Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This has principally meant providing more access to consumer goods and services , such as education , while continuing to deny any section of the black population access to political decision-making , or fundamentally changing the economic order .
2 In particular , what effect will it have on patrolling officers ' discretionary decisions ( whether to prosecute or verbally advise an offending motorist ) , what consequences may there be for the management and monitoring of these discretionary enforcement practices by supervisory officers , and what implications are there for Force training
3 ‘ New Courses ’ comprise combinations of units either developed nationally or locally to create a new course , i.e. one which leads to a qualification which is substantially different from existing provision but which meets a defined local or national need .
4 As you set about making your plans for next year let me leave you with this thought from Eglantine Jebb If children of any country are physically or morally abandoned the whole world loses by it and the whole world gains if children grow up healthy , capable and ready to work for the good of their neighbours .
5 There is evidence of a religious enthusiasm more acceptable to the establishment among the nobility , some of whom appear to have either anticipated or eagerly embraced the official establishment of new liturgical feasts in devotional offices in their private chapels .
6 Others looked back further in time , perhaps to the late-Victorian era , with the long-term failure to invest , to engage in industrial or technical training , to develop new industries , or perhaps to create an industrial or business-minded culture at all .
7 I can not express to you the charm that hangs about a mountain like Ben Each as the mists swathe its rocky sides ; they rise , they fall , they whirl , they soar as on wings of light , they cast shadows , they give grand mystery , and anon reveal some hidden dell , some great bare precipice , or perhaps display a glowing patch of verdure .
8 You may be attracted by an advertisement in your local paper , or perhaps reading the nursing press has aroused your interest .
9 sometimes a metalpoint would have a point at either end of the stylus , for sake of balance , or perhaps containing a different type of metalpoint .
10 It was he who ended the war with Athens , or perhaps turned the hot war into a cold one ( because satraps continued to subvert Athenian-supported democracies in Anatolia ) : after the Persian recovery of Egypt in the 450s Athenian aggression against Persia was checked , except for a brief campaign in Cyprus at the end of the 450s .
11 Try smaller local companies who might benefit from some publicity or for whom you could attract extra business or perhaps create an enduring and prestigious work of art .
12 The argument goes that if we had short-range nuclear weapons at the front , in the event of a rapid advance there would always be the danger that a commander would have no choice but to use those weapons , either because he could not get rid of them back to headquarters , or perhaps to start a nuclear conflagration .
13 ‘ Then I more or less let the whole thing drop , ’ he said .
14 There were no trends in death from cardiovascular or non-cardiovascular disease with length , though men whose length at birth was 20 inches ( 50.8 cm ) or less had a standardised mortality ratio of 103 from cardiovascular disease , compared with 93 in the remainder .
15 Erm we more or less know the young the young thug element as such .
16 I believed at the time that I more or less grasped the metaphorical implications of this , but after I had put the phone down I found I was not as clear as I should have hoped to be about exactly what was required of me in concrete practical terms .
17 This is conceptually similar but not identical to the phenomena described by Matza ( 1964 : 33–68 ) as the subculture of delinquency : both consist of ‘ precepts and customs that are delicately balanced between convention and crime ’ ; both ‘ posit objectives that may be attained through ( crime ) but also other means ’ ; both ‘ allow ( crime ) but it is not demanded or necessarily considered the preferred path ’ ; and both consist of ‘ norms and sentiments ’ which are ‘ beliefs that function as the extenuating conditions under which ( crime ) is permissible ’ .
18 It depends , however , … entirely on the attitude which we as conquerors adopt towards the conquered , whether we stop the free circulation in the body politic by our institutions or so organise the dependent races as to leave open opportunities for a proper exercise of the social ambitious instinct [ defined previously as the desire to exercise power over others for their own good ] on the part of the individual native leaders so endowed .
19 Or so goes the conventional wisdom .
20 Thousands of miles of Midland and East Anglian hedges have been ripped out in the last thirty years or so to accommodate the new agricultural demands and techniques .
21 According to market researchers the Gartner Group , it costs a company an astonishing £19,500 or so to run a single personal computer over a five-year period .
22 Every five years or so have a glorious clear out and throw all the old
23 Female sexuality causes men to lose self-control so that they cease to be responsible for their actions — or so runs the accepted wisdom .
24 Or so runs the common accusation .
25 On hearing about our plans for a summer course at Green Park in 1982 some 30 or so showed a positive interest in attending .
26 Once home , float their bag(s) in the tank , and after twenty minutes or so add a little tank water , repeating the process over the next hour or so until the fish have adjusted ( if necessary ) to your tank water .
27 It was never clear whether they were carrying out a routine sample spot check on the facilities or merely seeking a quick meal before a meeting .
28 This undertaking shall not apply to any information which we are required by law to disclose or which is in or hereafter enters the public domain otherwise than through our default .
29 This undertaking shall not apply to any information which we are required by law to disclose or which is in or hereafter enters the public domain otherwise than through our default .
30 Some people very frightened of their homosexual leanings may consciously or unconsciously enter a defensive marriage to protect themselves from these feelings .
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