Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [art] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 Or rather the house in Mouncy Street had been taken over by a succession of dead bodies .
2 Michelle is obviously a sunlust person in that respect and depending on whether she goes to a main package resort in Spain or perhaps a beach in India , she can either be a psychocentric sunlust person or an alocentric sunlust person .
3 But if I know her she is composing something more like an entry in a good encyclopaedia , or perhaps a chapter in her own book .
4 If Labour Members are so keen on Ravenscraig staying open , why does the hon. Member for Dunfermline , East ( Mr. Brown ) not have the guts — or perhaps the influence in the shadow Cabinet — to give an unequivocal commitment that if the Labour party came to power it would keep Ravenscraig open ?
5 After perhaps 80 Ma or so the increase in the temperature in the sub-lithospheric mantle below the supercontinent will lead to uplift , rifting and continental fragmentation .
6 Whether there is upregulation of the genes that produce these antigens or merely a change in expression on the cell surface has not been investigated : in situ hybridisation should provide an answer to this question .
7 Because of the small number of women completing 24 cycles or more the suggestion in our data that both groups will eventually have the same pregnancy rate , must be interpreted with caution .
8 In August we had a long weekend in the Lakes , with Rob , Joyce & Ewan which went well , & also a week in Telford with Richard which we thoroughly enjoyed .
9 No doubt many of my readers will instantly distrust such apocalyptic explanations as meteoritic impact , nuclear explosion or equally the increase in cosmic ray activity favoured by other palaeontologists , such as Schindewolf ( 1962 ) .
10 And if an objective moral standard is thrown over , what is to stop the majority in society — or even a minority in power — from putting away in a mental institution those who do not see eye to eye with them until they are " cured " ?
11 Bank lending may also increase ( item 3 ) even if there is no increase in liquidity or even a reduction in liquidity ( item I is zero or negative ) , if banks respond to increases in the demand for loans by accepting a lower liquidity ratio .
12 Mrs Gaskell , writing to an American friend in 1860 , certainly thought that those in Streatham Street were not designed to be so : ‘ There is but one sink & c for every floor ; the fireplaces were the poorest kind of parlour grate , over or by which there was not the least [ hope ] of cooking ; there was not a peg , a shelf , or a cupboard , or even a recess in which one might be cheaply made . ’
13 She had been rapt at his every phrase , pen ready to score out any word or even a comma in her essays to please him .
14 WITH the latest appalling upsurge in violence , both loyalist and republican , thoughts of peace or even a breakthrough in the political stalemate seem far removed from the grim reality .
15 They may be wise as an owl , slippery as an eel or even a snake in the grass .
16 Take a hot bath/shower Or treat yourself to a sauna or even a session in a beauty salon !
17 This line of argument does not demand an exercise in conspiracy theory sociology , or even a belief in premeditated state malice , only an acceptance of the realities of the world of policy formulation in which both issues and policy prescriptions are not structured solely by empirical reality .
18 Try a bit of horse riding , or even a ride in a horse drawn trap .
19 What was new was that skinheads appeared to be not a continuation of a trend , but a change of emphasis or even a reversal in the development of style .
20 Seeing the Houses of Parliament , or even a debate in the Chamber , does not explain how we are governed .
21 ‘ Once in the VAT field it must however be appreciated that a business could go over the 7,200 threshold , as a result of increased business activity or even an increase in the rate of VAT .
22 In 1924 Einstein had said that if the ideas , then in the air , of renouncing strict causality proved to be correct he would " rather be a cobbler , or even an employee in a gambling house , than a physicist " .
23 Or even the airport in Prague ?
24 Gradually weight loss occurs despite a good diet , and in the final stages the person ceases to recognise the family or even the self in the mirror , loses bladder and bowel control , any capacity for self-care or ability to communicate in words .
25 The quietness seemed somehow to be incredibly loud , perhaps because wherever else I have been I could at the very least , listening hard , pick out some distant sounds of life , or even the wind in the trees .
26 Word had got about as to why she had disappeared on compassionate leave and she began receiving many invitations for such recreational activities as were available : film shows , dances or simply a get-together in the local inn .
27 Change of control clauses ( commonly found in software licences ) entitle one party to a contract to terminate the contract if there is a change in ownership of the other contracting party or sometimes a change in ownership of the holding company of that contracting party .
28 The spark that does often make people go is when there are changes in the international organisation or indeed a change in the fortunes of the company .
29 As the PFF " horse thief " , I would be told to visit the Group commander when I next called an No 5 Group to explain some aspects of our techniques , or indeed a lapse in recent sorties , I was always made most welcome and enjoyed " Cocky's ' confidence .
30 Now if the minister is right and a partner in the firm or indeed an assistant in the firm a acting as a tax advisor or financial planner , might come across something er tha that er if er he were acting as auditor he would be bound to report .
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