Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb base] [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 But there is one scene where I fall over a sofa , which we added on the day of the shoot . ’
2 For me it begins to be noticeable at the railway station where I get off the train each evening , and becomes gradually stronger , like a magnetic field , as I walk up the hill .
3 Come and see the sorcerer 's kitchen where I brew up the grotesque potions that make me a legend here . ’
4 ‘ They wanted a dramatic ending where I kill off the central character and they also did n't like me making fun of the audience .
5 This is the same as the main route until you come to the Great Moss area , but where you cross over the River Esk , continue to follow the river to its source at Esk Hause , where you rejoin the main route .
6 Meanwhile , those of you yet to take out a home-loan but thinking of doing so might be better off going for the repayment version where you pay off a little bit of the loan and interest as you go along .
7 Suppose your new washing machine is on the blink ; or your neighbour puts up a fence inside your boundary ; or you trip over a paving stone and break your leg .
8 You either hear this truth or you crawl along the ground looking for worms .
9 The only memories are of the long walk down from Parkhead Cross where we get off the bus we 've taken along the Gallowgate from the centre of town .
10 Celebration room — the room ( or space ) in which the catechists and sacred experience take place : where we gather round the Word of God and receive his message through symbol and example .
11 The girls continued to sing , ‘ Wallflower waltz , where we sit around the walls … ’
12 Before you throw away the plastic strap which holds a four-pack of cans away , snip each ring the straps can end up in ponds and rivers , where they catch around the legs of waterfowl and wildlife , with potentially lethal consequences .
13 ‘ They find accommodation where they set up a nursery , then sit back and wait for the right opportunity to arise .
14 The significant event is the landing of Goodbody 's patrol behind enemy lines in North Africa , where they set up an ‘ advanced-area cricket pitch ’ , for the purpose of ‘ morale ’ and to impress a visiting military VIP as ‘ a small patch of sanity ’ .
15 The children , their father Jim and other members of the first UK medical expedition to Everest , were on Aonach Mor , near Fort William , yesterday where they set up an imitation base camp for the benefit of the press and potential sponsors .
16 This method brings library users into the actual building , where they carry out a series of practical tasks concerned with location of materials , photocopying , use of catalogues , borrowing routines and so on .
17 Rain said : ‘ My conscience dictates that I drive down the Cap and interview Peter Leary .
18 I blow out so hard that I mist up the windscreen .
19 It was with the idea of learning to judge distances that I set out the next morning .
20 At times I feel so tired that I throw down the pen in despair ; but it is soon taken up again , and , like a pygmy Antaeus , it seems to have imbibed fresh vigour from its prostration .
21 ‘ Yes , ’ she replied tersely , ‘ I 'll make sure that I draw up a balance sheet next time .
22 Despite the two question marks that I put over the Bill , I believe that the Government are right to proceed with the reforms that it contains .
23 I asked Alan to fish the first drift , in order to settle down , and towards the end he suggested that I put up the dap .
24 You want that I turn up the sound ? ’
25 Having made such progress in Sheffield , I felt it was time to move back to home ground , so I set up a CHE group in Rotherham .
26 Back at the tent it is getting late , so I set up the Trangia and cook myself a meal .
27 The lump is not ready to answer , so I turn up the pressure : ‘ He ai n't gon na say nothing .
28 Although we are now debating a piece of works legislation , it represents a major reform of parliamentary procedure , so I put down a marker at this stage to the effect that the Minister should be more forthcoming in considering whether we should have new procedures for dealing with orders .
29 Big men do n't cry so the saying goes , so I hold back the tears — but they 're there none the less .
30 I could really do with a bit of a sit down and summat to drink , so I go down the driveway into the station .
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