Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Bethnal Green has many points of similarity with a village , or rather with a whole series of overlapping and interlocking villages .
2 The lesson since Bismarck has been that France can not compete politically , militarily or economically with a united Germany .
3 Therefore , take what occurs around the 29th or thereabouts as a definite sign or signal from the heavens that not only must life go on , but that it also has to get better and better .
4 Or perhaps as a regular ‘ tune-up ’ for key staff .
5 Therefore , the company are to seek sponsorships and would welcome any enquiries now or perhaps at a later date when the industrial climate improves .
6 There are far too few illustrations for the size of the volume : ideally a dictionary of this size should contain many more , displayed in either date , alphabetical or country order , or perhaps in a comparative sequence .
7 If that decision is the right one , then the spirit can progress to the next lesson ; if the person gives in to temptation , then the spirit has to be faced with that choice again and again ( either later in that same life or perhaps in a future one ) until the right decision is reached .
8 While the basic aim of a service should be to provide people with ordinary homes of their own , there are many former long-term hospital patients who would not wish to live alone after many years of living in close proximity to other patients ; such people may feel more comfortable living in a three- or four-person flat or house , or perhaps in a sheltered group of flatlets where communal dining rooms and recreational facilities echo the arrangements in ordinary sheltered accommodation for elderly people .
9 If a manager had indifferent or poor leadership qualities his subordinates would still do their job , but they would do it ineffectually or perhaps in a confused manner .
10 Previous investigations have demonstrated how provision of emotionally relevant information can influence the way people interpret their own behaviour and in turn whether they respond emotionally or non-emotionally to a given situation .
11 Foucault has even been accused of returning , in this work , to the concept of a totality in the episteme ; it has certainly been somewhat hastily assumed that the latter can be appropriated more or less as a new way of describing a historical ‘ period ’ .
12 Medved muddies the waters by treating cinema , television and pop more or less as a single entity .
13 These indicate that three strands have been plied together ; they are obviously thicker and knit up more or less as a double knitting type yarn .
14 The other bones were more or less in a confused mass below the thorax .
15 Between these two , an unequivocal dividing line made the plateaux of Leon and Burgos a kind of no-mans-land , across which the two forces ranged more or less in a continual dispute until the middle of the tenth century .
16 There are also several economic unions which operate more or less in a bloc-like manner .
17 Garments fluttered over her head and she emerged more or less inside a pleated tennis dress , sailor-collared but daringly short .
18 These admit various ways of accommodating the sacred to the profane ; i.e. behaving more or less like a rational economic man .
19 In others , it may be thought appropriate to arrange merely a casual introduction to the office for a couple of weeks or so at a nominal remuneration .
20 The period of authoritarian rule has given way during the last decade or so to a democratic system that is still consolidating itself .
21 And in the course of each evening numbers rose from a dozen or so to a hundred , and then diminished as people wandered away to supper .
22 Move forward seventy years or so to a different household in another part of France .
23 He does n't correspond to any of the multiple fictions produced over the last hundred years or so by a long line of social reformers and slum missionaries of what the working class should be .
24 Drowsiness is first indicated by a reduction in the frequency of alpha rhythm , from about 10Hz to 8.5Hz or so In a young adult , as well as a reduction in its amplitude , and then by its disappearance .
25 A perfect way to serve them is in a tart of shortcrust pastry , mixed with three or four free-range eggs and plenty of sugar , and baked for half an hour or so in a medium-hot oven .
26 These schemes , then , can be summarized under the following heads : we run residency and award schemes , we run grants to artists and craftsmen and photographers , we run an artists in school scheme , which involves placement of and artist for two weeks or so in a local secondary school , we offer payments to artists for exhibiting in certain galleries , something akin to the public lending right , we also provide assistance for the purchase and commissioning of contemporary work , and finally we run an artists ' register , which is a slide register of work of artists within the region , which is accessible to anyone who wants to come along and look at it , whether they are organizing an exhibition or thinking of commissioning a piece for their own living rooms , or perhaps a piece for their town hall or public library or whatever .
27 If the latter , can it be for any offence or only for a serious one , and is the offence in the problem sufficiently serious ?
28 Perhaps the mother-daughter relationship is also significant in respect of whether the Lady enters your life easily , or only after a long struggle .
29 Many other substances play a minor role as insect pigments , occurring either in small amounts or only in a few species .
30 The institution of monarchy thus dominated the political horizon , whether it was thought of in terms of Divine Right or merely as a secular institution guaranteeing civil peace and security .
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