Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Or better still for lunch .
2 Here the mother is interpreting the child 's earliest noises as turns , a phenomenon which has led some researchers to wonder whether the turn-taking mechanisms of conversation , and ability to recognize the kind of turn that is in use , might be the initial framework into which the child gradually fills the details of the language , working top-down , from the largest structures to the smallest , as well as or perhaps instead of bottom-up , as has usually been assumed .
3 Lesley-Jane , perhaps from long experience of having her mother going on about her or perhaps just from exhaustion , did not seem to be listening .
4 It is never — or perhaps only on occasion — the fault of an individual who has not done his job conscientiously or with an adequate standard of service .
5 It is clear that these larger groups or phyla have arisen because of what can only be called co-evolution : the changes to take place in their body types have been more or less continuously in tune with evolutionary changes in their habitat or environment .
6 Taken more or less straight from life , Granovsky was to have represented the liberal 1840s in a crisp , neat , polemical generation-gap story .
7 Wings was subsequently sold by Rank to Horizon at about the same time as Horizon was itself purchased more or less outright by Bass for £90 million in May 1987 .
8 The Pullmans , it was announced , would be kept more or less exclusively for Pullman Rail 's newly created non-steamcharter haul business .
9 Some feed more or less directly on sediment , from which they extract edible particles .
10 Bishop Fan Xueyan was described by one of his fellow bishops as someone who ‘ suffered a lot , spending his life between prison and freedom , more or less always under surveillance ’ .
11 When more or less alone at night in the casualty ward , the doctor needs to be able to make up his or her own mind , and exercise judgement about the particular features presented by the accident victim just wheeled in .
12 Most often it is described as care returned more or less explicitly in gratitude for what the author had been given in childhood .
13 Turnover in all sterling bonds listed on the London Stock Exchange has , in recent years , been averaging around £50 billion per annum , split more or less evenly between client business and intra-market business .
14 So instead of pushing pushing pushing , let's just see how much comes more or less naturally through advertising .
15 This week an aide confirmed that Mr Takeshita got a further ¥30m a week or so later from Recruit .
16 He wondered whether he 'd been asleep for a while , or just deep in thought .
17 I 'm talking about the whole grey area , where Social Services Departments define parents as inadequate or not good enough or just generally at risk .
18 It can be weekly , fortnightly , monthly , or just occasionally on request but quite often we are finding that a person who 's assessed as needing help weekly , but all that we have got is fortnightly , and all of the time there are clients waiting for us to up the amount of help that we 're giving to them and , very much , it needs to be when it benefits them , and when it fits in with their lives .
19 And I expect that same thing happens with the work related one , that because you 're never at work on your own , or hardly ever at work on your own , and the same thing when you started , you were n't ever on your own , you could say to people , am I doing it right .
20 What will that newly defined concept mean in terms of moving either closer to or further away from centralism ?
21 The remittance basis does not help the taxpayer if he is assessed under Case I of Schedule D or possibly even under Case VI of Schedule D.
22 Accordingly I ought to be able to say that at this stage his comments seem to me beside the point , or more exactly in excess of it .
23 The longterm results are impaired , however , by turmoral overgrowth or more frequently by ingrowth through the metallic mesh into the stent , resulting in recurrent jaundice or cholangitis .
24 Third , there is the problem of universal knowledge , or more generally of knowledge by inference .
25 Nobody is going to pay £10 billion ( $17 billion ) or more just in order to destroy ICI .
26 The walls were normally constructed of Kentish ragstone , with or without tile bonding courses , or more rarely of brick ; some , though , were constructed with clay , a not uncommon feature in the south-east of Britain .
27 At sea the question of the salute allegedly owed by vessels , both merchant and naval , of one power to those of another , by firing a salvo , by lowering their colours , or more rarely by half-lowering some of their sails , was the equivalent of these struggles for precedence on land .
28 To complete the cycle , oxygen is necessary , either directly from the air , or more commonly in solution in the water , and this too must be passed over or through the media .
29 It is the behaviour of E or G as a function of frequency or time , or more usually of temperature that constitutes the relaxation experiment .
30 At dawn or before sunset , or more usually in winter when the sun is low in the sky , even very low earthworks or walls cast shadows , thus betraying the presence of an archaeological site .
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