Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] as [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Never mind where so long as it is a public space .
2 It did n't matter where so long as it was cheap .
3 The agreement recited that John had left all his estate to his executors by his will but that , shortly before his death , he had declared in the presence of several witnesses that he wished his widow to have the cottage for her life or so long as she continued a widow ; and that , though this wish was never put into writing , the executors were convinced that it was his desire and were willing and desirous that it should be put into effect .
4 The agreement stated that ‘ in consideration of such dfesire ’ the executors would convey the cottage to the widow for her life or so long as she should continue a widow .
5 So long as a group formation persists , or so far as it extends , individuals in the group behave as though they were uniform , tolerate peculiarities of its members , equate themselves with them , and have no feeling of aversion towards them .
6 But it has never since been debated as solemnly , as urgently or as hysterically as it was in the 1950s .
7 Power levels control the amount of microwave energy entering the oven , so food can be cooked as quickly or as slowly as you like .
8 It is usually they who made the choice to have and keep their babies , even though this does not always work out as happily or as easily as they may anticipate , and they deserve recognition and respect .
9 The classical continuity which remains for the plucked string is that each of its harmonics can be sounded as softly or as loudly as we please .
10 Yates , 25 later this month , has been tracked by a number of top clubs , including both Liverpool and Spurs , but manager Neil Warnock yesterday admitted : ‘ His injury is not responding as well or as quickly as we had thought .
11 According to centre director Anne Shearer , a qualified psychotherapist and former social work committee chairperson , fear and anxiety , often rooted in childhood , leave us unable to breathe as deeply or as evenly as we once did , and this in turn means we can not relax fully or enjoy really good health .
12 When the affected characters get to the east wall ( or as far as they can go in that direction if other characters stop them ) , they are attacked .
13 And eventually you you either do and he drives off and nearly runs into rams into a lamppost or something like that on his way when he 's finally given up , or else sometimes as I say they get together and er everything 's hunkydory .
14 It was hard going , but as readers of her undoubtedly interesting although immensely tendentious book will discover , some progress was made , although so far as I was concerned with astonishing fluctuations in my popularity .
15 No , I 'm sure that they that so long as they pass the audition they are always welcome .
16 President of the Board of Trade Michael Heseltine denied Tory MPs were looking for a new leader , saying : ‘ We know that so long as we keep our nerve and pursue policies that are important we can come through .
17 His position could be summed up as saying that so long as it has not been established beyond doubt that God does not exist , we should believe in God .
18 His head was cut off , buried on Tower Hill facing France in the belief that so long as it remained there , Britain would be safe from invasion .
19 Moreover the fact that so long as it is relatively pure gold does not tarnish means that its lustre remains undimmed .
20 I know that so long as I do n't manage to count up to one hundred before the spasm ceases , I shall live .
21 Bread never went mouldy in Algeria , which meant that so long as I was prepared for a good chew , I could always buy enough to last to the next village .
22 Some might worry that he is allowing the Californians to influence him too much , but I ca n't help feeling that so long as he manages to stay on his horse he remains the best sort of Englishman aborad .
23 The scent of human food was very strong in the Gruncher 's nostrils , and he must have been thinking that so long as he kept going flat out , he would catch his meal in the end .
24 A gentleman of the faculty in the neighbourhood , hearing of the circumstance , and finding it so well authenticated , immediately made him an offer of ten guineas for the dog , which the grateful farmer refused , exultingly adding that so long as he had a bone in his meat , or a crust to his bread , he would divide it with the faithful friend who had preserved his life : arid this he did in a perfect conviction that the warmth of the dog , in covering the most vital part , had continued the circulation arid prevented a total stagnation of the blood by the frigidity of the elements . "
25 He believed that so long as he remained in the Government the Press attacks would continue and that his supposedly malevolent influence would be blamed for every failure .
26 She did n't mind about that so long as she got a lovely little grave like Mrs Hollidaye 's baby daughter .
27 Over coffee in the study Miss Danziger thanked the guests individually for their concern , apologised for interrupting their enjoyment of an excellent meal , and explained that so long as she came out of the spasm in less than a minute and a half it was not dangerous and left no ill-effects .
28 I think that so far as we 've got .
29 It seemed that so far as they were concerned Meehan , guilty or innocent , could stay in Peterhead for ever .
30 It was plain enough now , from the glance he shot in the general direction of the three of them and the jeep , that so far as he was concerned they were just part and parcel of the trouble generated by the city , the days he had to spend queuing in the tax office , the months he had spent shut up in the squalid , over-crowded prison , the endless haggling with shopkeepers , the disappearance of his good-for-nothing son .
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