Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] a [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 Set in places where many things happen , these films followed multiple story lines in a way that clearly anticipates a later staple of TV drama programming .
2 Moreover , rather than simply reflecting a stronger relationship between risk and memory at higher levels of risk , the relationship visible in Figure 4.6 actually has both a negative and a positive component .
3 Super Plus Unleaded ( minimum octane of 98 ) is for a small number of cars that actually need a higher octane unleaded fuel or that have not been specifically adjusted to run on 95 Octane Unleaded .
4 ‘ Oh , Ellie , ’ she whispered as she twisted to and fro to get a better look .
5 This new department , specifically created to raise the profile and thereby create a stronger image for the HCIMA , is working towards greater awareness of the Association and its activities , to promote membership , introduce new ( and enhance existing ) services , and to advise and assist all departments and branches to ensure the HCIMA is market and member led .
6 In many respects the adoption of this approach increases the problems of containment and control and thereby demands a greater degree of commitment .
7 Further research is required if we are to understand better the process of early retirement in a variety of circumstances and thereby build a sounder basis for policy .
8 For example , salesmen and/or engineers will be trained to sell and/or service a specific product in which they may develop technical expertise and thereby offer a better sales and after-sales service to customers ;
9 Companies justify the cost in employee time in terms of improved public relations and eventually recruiting a better trained work force .
10 It is in this sense that the former has a greater valency and so constitutes a better learning investment .
11 The group invites specialists to assist in writing these documents and so encourages a wider circle of advisers on the issues we discuss .
12 The government 's aim is evidently to shift the taxation of motorists on to petrol ; this will link the tax more closely to vehicle use , and so provide a greater incentive to economise on fuel .
13 What 's more , we 'll give families the economic and technical support they need to irrigate land , grow crops , raise livestock and so provide a better future for their children .
14 Hence they are more liquid than money market deposits and so carry a lower interest rate .
15 Shin/instep protectors which close with velcro are more heavily padded than the tube variety and so allow a greater leeway in impact .
16 Once unfurled , his wings beat aster than the female 's and so produce a higher hum .
17 This interruption , or interrupt , takes the form of automatically switching the control unit from its current sequence of instructions to a separate sequence of instructions , whose task is to deal with the completion of the transput operation ( and perhaps to initiate a further such operation ) .
18 This gives an opportunity for your message to gain more attention from the reader and perhaps to make a deeper impression .
19 He was the most recent recruit into H3 , and only had a Lower Second from Aston .
20 The intention is that students of elaborate structures in language should be able to construct them as well as receive and consume them , if only to achieve a better understanding of how poems are made .
21 A smaller relative is the clouded leopard ( top right ) ; the snow leopard ( bottom right ) has adapted to life at up to 20,000ft ( 6,096 m ) and generally has a thicker coat .
22 A junior hacksaw is useful in confined spaces and generally makes a cleaner cut , though it can be hard work to use .
23 Although using hydrogel lenses to administer medication increases the bioavailability of the drug and thus allows a lower dose to be given , the treatment is expensive and problems may arise if long periods of extended wear are necessary .
24 The present policy of the UK government towards the exchange rate , to which we alluded in Section 9.5.1 , is to prevent depreciation , and one of the reasons for this policy is an anxiety that a depreciating pound would raise costs of imports and thus cause a further deterioration in the inflationary situation .
25 To a certain extent this bias is rectified in the snowball samples as those interviewed were in various stages of involvement in heroin use and thus show a greater degree of variation in terms of both their social and heroin career profiles .
26 Experience of this nature may reduce the reliance of less developed countries on goods imported from abroad ; local manufacturers may be able to satisfy local market needs by intelligent marketing , and thus gain a larger share of the local market than before , with consequent results for local levels of production and the economy generally .
27 This would enable them to produce more , without a commensurate increase in effort , and thus earn a higher wage or salary .
28 LDCs ' governments also insisted on domestically-generated funds being used to finance economic development programmes and thus sought a greater degree of control over the operations of British banks .
29 Medicine , while still based on plants , became more and more sophisticated as knowledge accumulated , especially with the introduction of printing , which meant that information could be passed on exactly , instead of inaccurately , by hearsay , and thus provided a bigger and bigger base from which to work .
30 The second is that the research is part of the total scientific oeuvre , and thus has a wider value .
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