Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [noun sg] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He told her that he was going to continue writing to her , nothing deterred by her cold reply or rather lack of a reply .
2 This low incidence of visual handicap means , in effect , that not every local education authority in England and Wales will have a range of appropriate educational placements for the severely visually impaired pupil , and it may be necessary to look for a solution in regional terms , or perhaps attendance at a residential special school may be considered .
3 No doubt " and emptiness " adds a further precision or perhaps elaboration to the of line A ; that is to say , to the idea of ignorable non-existence is added that of chaotic absence of form .
4 I was looking for a business venture worthy of my silver , some trade across the Narrow Seas or perhaps commerce with the Baltic .
5 Where only part of the works are to be designed by the contractor , the standard form is used with modifications set out in the Contractor 's Designed Portion Supplement to the JCT Standard Form of Building Contract with Quantities , 1980 edition .
6 This meaning contrasts with that found in sentences such as She ordered me to break down the door , where only part of the movement signified by to is actualized : Here the infinitive can be described as evoking a subsequent potentiality , i.e. an event whose actualization is futurized with respect to that of the main verb .
7 In allowing H Ltd 's contentions that the mezzanine platforms should be eligible for capital allowances , Mr Justice Vinelott said that the issue was whether the platforms passed the ‘ premises test ’ — in other words , whether the platforms were apparatus used for carrying on the trade or merely part of the setting in which the trade of the companies was carried on .
8 In Shah 's case Lord Scarman said , ‘ All that is necessary is that the purpose of living where one does [ eg , for education , employment , health , family or merely love of the place ] has a sufficient degree of continuity to be properly described as settled ’ .
9 Example 2:18 Covenant to yield up tenant 's fixtures at the expiry or sooner determination of the tenancy to yield up the demised property including all tenant 's fixtures in good repair and clean and tidy Example 2:19 Covenant to remove tenant 's fixtures if required if so required by the landlord by written notice given not later than three months before the term date to remove ( or pay for the removal of ) all fixtures affixed to the demised property by the tenant or such of them as may be specified in the notice Example 2:20 Covenant by tenant to inquire about removal of fixtures not later than six months before the expiry of the term to inquire in writing of the landlord which ( if any ) tenant 's fixtures the landlord requires the tenant to remove on the termination of the term
10 It would have been otherwise if he had covenanted to paint in the quarter " preceding the expiry or sooner determination of the said term " .
11 And it was , were you shop steward for the whole factory or just part of the factory ?
12 In fact , the SDDR , upon which work has progressed well and speedily — it is all part of the relief road system round the city — has started to discharge traffic at a great rate on to the A6 at Oadby , which is seeking to percolate further south on the A6 or further east towards the A47 .
13 Such studies involve a researcher or a team of researchers in studying a whole community of people , usually in a small town or village , or possibly part of a larger town .
14 But a corporation created by or in pursuance of an Act of Parliament is subject to the rule that it has only such powers as are expressly conferred , or are necessarily or reasonably incident to the fulfilment of the purposes for which it is established .
15 Thus a company directly created by special Act of Parliament will be restricted to acts necessary or reasonably incident to the objects specified in the Act .
16 That 's right , that 's right , I , I tend to keep my watch to the minute if I possibly can , but that 's bad habit or really habit from the days when I was catching trains every day , and I 'd never caught a train with any time to spare , erm
17 ‘ If you want information about your guest , you should come tonight or tomorrow night to the old house near the lime-kiln on the marshes .
18 Either today or tomorrow morning at the latest .
19 It is a pity that the editors have not provided anything in the way of an introduction , links between contributions , or even subdivision of the papers .
20 The threat of disciplinary action or even dismissal from the Library Association is empty when one can practise as a librarian without membership of the professional association .
21 Indeed , reports showing a reduction , or even disappearance of the asthma with surgical repair or medical management of the reflux have further strengthened support for a GOR-asthma association .
22 Experience has shown that this can lead to rivalry or even friction between the two .
23 They may be attached to a particular school for a single day or even part of a day , or for a substantially longer period .
24 And Moffat himself seemed hopeful of a political solution based on an independent Vietnam which was to be associated with or even part of the French Union .
25 Er I was fully aware of the fact that er you know , some people say , particularly in the fitting departments where experience had taught the fitters , having been given a free hand , er that they accumulated all the parts for a job , or even part of the job , they did certain assemblies you know , until they got all the part pieces assembled ready to combine it into the main unit , erm that experience er was being overtaken by an introduction of smaller units being assembled you know , bit by bit as they were being produced in the machine shop .
26 Although these data are extremely useful , it can not assess reflux of potentially harmful materials such as bile , which has a near neutral pH , or even food with a near neutral pH that may contain other damaging agents such as pepsin .
27 It could be argued that interviews with competent librarians and subject specialists in these fields , or even examination of the holdings lists of specialist libraries in these subjects , would have produced exactly the same journal lists as have been arrived at by co-citation analysis , at a much lower cost .
28 Their case would have been vastly more plausible ; and a decisive electoral victory for the Labour Party might have been seen as a mandate for the promotion of industrial democracy in the trade unions ' model of it , and as an implicit declaration of public opinion in favour of the consequential abridgement or even abrogation of the rights of ownership .
29 When money ran short , whether through neglect , illness or even death of the breadwinner , women would resort first to kin and to neighbours .
30 While recognising a variety of emphases and ideological leanings , Young suggests some common characteristics of these writers : a lack of interest in the causes of crime — or even opposition in the case of proposed social causes ; a voluntaristic , rather than deterministic , view of human action ; a belief in the effectiveness of deterrence .
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