Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They did n't just acknowledge gracefully that they 'd been beaten , or perhaps even that they had been wrong , and welcome their Reporter back .
2 Or perhaps even that he and I together , in as filthy moods as we were , must n't have looked like the sort of people even a policeman should risk messing with .
3 It may be surprising , but when a cat brings a live mouse to her kittens — perhaps for them to first play with and then kill , or perhaps so that she can kill it while they watch — this is not considered by some experts to be a form of teaching .
4 At one moment we were all saying more or less volubly that he could not possibly succeed ; the next we found ourselves travelling along behind him " .
5 ‘ I told Anna a week or so ago that you 'd promised to visit her .
6 It was only two years or so later that he died — TB or summat .
7 The thought did come to his mind a week or so later that she might have been in love with him , but it seemed a ludicrous idea as well as self-congratulatory , and he put it by .
8 Lisa pulled herself up to her full five feet three inches , wishing for an extra foot or so so that she could look him in the eye .
9 A year or so before that I was at a conference in America where deconstruction bulked largely on the agenda .
10 The translations were not the only technical difficulty : there were only two shorthand writers in the court and they were hard pressed to keep up with the proceedings , causing the court to be adjourned more than once so that they could transcribe their notes .
11 If you leave plenty of selvage round the edge , later on you can crop that slightly so that it is a perfect ninety degree .
12 When he turned to look at her , the firelight cast shadows across his body , so that she saw his arms not as arms , but as wings … and they will enfold me so strongly and so sweetly that I shall never want to be free …
13 That comes automatically , together with iced water , before Peggy Sue begins interrogating you , and is replenished so often and so generously that you make a note to speak harshly to the next British rip-off artist who rushes you 80p for a niggardly Nescafe .
14 He 'd secured her with practised ease , and so fast that she had n't even been aware of it happening .
15 The spacing of such steps on pointe is so minute and so fast that it is not possible to see the change of feet as one succeeds the other .
16 It happened so fast and so drastically that I nearly slid after him , managing only instinctively to pivot on one foot and throw myself headlong back onto the boards still remaining solid behind the hole .
17 But we reckon that in actual fact if you erm do n't do the we just dis discount the billing and collection and the pensions conversions and so on that we will actually get some benefits from the , the , the things that we 've already put in place this year , we reckon we can reduce that overspend on that side of it down to about a hundred and eighty two thousand erm because it 's , it 's nominal paper er transactions in a way .
18 Now the complaint about sports is simply that other countries put more central and local government money into sport and into facilities , into training , into stadia and so on that we do .
19 They broke down so often and so grievously that they were all withdrawn from service within three years .
20 He was internationally minded ; he believed in concord between nations , and so ardently that he did not question over much whether concord between nations actually existed . ’
21 Certain English words are shortened so severely ( usually to a single phoneme ) and so consistently that they are represented differently in informal writing , e.g. ‘ it is ’ — ‘ it 's ’ ; ‘ we have ’ — ‘ we 've ’ ; ‘ do not ’ — ‘ do n't ’ .
22 The pup guzzles her milk so steadily and so hungrily that it swells almost visibly .
23 But no warning could check Arthur Conway 's fury , and with a lightning leap he managed to grip the young man 's throat , and so fiercely that he forced him backwards , only the next moment to have his arms snapped downwards , when he would have fallen on his back if he had n't come up against the coalhouse wall and , unfortunately , a shovel that was propped there .
24 It was n't until much later that I saw it metaphorically .
25 ‘ I might as well tell you — if only so that you 'll let me go home . ’
26 I felt I should include them in the list if only so that you could see the limited choice at present available .
27 It overlooked the street , it was too hot , and the people on the other side of the wall had been watching the hotel 's cable channel late and loud so that he 'd had to go around and hammer on their door .
28 But his social position had always required him to keep up appearances , and especially now that he was court kammermusicus he and his wife expected to dress well , entertain their friends , keep a carriage , and domestic help .
29 Richie had deployed half a dozen of his tried and trusted Hazards Limited operatives to look after Royalbion plant and installations both onshore and offshore so that he and Patrick could be free to hold a watching brief at the Million Sterling Tournament .
30 Expertly his hands began their slow , feverish exploration of her bare skin , tormenting as they sought to inflame her further and further so that she forgot everything but the pleasure he could bring her .
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