Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [pers pn] come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Within a mile or less they came to a stream .
2 Television exists , and it 's surprising how , if you search the columns of the journals , sooner or later you come across programmes about almost anything .
3 I think what was different in my approach , and it partly goes back to my background , is that firstly I had been working on educational planning , and that secondly I come from a background of market research .
4 And then er , there 's a long line of changing jobs and eventually I came to Dudley .
5 The sudden change of colour on the wall had upset its sense of direction and it buzzed about angrily and eventually it came into the porch where I was sitting and it stayed there for a few minutes and then went outside searching the wall again for the entrance .
6 They believe that it is possible for man , and that it is indeed his highest intellectual and emotional task , to survey his own being , to call into the forefront of his mind every attitude and habit of mind , of emotion , of passion and feeling , to penetrate down beneath these superficial layers , to deeper and deeper and ever more tranquil , untroubled generalized forms of the self , until eventually you come within sight of some inner absolutely undisturbed pool which every person has within himself , and which if he finds it removes him finally from the distracting passions of ordinary life , and with this rider , that in proportion as you get there and find this thing , this true self within yourself , you find that it is n't just something subjective and peculiar to you , it is something identical with the world , so that in solving your own problems in one sense , you do it by transcending your ordinary nature .
7 And so we come under the spell of Descartes , for whom , since the mind is distinct from the body , a pain must be a mental , a private , object .
8 And so we come to our third reason for the propagation of citizenship as an ideal .
9 And so we come to the antepenultimate item on the agenda .
10 And so they came to a negotiated settlement by which the Soviets agreed to withdraw the missiles and the United States promised that they would not interfere with Castro again , although from that day to this they have maintained of course their economic embargo .
11 And so they came to a negotiated settlement by which the Soviets agreed to withdraw the missiles and the United States promised that they would not interfere with Castro again , although from that day to this they have maintained of course their economic embargo .
12 His apartment in New York would be no place to keep an African antelope , and so he came to the nature reserve where I was working .
13 And so it came to be that the bewitching gesture of her father 's secretary walking down the golden path ( which bewitched me when I saw the woman in the swimsuit take leave of the lifeguard ) had completely gone to sleep in her .
14 And so it came about that all over the land children were assembled in groups of 40 and made to learn the facts set out in the books written by Messrs Hall & Stevens , Warner & Martin , Durrell & Palmer , and Potter and Ridout .
15 And so it comes to me , ’ he said quietly , as if to the painting .
16 But your er basic style of steering , and naturally we come from a training establishment , we think and we practise the push-pull method .
17 And anyway he came to my party when it was my birthday . ’
18 ‘ Our senses … do convey into the mind , several distinct perceptions of things … and thus we come by those ideas we have of yellow , white , [ etc . ] ’
19 Against such threats the ego has many defences , such as denial , distortion , forgetting , intellectualization , projection and so on ; and thus it comes about that , in the not uncommon tendency to confuse the theory with the fact of what is repressed , psychoanalysis itself is seen as a threat to the very process of repression which it was the first to discover and is itself subjected to these defensive reactions .
20 And thus he came to the water .
21 Leaving the seaside resort behind them , they drove out towards the country and soon they came to Wakefield .
22 They called to Joseph Poorgrass , who was picking apples , and soon he came along the path to Bathsheba 's house .
23 But it 's clear his orders are to stay outside and keep it verbal , and soon he comes on heavy with the landlord 's message .
24 Turn right onto it and soon you come to Tregaminion church .
25 Open pastureland succeeded the neglected wood as I walked on , and soon I came to a rough circle of boulders on a mound — Lisheen , the little fort , home of fairies .
26 We never did persuade them , but for six valuable hours we managed to hold them on that course far out into the Flores Sea , until finally they came to their senses , noticed the distant and almost invisible shore , and hurriedly tacked towards it again .
27 It 's , certainly erm well attended , there 's , you know thousands of people attend and basically it centres around erm , a fire , Beltane means erm , sacred fire and erm a procession of drummers leads me to top of a path and along Carlfa , Carlton Hill and erm fire sculptures are lit around me and I unfo ha have this great costume that I unfold in and erm process round the hill and round hill are different performers erm painted in different colours to represent different elements of nature , and finally we come to this big fire where which I light with hands , which have been sculpted and bannocks are given to the people to eat , and erm the tradition that you 're supposed to cross the fire as a sort of a erm purification ceremony or or through the ashes of the fire .
28 If ever we came under competitive pressure , Andrew was always able to think up something new , that left us still on top .
29 If ever it came to court !
30 More and more it came to be used in relations between states which were not themselves French-speaking : in 1664 the new imperial ambassador to England addressed Charles II in it at his first audience and in 1677 the king of Denmark , when addressed by a Polish ambassador in Latin , replied to him in French .
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