Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb base] [prep] him " in BNC.

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1 Where I differ from him is on the nature of the collection as a whole , which to me seems a collection of poems differing in method and indeed quality , written over a period of years , and having two distinct sequences , to the Friend and to the ‘ Dark Lady ’ .
2 I greeted my cousin 's suggestion that I drive with him and his family to Italy for a skiing holiday with some apprehension .
3 ‘ You 're suggesting that I go to him ? ’ she 'd hissed .
4 It is most urgent that I speak to him . ’
5 The Prime Minister answered a question that I put to him earlier this year by referring to the fact that he did not believe that I live in the real world .
6 I think that is actually something that I like about him , the fact that he left school early , that he did actually have to struggle .
7 " Alas , it 's not physical danger that I fear for him or rather , I fear that too , but since we are all in God 's hands I trust that He will not forsake us no , it 's another danger that I fear for him .
8 " Alas , it 's not physical danger that I fear for him or rather , I fear that too , but since we are all in God 's hands I trust that He will not forsake us no , it 's another danger that I fear for him .
9 I think , ’ she added thoughtfully , ‘ that I take after him . ’
10 They say the child is father to the man ; yet looking back , across those immensities , those aeons , separating myself now from myself then , I can see almost nothing that I owe to him , almost nothing we have in common .
11 On the substantive point , my hon. Friend will know that I agree with him , for I refused earlier this week to agree in Europe to the sort of laws that would have had the effect my hon. Friend sets out .
12 I am sure that the hon. Member for South Shields will be pleased to hear that I agree with him on that .
13 I have of late had two letters from him , in which he has shown such an easy and familiar way of expressing his thoughts , such a delight for improvement and so much exactness and dilligence in the making of observations that I look upon him to go onward with a curiosity and genious superior to most of his occupation .
14 And he demands that I create for him a mate , a gigantic Eve to give him solace . ’
15 So I cook for him , it 's a cross and a penance .
16 In every session that you undertake with him , Daley explains his ideas .
17 Well , I suggest that Toby arranges to be on the trip and that you go with him , either as his close friend or in your professional capacity as a caddie , or a bit of both . ’
18 I 'm grateful that you listen to him , and do not treat him like a fool just because he is old . ’
19 For to choose a man on the ground that you agree with him more than his rivals is quite clearly to choose a representative ; moreover , the set of people who agree with a candidate comes to look very like a party as soon as they concert their actions .
20 The fact that you report through him is nothing more than a formula to save his face .
21 So you talk to him , eh ? ’
22 The how we come to Jesus , the why 's we come to him are not the important thing , the real issue is that we come to him .
23 ‘ Provided that we suffer with him , ’ says Paul , reminding us , perhaps , that the agonising context in which Jesus is actually recorded as calling God ‘ Abba ’ is in the Garden of Gethsemane .
24 He repeats it in 4:13 , ‘ This is how we know that we remain in him , and he in us , because he has given us a portion of his Spirit . ’
25 And if Pound so blithely overlooks that difference , does n't that mean that we have in him a critic who attends to form , to style , at the expense of what that form and that style are used so as to convey ?
26 The airmail letters which he exchanges with his liberal friends in England tell a worse story of them than they do of him , and hark back in fine style to that golden time when such friends used to kneel in London mosques with Michael X and other celebrities , squinting up at the Heavyweight Champion of the World 's effulgent arse .
27 But he can see from their eyes that they look upon him now as someone who will transcend the collective and desert it .
28 He should have insisted that he go with him .
29 He weighs 20 stone , and I worry about him being so overweight .
30 and dumb and I speak to him like a goldfish .
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