Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] went [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Or you went up the fire escape , which had fifty two steps , to go up .
2 ACROSS 1 Give bad reviews to dumb show — he might be in this ( 9 ) 6 Old-time US lawyer and rocker ( 5 ) 9 Reversing of French vehicle went quickly ( 5 ) 10 Dynamic object contains fungus ( 9 ) 11 Main entrance where he went Up the third time ? ( 3,5 ) 12 Baldwin shortly takes on church position ( 6 ) 14 The man himself ( 7,6 ) 16 New sandpit from E. Europe used to treat shoes ( 4,3,6 ) 21 Gauges placing a thousand rows ( 6 ) 22 Seller hears another way to say in other words ( 8 ) 25 Phone round Esquire readers with article on things observed ( 9 ) 26 One lady posed as the one with tattoos ( 5 ) 27 Equipment in ship for sketches he 's appeared in ( 5 ) 28 One put her away immediately ( 9 )
3 The drive was tree-lined , so they went down the farther side , only visible now and then .
4 And when I er went to go on me own er I still wanted to keep in the union and I went down the Locksmiths ' union , which was in the market place , and they said they er we could n't , we could n't have you in the union if you go on your own erm there 's another denomination or something , was something that you 'd have to join or something like that and be on your own .
5 Well er as I say , I 've always been a union member but then when I was self-employed it was different and I kept me fees up for a , to somewhere I do n't know what it was , but er when er yes , when er I was coming to come on me own and I went down the locksmith 's to see about it and they said er , what did they say now , they said you could n't do that , whatever it was , and er we 'll have to do this and that and the other .
6 I got up , washed , dressed , and Benjamin and I went down the great sweeping wooden staircase .
7 There was a lot of undergrowth to be cleared so Stephen and I went down the following Saturday ( 17/10/92 ) to cut down and burn the weeds .
8 The clock struck one and I went down the lunch in Hall .
9 Well that , that 's why I think I went down so hard when I did n't get that job cos she said , I , I took , I took the erm , I went , I was the first , to go , first of all I did n't put in for this job it 's one that 's been laying around since last September , I wrote to , kept to St. Mary 's for this mental health thing and I got in touch with this Mrs and she said I 've got nothing I can offer you at the moment but I , I will be in touch and I went down the job centre one day and erm , there was this thing to say that they wanted mental nurses
10 When Jean and I went down the toaster was put on .
11 David and I went out the other Wednesday , he said .
12 ‘ But why should Joe Maitland do that if 'e went ter the fights 'imself ? ’
13 If you went up the railway embankment at night , he said , you could look straight into the window of the room Uncle Titch had given her and see her getting undressed .
14 if you went home the day before Philip goes to get everything ready for him so you have n't
15 And they went down the shelter .
16 Ranulf scooped his dice into his leather wallet and they went down the spiral wooden staircase and into the hall .
17 Even if they went out the league they 'd get that number .
18 ‘ Hombre , hombre , hombre , ’ they chorused , urging her to take her man , and ‘ Que lenta , ’ they screamed when she failed to catch up with her number four , and he went up the field and scored to loud cheers .
19 yeah , and he went up the plot and he come back and he said cor you can have plenty old erm cold sheds that he could have got , I said what do you really think , I played a free hand , you mean mum and dad 's hand
20 So every night he put the snake through the air-vent , and it went down the bell-rope on to the bed .
21 If he went back the day would be done .
22 I tell ya , so I think we got out , we got our hair done and she wanted to go down to the mission so the hairdresser phoned a different taxi , we have this one up here , he took her down from there to the mission , cos he went down the back ways , you know ,
23 But I went down the bottom of this street , and the man stood there waiting for me .
24 Well I slightly lost myself because I went down the M eleven
25 Since he went there the figures have shown a quarter-by-quarter improvement .
26 Well not last week but the week before we went up the Harvester .
27 Well , we thought he 'd gone out , but apparently he must have got to the door just as the bomb landed , and the blast blew the door backwards , er the door inwards , knocked me dad backwards and at the back of him we had a cellar , but it went through this , the cellar door and although it turned round before it went down the cellar , he finished up down there because we did n't know this til after a while that me brother wou did n't offer to go out , so I went out think , to find where me dad was you see .
28 We arrived quite late on our first night and , when I went downstairs the next morning the waitress showed us to our table and said : ‘ Good morning , I think you were arriving at eleven o'clock last night . ’
29 When I was walking past the marsh one , one night , when I was on my way back from school I heard a rus rustling noise behind a bu bush , when I went up the , went up first to the bush a big dragon-like thing jumped out from behind the bush , it gave me such a fright I nearly fainted .
30 could n't tell you but er these cars turned up erm , there were n't no hearse and off they went and er course when I went up the garden to get some washing in Claire came up and er anyway she said er about Mr and I said well I assume it was him , I saw Mrs and she starts on about this dog barking out in the garden again !
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