Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 You have to get him wound down a bit , you have to do it , you know of a about half an hour or so ask him for the proper name !
2 It is hard to know now whether Eden was really being serious , or merely protecting himself for posterity .
3 Swan 's ‘ guest ’ ( ie , unpaid ) lecturers are academics singing for their supper and for the chance to revisit sites and monuments , or sometimes visit them for the first time .
4 If I may say so , you 're a bit long in the tooth to be an articled clerk , and — to make up for that — you have an air of authority that scarcely fits you for a junior position .
5 It was a move that clearly suited him for the following season he was picked for the county squad .
6 Mm that 's what that girl 's just said to me you get a lot of erm , she said he 'll know it 's hard and I was saying that you know I , I put all me eggs in one basket with that , I mean that really knocked me for six
7 Addictive use of any substance or behaviour is seen when the individual uses it in appropriately and compulsively to suppress uncomfortable emotions Or to gain a sense of elation in order to change a disordered mood rather than simply using it for its own sake .
8 Skins on the segment and the pith both contain substances called bioflavonoids which enhance the effect of vitamin C , so it 's better to make use of the whole fruits rather than simply pressing them for your breakfast juice .
9 He preached before both Charles II and Cromwell and courageously reproved them for their sins .
10 Because these are so individually made , they 're rather like instruments which have been devised for a specific individual , and so to criticise them for details of design is hardly fair .
11 It was argued that this was needed to allow the husband to do the field work as quickly as possible and so release him for more off-farm employment .
12 His arms he folded round her , and so held her for a moment passive ; then with a sudden sharp sigh she embraced him again , quivering , and lifted her mouth to him ravenously .
13 As the horse learns from the voice to listen to the seat , leg and rein aids then you gradually dispense with the voice and only use it for rewarding when he is good .
14 Finally , I read yesterday that some managers , most noticably the two Scots that were in Wembley at the weekend , are talking about banning transfers after the season start and only allowing them for a limited period over Christmas .
15 Oliver was very surprised to see all this , and greatly admired them for controlling their sadness so well .
16 Horst Urban , Continental 's boss , is unimpressed with Pirelli 's elaborate scheme and rightly sees it for what it is : a takeover .
17 Which is what I meant to erm tt get on to Chris from the press office B B C Well I 'll give him a bell and just organize it for one day .
18 Topaz found it very difficult to obey the command for constant disdain , and soon shed it for a charm which worked like magic .
19 The humour inheres not just in the daffy selection of cultural allusions ( their native French accordion , some flamenco guitar , a few African horns ) but also in the way they take stiff , formal tempi ( waltzes and tangos ) and mockingly squeeze them for their stateliness .
20 She liked him and deeply respected him for that .
21 However , in two-player mode the game really comes into its own : you can beat yer mates up and still take 'em for a pint afterwards ! 69%
22 This was encouraged by the traditional view of a skilled man as one who learned his trade by the age of 21 and thereafter practised it for more than forty years until he retired at 65 .
23 The tug refloated the vessel , towed her to a sheltered anchorage where she was made fit for the tow to Hong Kong , and thereafter towed her for four days to docks in Hong Kong .
24 I think he would like to do more for the band but we are completely stupid and like do everything for ourselves .
25 The text of the letter , which was released in full , expressed regret for misleading the officer by failing to disclose the depth of his opposition to the war , and also thanked him for " saving me from the draft " .
26 In James Callaghan 's famous speech at Ruskin College , Oxford , in October 1976 , from which the Great Debate emerged , he spoke of a school curriculum which would aim ‘ to equip children … for a lively , constructive place in society , and also fit them for a job of work ’ .
27 In the second year , language work extends students ' oral and written skills , with increased attention to style and idiom , and also prepares them for the year abroad .
28 Sanderson was a friend of Skottowe and probably recommended him for the job .
29 Having consulted all available evidence and carefully examined it for reliability , the historian has to decide , judge , evaluate and interpret in a final summary or synthesis .
30 Conversely , eating the person 's body might indicate the ultimate contempt , in that you were degrading them completely : as you ate parts of the body you were mocking the person 's erstwhile vigour and simultaneously stealing it for your own use .
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