in the holidays .
12 I 'm not suggesting we all become missionaries , but if every one of us did just one charitable thing this week — visited someone old or sick , sent a food parcel to Africa , gave away a toy to a hospital ward or even took in a stray animal — then Christmas really would mean something .
13 Even if a relatively highly geared mortgage can be obtained , the cost of indemnity insurance on such mortgages has doubled or even tripled since the boom .
14 This consideration was never advanced or even pondered by the opponents of the agreement .
15 Most studies do not use representative samples , and personality traits are typically assessed after the eating disorder has developed , thus making it difficult to determine whether the personality features caused , maintained , or simply resulted from the eating disorder .
16 They sat in rows and watched television or simply stared into the distance .
17 But funerals in any expensive way here with us , are now accounted but as a fruitlesse vanitie , insomuch that almost all the ceremoniall rites of obsequies heretofore used , are altogether laid aside : for we see daily that Noblemen , and Gentlemen of eminent ranke , office , and qualitie , are either silently buried in the night time , with a Torch , a two-penie Linke , and a Lanterne ; or parsimoniously interred in the day-time , by the helpe of some ignorant countrey-painter , without the attendance of any one of the Officers of Armes , whose chiefest support , and maintenance , hath ever depended upon the performance of such funerall rites , and exequies .
18 Other couples wandered in their wake , or else lingered on the hilltop by the Commemorative stone , happier in their partners .
19 Each classroom is built of sticks and foliage and is either carefully camouflaged under trees or else dug into the sides of rocky hills .
20 He 'd had nightmares featuring William before and they invariably ended with someone being beheaded or disembowelled or otherwise mangled in an unpleasant manner .
21 Transitions between orbitals that are largely or completely localized on a metal center are usually described as d-d ( or , for elements with partly filled f sub-shells , f-f ) transitions .
22 The area was featureless for precision flying , with large square fields either filled with cattle or recently ploughed after the wheat harvest .
23 Competitive Regulation : here , the aim is to ensure that competition is not eliminated or seriously hampered by the formation of cartels .
24 The chair of the US House of Representatives banking committee stated on Feb. 3 that investigations revealed that 13 US firms had knowingly or unknowingly participated in the Iraqi nuclear weapons programme prior to the invasion of Kuwait , despite an administration report in autumn 1991 to the contrary .
25 All too often records of women , whether mistress of the house or maid servant , are lost or never existed in the first place .
26 The Holy Roman Empire , of Charlemagne , of the Ottonian emperors , through to the Hohenstaufens , was to be seen in all seriousness as the legitimate heir of ‘ the Augustan peace ’ : a dispensation which , though seldom or never actualized through the last five centuries , must be held in mind as the one and only imaginable harmonizing of Church and State , of religion and politics , at least throughout Europe .
27 Part of the trouble stemmed from a dislike of Sandys ' refusal to heed professional advice , and from his propensity for allowing the senior civil servants in the Ministry of Defence to usurp the powers that properly belonged to the Chiefs of Staff .
28 That was when Sharpe bothered to show himself at the Prince 's headquarters at all ; he evidently preferred to spend his days riding the French frontier which was a job that properly belonged to the pompous General Dornberg , which thought reminded the Prince that Dornberg 's noon report should have arrived .
29 It was thought desirable to hedge it about with safeguards that would prevent the representatives from arrogating to themselves the powers and authority that properly belonged to the people .
30 The civil servants ensured that our drafts were the ones that eventually went into the Statutes , so we were able to return to our second Report .
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