Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A tight-fitting cover or better still cling film will help reduce the deaths because cold draughts seem to be partly to blame .
2 During this time of testing , a sufferer from alcoholism mat say that he or she can not be alcoholic because he or she does not drink in the mornings or is still in regular employment or still has a home and family or perhaps only drinks wine and beer but never spirits or only drinks at the weekends .
3 It it seems to me we 've spent about an hour and ten minutes or so almost shadow boxing over this particular policy erm and we we keep running into well running both matters together and it seems right and proper that we should do that .
4 This brief survey of medical developments demonstrates that once again information technology is at the heart of them , both in terms of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques and in linking patient data across hospital , community and primary care settings .
5 The swinging rhythm and rather pleasantly exhibitionist rhyme- scheme , together with the reconciled paradoxical terms of the maiden-mother , angels kneeling to men , prisoners freed , small become great and foe become friend , enact rhetorically a delight that redemption is indeed a game , the playing of which reverses all the normal expectations of mortality .
6 The sentence is divided into noun phrase and a verb phrase and so on verb phrase .
7 In true pilgrim tradition we prayed and did penance together and we also took our recreation together and we also took our recreation together and so on Wednesday evening we met together for a very happy celebration .
8 Going this way , up the twenty-mile-long Liddesdale and over the high Note o' the Gate pass of Wauchope to Hobkirk , and so down Rule Water to the Jedburgh area , was around thirty-five rough miles , and halfway to Berwick .
9 These include Permo-Carboniferous quartz dolerites occurring as a swarm of east-west trending dykes in North Barra and South Uist which are cut by slightly later thin monchiquite dykes ; and much later north west-south east trending Tertiary dykes found in a belt across southern Lewis and Harris .
10 Industrialism requires a very delicate adjustment of demographic growth : not too fast ; because that will lower wages and thus both consumer demand and the incentive to labour saving investment ; not too slow , for that will raise wages so high as to entrench on profits and the capacity for investment .
11 For example , progesterone impairs gall bladder contractility , and oestrogens may increase cholesterol saturation of bile and gall bladder prostaglandin synthesis , and thus possibly mucin secretion by the gall bladder mucosa .
12 And just hard up.The church where communion means ’ bring a bottle . ’
13 It 's about six feet in height and just about shoulder width , er it 's coloured black and it has a bullet proof glass window of about six inches by four inches which enables the er officer behind the shield to manoeuvre it in the correct position .
14 And finally tonight Moseley rugby club have come up with a very different approach to pre-season training , I have to tell you it is not what you 'd expect from the lads from the Readings .
15 Schofield and former All Black Craig Innes combined to put Dixon over and shortly afterwards Kiwi Test centre Kevin Iro touched down after a superb break by Schofield .
16 A year later and once more Mistral -driven , I decided to give it another try .
17 There are indications that the mill was turned over for a time for saw milling , and possibly even cider production .
18 Kelly , right now looks to be the most likely , and Possibly only Leeds player to be going to the world cup .
19 Adolf Hitler even … and more recently Gary Glitter and Madonna .
20 The corgi must have a regal air , be docile and reasonably well behaved.The fee for the show … as many dog biscuits as they can eat !
21 The traditional system suppliers such as VBS with their Beacon system and Genigraphics were few and far between while Matrix , now part of Agfa , was the dominant supplier of medium-priced film recorders .
22 It certainly does not help if the national media — and now even BBC WILDLIFE Magazine choose to ignore the party , and the political and economic dimensions of conservation and survival .
23 FoE campaigner Viv Mountford said : ‘ We have always said that if ICI build an incinerator it could attract other ‘ dirty industry ’ and now already North West Water have come up with a scheme to burn sewage sludge in Widnes .
24 Techniques to be investigated for use during measurement , averaging and computing a growth function were grey scaling , picture improvement and even perhaps pattern manipulation .
25 Though the majority of youth continued outwardly to behave in a conformist manner , the growth in numerous big cities of deliberately non-conformist and sometimes actively oppositionist youth groups delighting in physical as well as verbal attacks on Hitler Youth brigades , wearing ‘ western ’ clothes , aping English mannerisms , and listening to jazz , showed that Nazism was losing ground among what had been its strongest area of support .
26 But so far Sergeant Juron had done nothing except walk the Emperor along , swaying , in their wake .
27 It was a culmination of measures going back to the middle of the nineteenth century , but more particularly government experience since the 1890s. and above all , a shift in attitudes towards State-provided housing .
28 The inquiries within this project are being conducted in parallel with similar monitoring efforts in all other Community countries , so that the results should show not only what legal difficulties exist in the way of fully effective enforcement in the Uk , but also how UK performance compares with that of other countries and which national legal systems within the Community are best able to ‘ deliver ’ effective implementation of 1992 policies .
29 Accreditation is then perceived as a safety net , but here again consultant appointment depends less on accreditation than on possession of the required skills and training .
30 I always seem to leave till the last the vital , intangible , but certainly not chance factor of the imaginative generosity of the donors .
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